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More screw ups with OBAMACARE


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Use the link. http://m.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/federal-health-care-subsidies-may-be-too-high-or-too-low-for-more-than-1-million-americans/2014/05/16/8f544992-dd14-11e3-8009-71de85b9c527_story.html All those 'poor people' that were supposed to be helped by OBAMACARE,,, if they get a job they have to pay back the subsidies. Where is the incentive to move on up.

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Just have a look at what is happening at the Veterans Administration Hospitals. Being the microcosm of a single payer system - THAT is exactly what healthcare in america will look like in 20 years...corrupt, calloused and ineffective. Everything between now and then is just part of the drift.

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