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"The Broken Road"

Proud Tiger

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If you haven't read Chette Williams book "The Brokern Raod" you need to make it a priority. You will get insight into Auburn football you won't find anywhere else. Also makes a great gift.

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Is it more faith or more football in the book?

Probably equally both. Does that matter?

Thanks. To me it does. I, personally, would rather read a more football focused book than one about faith. For example, I found the football bits in Gene Chizik's book entertaining and a unique look into what goes on behind the scenes, I wished there was more of that in "All In". I'm just more interested in that because I really don't care about what somebody's faith is. My judgement on somebody is not altered by what faith they choose to follow, so it's basically something I don't even want to hear (or read) about, especially when it comes to my football haha. Perhaps its unrealistic of me to expect that due to Chette William's position in the football program, though.

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Is it more faith or more football in the book?

Probably equally both. Does that matter?

Thanks. To me it does. I, personally, would rather read a more football focused book than one about faith. For example, I found the football bits in Gene Chizik's book entertaining and a unique look into what goes on behind the scenes, I wished there was more of that in "All In". I'm just more interested in that because I really don't care about what somebody's faith is. My judgement on somebody is not altered by what faith they choose to follow, so it's basically something I don't even want to hear (or read) about, especially when it comes to my football haha. Perhaps its unrealistic of me to expect that due to Chette William's position in the football program, though.

I'm sorry, I came off as jerk in that post and I shouldn't have. Hope you will forgive me.
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If you don't think "faith" is a huge part of the AU football program and family you don't know what is going on. Not just football but athletics as a whole.

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If you don't think "faith" is a huge part of the AU football program and family you don't know what is going on. Not just football but athletics as a whole.

Not a problem. Unless it's institutionalized.

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Thanks for posting info about this book. I would not expect CW to write a book that wasn't saturated with Christianity without which life is meaningless.

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Is it more faith or more football in the book?

Probably equally both. Does that matter?

Thanks. To me it does. I, personally, would rather read a more football focused book than one about faith. For example, I found the football bits in Gene Chizik's book entertaining and a unique look into what goes on behind the scenes, I wished there was more of that in "All In". I'm just more interested in that because I really don't care about what somebody's faith is. My judgement on somebody is not altered by what faith they choose to follow, so it's basically something I don't even want to hear (or read) about, especially when it comes to my football haha. Perhaps its unrealistic of me to expect that due to Chette William's position in the football program, though.

I'm sorry, I came off as jerk in that post and I shouldn't have. Hope you will forgive me.

No worries, Weegle!

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