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Hillary's Bumper Sticker,,,,,,,,,


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This is the next "first". Now we have to apologize to women. Next up after this eight year apology: an apology for being mean to Hispanics.

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This is the next "first". Now we have to apologize to women. Next up after this eight year apology: an apology for being mean to Hispanics.

So, I should only vote for a white male in order not to be an apologist? No more "firsts"? Is that too progressive?

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Is it your day to monitor this forum for Homer, bigben, and yourself?

No, I just typically do not understand where you are coming from. I apologize.

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No need to apologize. I was just aggravating you. ;D

I think you have answered the age old question: Why are we in the political forum? To aggravate and be aggravated. ;D Excellent job Weegs!

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Is it your day to monitor this forum for Homer, bigben, and yourself?

LOL. Look Hilary was a Senator for 8 years in a state she never lived and accomplished absolutely nothing during her term. When asked what accomplishment she was most proud of as Secretary of State not even she could give an answer other than burning up a helluva lot of jet

She got fired because of unethical conduct during the WaterGate investigation and probably should have been disbarred.


Hilary for president is just another awful progressive liberal political idea. They like her because if you disagree with her they can shout misogyny just like they shout racism now when you disagree with Barry. She has never accomplished anything in her political career other than winning a Senate seat and getting appointed to Secretary of State which led to the 1st loss of an ambassador abroad since 1988.

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Odds of her becoming next POTUS? I would say right now it's 60%+ ...

Which proves this country is in big trouble.

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College aged liberal girls and feminists will vote in droves for one reason only: gender.

Yep! Our society is so easily manipulated that I wonder if it matters anymore. :blink:

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Odds of her becoming next POTUS? I would say right now it's 60%+ ...

You might be a little premature with that even though I suspect that is the general consensus NOW. After the Benghazi investigation runs its course, it might just be 50/50 that she evens runs.

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Odds of her becoming next POTUS? I would say right now it's 60%+ ...

What difference does it make!?!??


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Odds of her becoming next POTUS? I would say right now it's 60%+ ...

What difference does it make!?!??


I agree with both thoughts, btw.

But once you step back, I think you will at least see a COMPETENT President. Bill will be there to guide. She will be restrained by an Opposition Congress. She will have to make deals, which in America, is how it is supposed to work. When her husband was in office, the Economy hummed, the people prospered, and we were not in any major wars. I know it wasnt perfect, but it was certainly FAR BETTER than the last 13 years of total Nucking Futz Incompetence we have been living thru. Once we get thru all the "First" stuff, we can get back to "Normalcy."

I have never voted for a Bush, and i intend to keep that streak going.

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"I have never voted for a Bush, and i intend to keep that streak going."

This explains everything in your post that preceded it. Hillary Clinton would be just as bad a president as Obama, only difference being, she wont have a majority in Congress. She's an incompetent government hanger on who hasn't accomplished squat in her entire political career. She won a Senate seat in a state she never lived by riding her husbands coat tails. Im beginning to believe this Benghazi investigation may put an end to her Presidential aspirations.

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I too think she goes down in the Benghazi investigation. That is the reason the Dems are desperately trying to sink the select committee. I predict once Panetta surfaces under oath the s*&it is going to hit the fan.

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I too think she goes down in the Benghazi investigation. That is the reason the Dems are desperately trying to sink the select committee. I predict once Panetta surfaces under oath the s*&it is going to hit the fan.

I dont really like Panetta, but i have never questioned integrity.

On the other hand, he is a Clinton Loyalist.

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