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Which promise does Obama wish to remember?


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Has this guy delivered on anything he promised? Other than deepening the racial divide, intensifying class warfare and using his pen and phone, my guess is he'd just as soon forget the rest! Nationalized healthcare is a noble intention but it will never equal what we had before Obama took it upon himself to fundamentally transform America. What is in place now, IMO, will never be as good for as many people as what we had prior to the passage of O-Care. Let us not forget there are STILL over 30 million uninsured that this law was supposed to address.


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"Fundamentally transform America.".. I think you can actually consider that a promise kept. Laws no longer mean anything; the white house is no longer accountable to the people; the press has it's nose so far up the president's ass he needs turn signals, carbon dioxide that we exhale is now a pollutant, the government can confiscate your data without probable cause...the list goes on...

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