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Administrative Positions?


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The AD is not cleaned out totally. Jacobs and Jackson are still there.

Jackson is working in the TUF or something like that. But, nevertheless, he's still employed by AU (which is still bad). I think he is due to have his 25 in by summer '13. Jay is due to have his 25 in sometime this year. We may actually see some new faces by then or after then. We'll probably have the same ol' token hires, to make sure the the money folks make more money off of Auburn.

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I hope BVG told Gus or Rodney about the time he had to throw Wayne Bolt out of a meeting room where he was having a meeting with his defensive players.

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I hope BVG told Gus or Rodney about the time he had to throw Wayne Bolt out of a meeting room where he was having a meeting with his defensive players.

completely irrelevant.

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I just didn't know if we had any idea who would take Wayne Bolt's place.

I have sent in my resume. I will keep you posted.

You'd be an upgrade!

I just didn't know if we had any idea who would take Wayne Bolt's place.

I have sent in my resume. I will keep you posted.

You'd be an upgrade!

Well first of all 10 never actually played football. I believe he was waterboy for the girls softball team for one year in high school. So be careful what you wish for.

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I just didn't know if we had any idea who would take Wayne Bolt's place.

I have sent in my resume. I will keep you posted.

You'd be an upgrade!

I just didn't know if we had any idea who would take Wayne Bolt's place.

I have sent in my resume. I will keep you posted.

You'd be an upgrade!

Well first of all 10 never actually played football. I believe he was waterboy for the girls softball team for one year in high school. So be careful what you wish for.

You must not have taken your med's today. You have come with weak sauce all day long. Get some rest old timer. You obviously need it.

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