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(confirmed) Carl Lawson - Knee Surgery


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Don't think we will need Lawson for the first 2 games(although Arky is not a push over) plus factor in the bye for week 3 and he should be able to return for the K-State game...that's only if the 6-8 week window that i keep hearing is correct

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If it's only 6-8 weeks, he's available for Arkansas. He had surgery on May 30. That's 13 weeks from opening kickoff.

If it's a torn meniscus (not just a clean-up), it's usually 6-8 weeks before full workouts begin and another 6 weeks until they're cleared for a game. That puts him out until at least the bye week.

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If your reading Carl we hate to hear this but we are all sending you positive vibes. Thanks for laying it all in the line for the team and us fans. It has been a pleasure to follow you through your recruiting and you first year of play. You stayed with Auburn under difficult circumstances and I for one will always remember that.

War Eagle

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Don't think we will need Lawson for the first 2 games(although Arky is not a push over) plus factor in the bye for week 3 and he should be able to return for the K-State game...that's only if the 6-8 week window that i keep hearing is correct

If it is just a cleanup, I think Carl will be playing in game one. I am a bit concerned since the staff has not made any comments that Carl's injury is a little more involved than we think.

Now, just a personal comment on the Arky game. We should pound Arky into the ground, with or without Carl. We all think AU has a good chance of making the 4 team playoff. If we do, we will need to be a whole lot better than Arky. Apparently the press feels the same way; early lines have AU a 3 touchdown favorite.

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I grew up with his step dad. He's saying torn ACL. It's not as bad as it could be, but he will probably be out this year. He wants to make sure it is completely healed before returning to the field. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but i don't believe it will be at the beginning of the year.

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I grew up with his step dad. He's saying torn ACL. It's not as bad as it could be, but he will probably be out this year. He wants to make sure it is completely healed before returning to the field. I guess we'll just have to wait and see, but i don't believe it will be at the beginning of the year.


Thanks for the info. Sad for Carl, and bad for us; but I also want him 100% healthy when he returns.

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If that's true, it was a misdiagnosis. You don't try to rest a torn ACL. You have surgery immediately. The fact that he was sitting in spring and trying less aggressive methods of rehab tells you they thought it was something else.

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Now, just a personal comment on the Arky game. We should pound Arky into the ground, with or without Carl. We all think AU has a good chance of making the 4 team playoff. If we do, we will need to be a whole lot better than Arky. Apparently the press feels the same way; early lines have AU a 3 touchdown favorite.


Get well soon, Carl!

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If that's true, it was a misdiagnosis. You don't try to rest a torn ACL. You have surgery immediately. The fact that he was sitting in spring and trying less aggressive methods of rehab tells you they thought it was something else.

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Sorry to hear the updates on Carl. He is one of my favorites. War Eagle, Carl. Get well and be better than ever!

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If that's true, it was a misdiagnosis. You don't try to rest a torn ACL. You have surgery immediately. The fact that he was sitting in spring and trying less aggressive methods of rehab tells you they thought it was something else.

Given the state of diagnostic imaging, sports medicine, the symptoms of an ACL tear (knee instability) vs. those of problems with the meniscus, I remain skeptical. Not saying the poster here is wrong, but I will believe this when I see something from AU on it.

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It really would be baffling. I said from the jump the only season-ending, later-discovered injury that would make sense to me is micro-fracture surgery. A decent amount of the time, they don't know a guy needs micro-fracture until they're cleaning up another issue in the knee. That one would make sense to me (and would absolutely end his 2014 season). Misdiagnosing an ACL tear is kind of a huge mistake.

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It really would be baffling. I said from the jump the only season-ending, later-discovered injury that would make sense to me is micro-fracture surgery. A decent amount of the time, they don't know a guy needs micro-fracture until they're cleaning up another issue in the knee. That one would make sense to me (and would absolutely end his 2014 season). Misdiagnosing an ACL tear is kind of a huge mistake.


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It really would be baffling. I said from the jump the only season-ending, later-discovered injury that would make sense to me is micro-fracture surgery. A decent amount of the time, they don't know a guy needs micro-fracture until they're cleaning up another issue in the knee. That one would make sense to me (and would absolutely end his 2014 season). Misdiagnosing an ACL tear is kind of a huge mistake.


You could try for it, but without actual damages from negligence it'd probably be a hard sell. Now, if a doc had missed it, CL got cleared, and on the first play it snapped, then yeah.

My (slightly) professional opinion - it may have been a partial tear that was obscured on an MRI by swelling or scar tissue. It would be something that you would need to get fixed, but it may not be seen until more tests are done after the inflammation goes down, or you go in to do a meniscus and see it, or it gets diagnosed differentially.

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I have absolutely no knowledge of how to fix things like "a knee", but considering this knee is attached to the body of an athlete that stands to make a substantial amount of money in the NFL soon, it might have been wise to get whatever was ailing his knee fixed ASAP. If that means sitting out a year at age 20 so he could get a chance to play this game till he's 30, then so be it. Good on him and good on AU for taking care of Carl.

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Like everybody else I don't know what type of injury Carl has. After the surgery was reported all the stories said that Carl's family expected him to rehab and return by this Fall. If he had an ACL tear the Doctor's would have told Carl and his family that there was no way that he would be able to play this fall. so my opinion which isn't worth much is that it was not an ACL tear.

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Wish we knew what was really going on here.

But I do think we would know if his season was for sure done. I don't remember the coaches hiding injuries like that last year ( Hosely, Whitaker,or Garret) so I don't think they would hide Lawson being done for the year. Until the school says otherwise I will be hopeful he returns a plays next season.

Get well soon Carl!

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It is preseason. If the coaches are hiding an injury like a torn ACL it is to force beilma and everyone else to prepare for a player like Lawson. I will have to talk to my wife about the rehab possibilities of a partial tear. I would have to agree though that the likelyhood if a tear is the diagnosis, they will not risk his career and health. They did the same thing with Whitaker last season and I think it will pay HUGE dividends this season. It will give Carl a full season of rehad and another year of training under Garner. We could medical redshirt him, but we will probably wait till we have to go down that road. The reality is that if he comes back full speed and devastates everyone in year 3, it won't matter and will be a waste of energy. I believe you can apply for a medical redshirt at the end of the career if necessary, I just dont think he will last that long or need it.

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It is preseason. If the coaches are hiding an injury like a torn ACL it is to force beilma and everyone else to prepare for a player like Lawson. I will have to talk to my wife about the rehab possibilities of a partial tear. I would have to agree though that the likelyhood if a tear is the diagnosis, they will not risk his career and health. They did the same thing with Whitaker last season and I think it will pay HUGE dividends this season. It will give Carl a full season of rehad and another year of training under Garner. We could medical redshirt him, but we will probably wait till we have to go down that road. The reality is that if he comes back full speed and devastates everyone in year 3, it won't matter and will be a waste of energy. I believe you can apply for a medical redshirt at the end of the career if necessary, I just dont think he will last that long or need it.

If gus hides Carl Lawson's acl injury until game one. I know a lot of auburn fans that would be pissed. I could understand if it was a day to day injury mid season.

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It's Gus' style to hide the facts about injuries. Lol how many times were we thinking "Justin Garrett should be good to go in a week or two" only to not play a single snap

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