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How many SEC teams would beat Notre Dame


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You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

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And just so you don't launch into the "you're crazy about the talent level!" thing. Please. Nix, Tuitt, Lewis-Moore, Teo, and Shembo are all going to have very, very long NFL careers (barring injury). At least 3 of those guys (Nix, Tuitt, and Teo) are going to be first/second round type of guys. They were loaded. They just got out-coached and out-played.

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The talent on Notre Dame's squad does not compare to Alabama. LSU, or GA. That so called talented front 7 of Notre Dame you guys are referring too looked like D-2 athletes against Lacy, Yeldon, and that O-line...

I can only hope that our O-line and backfield can yield that type of talent in the next few years

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And just so you don't launch into the "you're crazy about the talent level!" thing. Please. Nix, Tuitt, Lewis-Moore, Teo, and Shembo are all going to have very, very long NFL careers (barring injury). At least 3 of those guys (Nix, Tuitt, and Teo) are going to be first/second round type of guys. They were loaded. They just got out-coached and out-played.

Teo appears to be really overrated after examining last nights game he missed 7 tackles last night after missing only 3 all season. The NFL is filled with RBs that are as good or better than Lacy and Yeldon. Perhaps his play last night will give NFL teams pause on the talent level of ND players.

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And just so you don't launch into the "you're crazy about the talent level!" thing. Please. Nix, Tuitt, Lewis-Moore, Teo, and Shembo are all going to have very, very long NFL careers (barring injury). At least 3 of those guys (Nix, Tuitt, and Teo) are going to be first/second round type of guys. They were loaded. They just got out-coached and out-played.

Teo appears to be really overrated after examining last nights game he missed 7 tackles last night after missing only 3 all season. The NFL is filled with RBs that are as good or better than Lacy and Yeldon. Perhaps his play last night will give NFL teams pause on the talent level of ND players.

Agreed...He couldn't even get off blocks last night and it looked like the first time he actually had to go through some linemen instead of being able to freestyle most of the time

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Yeah, I'm sure one game will erase four years of dominant play. Fellas, again, you're deluding yourself if you think that's a team without talent.

LSU looked worse last year than ND this year, but LSU ran the table in the SEC before getting housed. That was a very, very good team Alabama beat the brakes off last night. Nix, Teo, and Tuitt will all be very, very high draft picks. That's not a mistake. They're all top level players. They just got punished last night by a better coaching staff and an OL that was better than any line in college football by a wide margin.

According to y'all's standard, UGA was an awful defense too, and Jarvis Jones probably won't cut it in the NFL. I mean, Lacy and Yeldon made them look worse than Notre Dame. They racked up over 300 yards rushing. If Bama did that to John Jenkins and Jarvis Jones, they must be overrated, right?

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It's not too much of a stretch to say that ND was way over-rated. They struggled against Pitt (who Ole Miss thumped), BYU, Michigan, USCw (with their 2nd string QB) and others. The Stanford game was gift from the refs. ND would struggle to be .500 in the SEC.

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Yeah, I'm sure one game will erase four years of dominant play. Fellas, again, you're deluding yourself if you think that's a team without talent.

LSU looked worse last year than ND this year, but LSU ran the table in the SEC before getting housed. That was a very, very good team Alabama beat the brakes off last night. Nix, Teo, and Tuitt will all be very, very high draft picks. That's not a mistake. They're all top level players. They just got punished last night by a better coaching staff and an OL that was better than any line in college football by a wide margin.

According to y'all's standard, UGA was an awful defense too, and Jarvis Jones probably won't cut it in the NFL. I mean, Lacy and Yeldon made them look worse than Notre Dame. They racked up over 300 yards rushing. If Bama did that to John Jenkins and Jarvis Jones, they must be overrated, right?

No I picked Georgia to embarrass ND also,,,

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Yeah, I'm sure one game will erase four years of dominant play. Fellas, again, you're deluding yourself if you think that's a team without talent.

LSU looked worse last year than ND this year, but LSU ran the table in the SEC before getting housed. That was a very, very good team Alabama beat the brakes off last night. Nix, Teo, and Tuitt will all be very, very high draft picks. That's not a mistake. They're all top level players. They just got punished last night by a better coaching staff and an OL that was better than any line in college football by a wide margin.

According to y'all's standard, UGA was an awful defense too, and Jarvis Jones probably won't cut it in the NFL. I mean, Lacy and Yeldon made them look worse than Notre Dame. They racked up over 300 yards rushing. If Bama did that to John Jenkins and Jarvis Jones, they must be overrated, right?

I certainly think ND has talent...just not NC caliber talent. They peaked ahead of schedule this year and they were lucky to get some things to go their way. I mean it was talked about often prior to the season would ND ever be relivant again like they were in the past....to the even get to the point of being close to going to a NC b/c of their academic standards and how they are limited b/c of that compared to other big time programs.

I think ND would've been competitive against LSU, UGA, & TX A&M but no i don't think they would've won. I think they beat FL...FL offense was suspect all season. I know Auburn fans who hate ND nearly as much as the turds b/c they don't like how ND is afforded some advantages/passes compared to other schools simply b/c of the past history and Gold/Blue. It is what it is..i tell them...but after the butt whooping they got last night...they're certainly going have to be more convincing during a season to be considered NC worthy again.

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Yeah, I'm sure one game will erase four years of dominant play. Fellas, again, you're deluding yourself if you think that's a team without talent.

LSU looked worse last year than ND this year, but LSU ran the table in the SEC before getting housed. That was a very, very good team Alabama beat the brakes off last night. Nix, Teo, and Tuitt will all be very, very high draft picks. That's not a mistake. They're all top level players. They just got punished last night by a better coaching staff and an OL that was better than any line in college football by a wide margin.

According to y'all's standard, UGA was an awful defense too, and Jarvis Jones probably won't cut it in the NFL. I mean, Lacy and Yeldon made them look worse than Notre Dame. They racked up over 300 yards rushing. If Bama did that to John Jenkins and Jarvis Jones, they must be overrated, right?

I certainly think ND has talent...just not NC caliber talent. They peaked ahead of schedule this year and they were lucky to get some things to go their way. I mean it was talked about often prior to the season would ND ever be relivant again like they were in the past....to the even get to the point of being close to going to a NC b/c of their academic standards and how they are limited b/c of that compared to other big time programs.

I think ND would've been competitive against LSU, UGA, & TX A&M but no i don't think they would've won. I think they beat FL...FL offense was suspect all season. I know Auburn fans who hate ND nearly as much as the turds b/c they don't like how ND is afforded some advantages/passes compared to other schools simply b/c of the past history and Gold/Blue. It is what it is..i tell them...but after the butt whooping they got last night...they're certainly going have to be more convincing during a season to be considered NC worthy again.

Geogia was a good FG kicker away from beating Bama in the Championship game. If their kicker would of hit the late fg in the first half he could of won it at the end of the game instead of the way the game ended...(Thats why you use a scholly on a PK)

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Yeah, I'm sure one game will erase four years of dominant play. Fellas, again, you're deluding yourself if you think that's a team without talent.

LSU looked worse last year than ND this year, but LSU ran the table in the SEC before getting housed. That was a very, very good team Alabama beat the brakes off last night. Nix, Teo, and Tuitt will all be very, very high draft picks. That's not a mistake. They're all top level players. They just got punished last night by a better coaching staff and an OL that was better than any line in college football by a wide margin.

According to y'all's standard, UGA was an awful defense too, and Jarvis Jones probably won't cut it in the NFL. I mean, Lacy and Yeldon made them look worse than Notre Dame. They racked up over 300 yards rushing. If Bama did that to John Jenkins and Jarvis Jones, they must be overrated, right?

Hey bammer they are saying what the whole country is saying right now, not trying to belittle your uat just saying what we all watched with our own eyes

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And just so you don't launch into the "you're crazy about the talent level!" thing. Please. Nix, Tuitt, Lewis-Moore, Teo, and Shembo are all going to have very, very long NFL careers (barring injury). At least 3 of those guys (Nix, Tuitt, and Teo) are going to be first/second round type of guys. They were loaded. They just got out-coached and out-played.

Maybe they will all have successful NFL careers, if so Bama should be in the playoffs going up to San Francisco Sunday rather than in the BCS.
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You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

I'm mostly with you on this. I grew up an ND fan and glad, unlike most, that they are relevant again---aside from their spanking last nite. ND has talent and good coaches as you and others mention here. Te'o obviously was not a factor last nite. but saying he was overrated after the schedule they played and the hardware he picked up last month is very shortsighted (later post, not yours). He may or may not make it as an impact player in the pros, but he certainly made an impression in the college ranks this year...just not last nite...his stats and hardware speak for themselves. If ever a defensive player deserved the Heisman, he did.

And the fact they won close games should not take away from the season they had. As I recall, we had a few very close games that we probably should have lost in our NC run. Same could be said for the Turds the year before us...UTk missed three FGs, any which would have won them the game. We lead the Turds the whole game until the last minute and a half. So it would seem winning some close games and having a little luck is part of it.

If Oregon and K. State had not lost after UAt did, we would not even be having this conversation.

And I certainly agree that the time off affected ND more than UAt...and I think there is more than a little to having been there and done that than some gave due last nite.

I hate them, but that was as impressive a win as I have seen. The only team I see beating them next year is A&M. And think we will probably have a repeat with UGA in the SEC champ. again too. Hopefully, I will be wrong here and we'll make our presence felt again.

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You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they

probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

Disagree! ND does not have SEC talent. Just wait for this and next years NFL draft, I am sure pro scouts will agree!

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You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they

probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

Disagree! ND does not have SEC talent. Just wait for this and next years NFL draft, I am sure pro scouts will agree!

Yeah sure. None of their players were recruited by any SEC schools. Do your homework.

Time will tell on the draft and who does and does not get drafted.

I am as big an SEC fan as anyone..but we had our butts handed to us in more than a couple of bowl games this year. UF supposedly has more than a few on defense that will play in the NFL next year...how did that work out for them in New Orleans? I think the same goes for ND.

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You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they

probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

Disagree! ND does not have SEC talent. Just wait for this and next years NFL draft, I am sure pro scouts will agree!

Yeah sure. None of their players were recruited by any SEC schools. Do your homework.

Time will tell on the draft and who does and does not get drafted.

I am as big an SEC fan as anyone..but we had our butts handed to us in more than a couple of bowl games this year. UF supposedly has more than a few on defense that will play in the NFL next year...how did that work out for them in New Orleans? I think the same goes for ND.

You fellas are deluding yourselves into thinking the layoff and the fast start didn't impact the final score. Notre Dame had as much talent in it's front seven as any team in the SEC, Bama included. Saban and that offensive line just schooled them. It happens.

Think about this. If LSU had come from a different conference last year (say, the Big 12) as an undefeated team and gotten spanked the way they did (basically never threatening to score, ever), you would've thought the same thing right? Multiple SEC teams looked better than the LSU team that no-showed for the national title game. But in reality, that was the best team in the conference over the regular season. Don't let one really, really bad game against a coach that clearly had his boys more prepared skew your view.

If they had played the full season in the SEC, that ND team would've been right there with Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, A&M, and South Carolina. They probably would've lost a game or two (just like every single team in the prior list), but they

probably would've scored a win against the conference elite as well (just like every single team in the prior list).

Disagree! ND does not have SEC talent. Just wait for this and next years NFL draft, I am sure pro scouts will agree!

Yeah sure. None of their players were recruited by any SEC schools. Do your homework.

Time will tell on the draft and who does and does not get drafted.

I am as big an SEC fan as anyone..but we had our butts handed to us in more than a couple of bowl games this year. UF supposedly has more than a few on defense that will play in the NFL next year...how did that work out for them in New Orleans? I think the same goes for ND.

There's a huge difference between being recruited by an SEC team and playing on and making a significant contributon on an SEC team.

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Well, if you really think ND has no SEC talent, then think that. My point was, they, like a lot of schools, recruit and have talented players. If some had come to an SEC school...like Tuitt, whom we recruited...I think he would have fit the bill...along with a number of others. While the SEC has dominated the BCS, mostly one team lately, the professional ranks are not made up solely of SEC talent. And his comment implies that if you are not SEC talent, then you are not going to get drafted. Like I said, time will tell.

At least this miserable season is over now.

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