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Lennart Bengtsson resigns from the GWPF


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Lennart Bengtsson resigns from the GWPF

"Bengtsson believes that climate experts should not pretend to be more knowledgeable than they really are. ‘In case of the greenhouse effect there is an interaction between media, politics and science. Every group pushes the other groups. Science is under pressure because everyone wants our advice. However, we cannot give the impression that a catastrophe is imminent. The greenhouse effect is a problem that is here to stay for hundreds of years. Climate experts should have the courage to state that we are not yet sure. What is wrong with making that statement clear and loudly?’"


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Just be reminded..this is "settled science" :Sing:

" However, the main pressure came from the US, where a government employee refused to be a co-author on a paper because of his links to the controversial group."


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