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Something positive! (Mrs Chizik)


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I'll leave judgement of Chiz's bride's thoughts to others but will go on record saying.....essentially this reinforces what I have ALWAYS believed. Its always OK for coaches' wives and mothers to be seen...but never heard. Their opinions and voices only make things worse. Her thoughts, though well intentioned Im sure, wont help here!

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Bottom line:

Chizik - Paid millions to win football games. PERIOD! (same goes for every other coach on this team)

Players - Scholarship, fully paid, to the best University in the US.

Players are not bonding, winning or leading. Who is to blame? COACHES!

We need to throw money at a Top Tier coach. Let him bring in his own staff (hopefully leave BVG) and start over.

We got the talent, now lets get the "W's"

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Going out on a limb here, but what I think she meant by the whole "Satan stole from us" comment is that in 2010, we were sitting on top of the college football world. Then came the scandals, the media slander and the dragging of Cam's name through the mud. Auburn was falsely accused of "buying" a championship. This stigma is still with us today, and it has been made even more prominent due to our win-loss record since Cam went pro. The media continues to put a spotlight on every little issue that goes on in Auburn. I understand the spotlight on the shootings, as that was a national story, but why was there so much coverage on Pike's public intox, or Dismukes, or Jonathan Rose's decision to transfer. These things happen at all schools, but you don't seem them on ESPN. For whatever reason, the media took it personal that Auburn won a NC with Cam, and they set out to tarnish our schools image, and they continue this today. You would think that being 1-4 would take you out of the spotlight, but apparently not if you are Auburn.

Mrs. Chizik is asking for the Auburn Family to act like a family. She is asking that we use Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to rally support for this team. I am just as guilty as most in the fact that I have lost a lot of faith in our coaches, and that I am severely disappointed in our performance this year. That said, I still believe in Auburn, and love it!!! This is what the bammers cannot understand, and will never understand, about the Auburn Family. We love our school in good times and bad. They are so jealous that they do not have this. I remember their fans wearing grocery bags over their heads at games! The bammers only love their team/school when they are winning. We cannot stoop to this level.

I don't know if we'll make coaching changes this year. I have no control over that. I think it is obvious by reading my posts that I believe we made a mistake hiring Loeffler, but I am not in a position to change that. All I can do is continue wearing my Orange and Blue, flying my flag, saying "War Eagle" to anyone I see wearing Auburn gear, and hoping that we can turn this season around.

War Eagle, now and forever!!! All In Forever! Now, go spread the news that the Auburn Family will not bury our heads under grocery bags, and the media that is continuing to put us down can suck it!!

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I think she posted this from a positive, humble, and loving heart. Stop all the hate people, for real. She is just encouraging Auburn fans to support the team. Sure, if we are 4-1 it's a little easier to see, but to pile on just because her husband's future is tied to how 18/21 y olds play a game on Saturday is unfair. Cmon.

I agree 100%, this is crazy I have never seen the auburn family like its been lately. This sounds like (the other school in this state) when mike shula was there. UNITY WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL
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Going out on a limb here, but what I think she meant by the whole "Satan stole from us" comment is that in 2010, we were sitting on top of the college football world. Then came the scandals, the media slander and the dragging of Cam's name through the mud. Auburn was falsely accused of "buying" a championship. This stigma is still with us today, and it has been made even more prominent due to our win-loss record since Cam went pro. The media continues to put a spotlight on every little issue that goes on in Auburn. I understand the spotlight on the shootings, as that was a national story, but why was there so much coverage on Pike's public intox, or Dismukes, or Jonathan Rose's decision to transfer. These things happen at all schools, but you don't seem them on ESPN. For whatever reason, the media took it personal that Auburn won a NC with Cam, and they set out to tarnish our schools image, and they continue this today. You would think that being 1-4 would take you out of the spotlight, but apparently not if you are Auburn.

Mrs. Chizik is asking for the Auburn Family to act like a family. She is asking that we use Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to rally support for this team. I am just as guilty as most in the fact that I have lost a lot of faith in our coaches, and that I am severely disappointed in our performance this year. That said, I still believe in Auburn, and love it!!! This is what the bammers cannot understand, and will never understand, about the Auburn Family. We love our school in good times and bad. They are so jealous that they do not have this. I remember their fans wearing grocery bags over their heads at games! The bammers only love their team/school when they are winning. We cannot stoop to this level.

I don't know if we'll make coaching changes this year. I have no control over that. I think it is obvious by reading my posts that I believe we made a mistake hiring Loeffler, but I am not in a position to change that. All I can do is continue wearing my Orange and Blue, flying my flag, saying "War Eagle" to anyone I see wearing Auburn gear, and hoping that we can turn this season around.

War Eagle, now and forever!!! All In Forever! Now, go spread the news that the Auburn Family will not bury our heads under grocery bags, and the media that is continuing to put us down can suck it!!

Note to 97......Auburn has always a team that nobody is pulling for to win but its players, students and alumni. Pat Dye made that comment back in the 80s. It was true before Dye got there and its still true today. I cant tell you why that's the case but it is and its not going to change. Its not something that is a brand new development so dont let it get to you.WDE!!!!

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Social media can be extremely powerful. Particularly when people will take your statement and turn it into what ever they want it to be..........being well intentioned doesn't really matter.

I'm all about the freedom of speech, but everyone involved on any level with this team needs to step away from social media and STAY AWAY FROM IT, FOREVER.


I've been saying this for a long, long time.

It's high time MR. Chizik put a giant fist down, stop anyone directly involved with HIS football program from voicing their feelings, concern, support, analysis, frustrations, etc. from using ANY public forum, period. Enough is enough!

Please, please Coach - put a stop to this.

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I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

Well said, my friend.

I think what she is basically saying is that Satan has stolen the "Family" from Auburn. All of the the talk about being All In and Family is really just talk when faced with adversity like the team is facing right now. If you think about it you wouldn't turn on a member of your family if they started having a tough time at work and things turned bad for them. I believe you would stand behind them and support them in any way that you could. None of us including the Chiziks are happy right now with what is happening. The bottom line is that when things are tough that is when family needs each other the most. The only thing is that right now when this coaching staff and team needs their "family" the most some of them are bailing on them. Not meaning to sound too preachy here but Satan loves to take advantage of people when they are down. That's when people try to justify their actions the most. When you are doing the right thing, your actions need no justification. Cut Mrs. Chizik some slack for the phrasing or analogy she uses. Truth is she may be pretty close to the truth. Coach Chizik is a man of faith and faithful men are the ones who are tested. He and the Auburn family are being tested right now. Are you "All In"? Do you walk the walk or simply talk the talk?

Well said, my friend.

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It's not about "wives," it's about people who are close to sensitive subjects but not responsible for what they're talking about. If the genders were reversed, it would be just as bad.

Her intentions are not the issue. Her theology sounds a little shallow to me -- I'm a little busy praying for my daughters and my father, not to mention the problem of poverty in this country and the world -- but it's probably what she believes. The issue is her judgment. (1) You just don't go there when you're in her position, not on social media. (2) You don't put things in a passive-aggressive way: "unite behind us" doesn't sound right when the question at hand is whether your husband is the problem or not; "the integrity of my heart" is just manipulative. (3) You have to know the reaction this will get. If you don't know, somebody needs to tell you.

You might say, "I'm praying for our guys as they struggle through a tough time, and I invite the Auburn Family to pray too." Who would complain about that? But this is embarrassing, whatever her good intentions were.

And for the record, I have been praying for our coaches (since I'm pretty hard on them these days), and I'm not praying for Ms. Chizik. I hate for anyone to go through this. But I can't defend her.

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Bottom line:

Chizik - Paid millions to win football games. PERIOD! (same goes for every other coach on this team)

Players - Scholarship, fully paid, to the best University in the US.

Players are not bonding, winning or leading. Who is to blame? COACHES!

We need to throw money at a Top Tier coach. Let him bring in his own staff (hopefully leave BVG) and start over.

We got the talent, now lets get the "W's"


If there is discontent and players who are unmanageable, the coaches (particularly the head coach) is the only one to blame. This isn't the NFL, the players here are amateurs who are looking to get the tools they need to be the best they can be and have the best possible shot to get to the next level. The coaches are not doing that. I support these players and actually feel bad that our coaching staff is clearly not giving them the guidance, structure and the fundamentals needed to be the best they can be both on and off the field. We need to clean house.

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Going out on a limb here, but what I think she meant by the whole "Satan stole from us" comment is that in 2010, we were sitting on top of the college football world. Then came the scandals, the media slander and the dragging of Cam's name through the mud. Auburn was falsely accused of "buying" a championship. This stigma is still with us today, and it has been made even more prominent due to our win-loss record since Cam went pro. The media continues to put a spotlight on every little issue that goes on in Auburn. I understand the spotlight on the shootings, as that was a national story, but why was there so much coverage on Pike's public intox, or Dismukes, or Jonathan Rose's decision to transfer. These things happen at all schools, but you don't seem them on ESPN. For whatever reason, the media took it personal that Auburn won a NC with Cam, and they set out to tarnish our schools image, and they continue this today. You would think that being 1-4 would take you out of the spotlight, but apparently not if you are Auburn.

Mrs. Chizik is asking for the Auburn Family to act like a family. She is asking that we use Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to rally support for this team. I am just as guilty as most in the fact that I have lost a lot of faith in our coaches, and that I am severely disappointed in our performance this year. That said, I still believe in Auburn, and love it!!! This is what the bammers cannot understand, and will never understand, about the Auburn Family. We love our school in good times and bad. They are so jealous that they do not have this. I remember their fans wearing grocery bags over their heads at games! The bammers only love their team/school when they are winning. We cannot stoop to this level.

I don't know if we'll make coaching changes this year. I have no control over that. I think it is obvious by reading my posts that I believe we made a mistake hiring Loeffler, but I am not in a position to change that. All I can do is continue wearing my Orange and Blue, flying my flag, saying "War Eagle" to anyone I see wearing Auburn gear, and hoping that we can turn this season around.

War Eagle, now and forever!!! All In Forever! Now, go spread the news that the Auburn Family will not bury our heads under grocery bags, and the media that is continuing to put us down can suck it!!

Note to 97......Auburn has always a team that nobody is pulling for to win but its players, students and alumni. Pat Dye made that comment back in the 80s. It was true before Dye got there and its still true today. I cant tell you why that's the case but it is and its not going to change. Its not something that is a brand new development so dont let it get to you.WDE!!!!

AUGrad - I completely agree with your take on the "satan" thing. I am not very religious but the amount of hatred sent AU's way since 2010 is unbelievable.

BlueVue - It is not as bad as you think. No one outside of bama alum (all 3 of them), fans, players (those who had a choice) pull for them. Same with ND, TX, USC and about any other school. We get much more hatred directed towards us by media outlets than these schools, but honestly, we (nor any other school) should rely on anyone other than those associated with the school to pull for us. Dye was right when he said that, but it is kind of an obvious point - at least to me.

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I don't believe that God cares one way or another about who wins a football game.

I don't believe that Satan/Buddah/DalaiLama/Harikrishna/Allah cares one way or another about who wins a football game.
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...because, Jesus loves us and wants us to be happy (about a leisure sport).

Unfortunately (for our happiness sake) that principle is nowhere in the Bible.

In spite of the bad theological application, Auburn people would always be better served to act like grown men and women. Persevere. Keep our priorities and emotions in check and evaluate things at due time (the end of season). That doesn't mean you have to like where we are. If you can't take the journey through the valley, turn the tv off, make other plans or give your tickets to less fortunate people who would like to experience a game.

If we call ourselves Christians and are worried or emotionally distraught about AU football, other teams football, the election or anything else, then we have sin to confess, plain and simple. That goes for fans, players, player parents and coaches and their families.

Who knows, maybe this is the season thousands of us AU fans refocus our priorities. Wouldn't that be a good thing?

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I think that the fact that this thread is now 5 pages long, with most of the Auburn Family calling her a lunatic, is making her point for her. This message board is an example of "social media", and it has taken a very negative turn this season. I am just as guilty as anyone else. I'm not so sure it is Satan, but something has gotten a hold of our Auburn Family, and is turning us against each other. I have seen thread after thread of Auburn people going after each other over opinions. I have seen outright anger and name-calling over something as simple as a comment on hiring/firing a coach. Bash away if you want, but a lot of this behavior is "bammerish". I'm not saying we all hold hands and sing the alma mater, but something has changed within our family, and it's not a good change.

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Going out on a limb here, but what I think she meant by the whole "Satan stole from us" comment is that in 2010, we were sitting on top of the college football world. Then came the scandals, the media slander and the dragging of Cam's name through the mud. Auburn was falsely accused of "buying" a championship. This stigma is still with us today, and it has been made even more prominent due to our win-loss record since Cam went pro. The media continues to put a spotlight on every little issue that goes on in Auburn. I understand the spotlight on the shootings, as that was a national story, but why was there so much coverage on Pike's public intox, or Dismukes, or Jonathan Rose's decision to transfer. These things happen at all schools, but you don't seem them on ESPN. For whatever reason, the media took it personal that Auburn won a NC with Cam, and they set out to tarnish our schools image, and they continue this today. You would think that being 1-4 would take you out of the spotlight, but apparently not if you are Auburn.

Mrs. Chizik is asking for the Auburn Family to act like a family. She is asking that we use Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to rally support for this team. I am just as guilty as most in the fact that I have lost a lot of faith in our coaches, and that I am severely disappointed in our performance this year. That said, I still believe in Auburn, and love it!!! This is what the bammers cannot understand, and will never understand, about the Auburn Family. We love our school in good times and bad. They are so jealous that they do not have this. I remember their fans wearing grocery bags over their heads at games! The bammers only love their team/school when they are winning. We cannot stoop to this level.

I don't know if we'll make coaching changes this year. I have no control over that. I think it is obvious by reading my posts that I believe we made a mistake hiring Loeffler, but I am not in a position to change that. All I can do is continue wearing my Orange and Blue, flying my flag, saying "War Eagle" to anyone I see wearing Auburn gear, and hoping that we can turn this season around.

War Eagle, now and forever!!! All In Forever! Now, go spread the news that the Auburn Family will not bury our heads under grocery bags, and the media that is continuing to put us down can suck it!!

Someone asked me the other day what constituted a TRUE Auburn fan. The answer is ^^this guy^^. If you think that buying a bunch of goodies with AU pasted on them, or bumper stickers or license plates, or even name your pets after Auburn players makes you a great fan all the while rushing to message boards, or calling the Finebaum show to bash the university, AD, or coaches just because we are having a rough season, or simply because you are jealous you aren't having the same success or getting the love and attention as the school across the state...then you need to re-evaluate your situation and re-read the post above.

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I just want to know if she has the computer in the kitchen or if she snuck out of the kitchen while Gene was gone... Either way... Make me a samich!!!

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I am actually surprised at the number of positive responses to it. I agree with the positive responses.

I expect and am not surprised by the negative responses just because of the nature of message boards.

I think that the fact that this thread is now 5 pages long, with most of the Auburn Family calling her a lunatic, is making her point for her. This message board is an example of "social media", and it has taken a very negative turn this season. I am just as guilty as anyone else. I'm not so sure it is Satan, but something has gotten a hold of our Auburn Family, and is turning us against each other. I have seen thread after thread of Auburn people going after each other over opinions. I have seen outright anger and name-calling over something as simple as a comment on hiring/firing a coach. Bash away if you want, but a lot of this behavior is "bammerish". I'm not saying we all hold hands and sing the alma mater, but something has changed within our family, and it's not a good change.

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I'm puzzled. I'm pretty sure that after the presidential election, some people are going to be complaining about the winner. Right now, lots of patriotic people say they want the current President "fired." No one says that's unpatriotic, even though we happen to be at war. I happen to support the President and will vote for him, but I don't consider his critics necessarily unpatriotic.

A true Auburn person can love the University, support its coaches, and support the team -- all the while voicing basic criticisms. I think Chizik needs to go, and I've said so. I've not once insulted him or his character. I have gratitude and admiration for him. And I will continue to cheer for the team and hope he succeeds. Bottom line: I hope he proves me wrong; I really do.

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Going out on a limb here, but what I think she meant by the whole "Satan stole from us" comment is that in 2010, we were sitting on top of the college football world. Then came the scandals, the media slander and the dragging of Cam's name through the mud. Auburn was falsely accused of "buying" a championship. This stigma is still with us today, and it has been made even more prominent due to our win-loss record since Cam went pro. The media continues to put a spotlight on every little issue that goes on in Auburn. I understand the spotlight on the shootings, as that was a national story, but why was there so much coverage on Pike's public intox, or Dismukes, or Jonathan Rose's decision to transfer. These things happen at all schools, but you don't seem them on ESPN. For whatever reason, the media took it personal that Auburn won a NC with Cam, and they set out to tarnish our schools image, and they continue this today. You would think that being 1-4 would take you out of the spotlight, but apparently not if you are Auburn.

Mrs. Chizik is asking for the Auburn Family to act like a family. She is asking that we use Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets to rally support for this team. I am just as guilty as most in the fact that I have lost a lot of faith in our coaches, and that I am severely disappointed in our performance this year. That said, I still believe in Auburn, and love it!!! This is what the bammers cannot understand, and will never understand, about the Auburn Family. We love our school in good times and bad. They are so jealous that they do not have this. I remember their fans wearing grocery bags over their heads at games! The bammers only love their team/school when they are winning. We cannot stoop to this level.

I don't know if we'll make coaching changes this year. I have no control over that. I think it is obvious by reading my posts that I believe we made a mistake hiring Loeffler, but I am not in a position to change that. All I can do is continue wearing my Orange and Blue, flying my flag, saying "War Eagle" to anyone I see wearing Auburn gear, and hoping that we can turn this season around.

War Eagle, now and forever!!! All In Forever! Now, go spread the news that the Auburn Family will not bury our heads under grocery bags, and the media that is continuing to put us down can suck it!!

Someone asked me the other day what constituted a TRUE Auburn fan. The answer is ^^this guy^^. If you think that buying a bunch of goodies with AU pasted on them, or bumper stickers or license plates, or even name your pets after Auburn players makes you a great fan all the while rushing to message boards, or calling the Finebaum show to bash the university, AD, or coaches just because we are having a rough season, or simply because you are jealous you aren't having the same success or getting the love and attention as the school across the state...then you need to re-evaluate your situation and re-read the post above.

Thanks, JohnnyAU. War Eagle to ya!

Honestly, I try to be the best Auburn fan, and Auburn Man, I can be. I slip sometimes, and let my emotions get the best of me. I have started a new ritual of not posting anything until Monday's, giving myself time to "climb down off the ledge" so to speak. I used to jump on the message boards during the game, firing off posts/tweets/comments that really were just uncalled for. It was a bad habit, and it was really affecting me in a bad way.

Sure, we have problems on this team. Players, coaches, AD, whatever. I trust that these problems will be dealt with one way or another, and Auburn will continue to be the place I love.

Now, let's get our first SEC win, and beat the Colonel Rebel Bears, or whatever they are!!

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Don't know if you guys saw it but Mrs Chizik posted this on her facebook page. Really great stuff if you ask me. This is what it's all about. WDE!!!

As you can probably tell from the majority of replies to your post, there is nothing positive that you can say or point to at this time that will not be greeted with negativity, derision and cynicism. For many (I don't think most...but many), the idea of the AU Family really is nothing more than a catch phrase. Those people have never thought about what family actually means...or maybe they just come from dysfunctional families.

I'm not particularly religious myself, but I was raised in the church and I understand exactly what Mrs. Chizik is saying here. She sees the negativity as the work of Satan. Based on her faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ, she believes in love, forgiveness and support. She understands that the Jesus of the Holy Bible did not spend His time on earth rubbing elbows with the rich or the high and mighty but instead sought out and ministered to the poor, the diseased and the downtrodden. She believes that Satan is at work in hearts and minds of many who think they are faithful.

As I said, I'm not particularly religious. What I see is just cynics and people piling on. Basic human nature...in all its ugliness. But I do understand where Mrs. Chizik is coming from. And I'm saddened at the reactions that seem to be in the majority on this board in response.

I wonder if she knows exactly where satan is?

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Who has taken away the AU offensive attack?

Who has taken away the fierce defense that empowered the AU team?

Who has taken away the years of owning Bama?

Hmmm..oh...I don't know....could it be....



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