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BlackLivesMatter visits Mizzou, says supporting Constitution is white supremacy


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The future of this county is in peril

During an event at Thursday evening #BlackLivesMatter founders Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi told Mizzou students that the goal of the Constitution was to make an agreement between factions known as states, which were built on the backs of black slaves.


The event was sponsored by the MSA/GPC Department of Student Activities, Student Life, Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center, and the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative. The talk was hosted by the Missouri School of Journalism’s Professor Cristina Misla
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They are teaching children now in school that blacks came over to America to seek a better life...I'm pretty sure this country will always make sure it's future is what it wants it to be, even if it means changing the past

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They are teaching children now in school that blacks came over to America to seek a better life...I'm pretty sure this country will always make sure it's future is what it wants it to be, even if it means changing the past

Cite ?

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The future of this county is in peril

During an event at Thursday evening #BlackLivesMatter founders Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi told Mizzou students that the goal of the Constitution was to make an agreement between factions known as states, which were built on the backs of black slaves.


The event was sponsored by the MSA/GPC Department of Student Activities, Student Life, Gaines/Oldham Black Culture Center, and the Chancellor’s Diversity Initiative. The talk was hosted by the Missouri School of Journalism’s Professor Cristina Misla

When their original racist agenda wasn't getting enough traction, they decided to broaden the crazy even more.

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They are teaching children now in school that blacks came over to America to seek a better life...I'm pretty sure this country will always make sure it's future is what it wants it to be, even if it means changing the past

wha ?????

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They are teaching children now in school that blacks came over to America to seek a better life...I'm pretty sure this country will always make sure it's future is what it wants it to be, even if it means changing the past

wha ?????

Probably referring to this photo that's been making the rounds:


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Actually Texas schools have made efforts to remove or lessen the impact that slavery had on the Civil War. While maybe not to the extent that Cole mentioned he is correct that in academics they are trying to minimize, change, and exclude past events that paint the United States, or regions of the United States in a bad light. Regardless of the truth.


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From what book is that page taken ? Where is it used ? Is it even a school book ? Used by public schools ?

* And to comment on jeff's comments below, the Constitution wouldn't be ratified at all if the South wasn't given some compromise. The South wanted to count slaves in full as part of the census , even though they couldn't vote, own property or hold office, because it would give the South greater representative power in Congress. The North argued that since the slaves had no rights as observed by the South, the slaves weren't true citizens, and should have no count in the census. As crazy as it sounds, NOT counting slaves ( there were free blacks , btw ) as citizens would be a benefit to keeping slavery held in check and eventually done away with earlier. So they kicked the can down the road, and it eventually led to the War 'tween the States.

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The Constitution wasn't meant to include black people because the Continental Congress desperately needed the constitution ratified. The south wouldnt have ratified the constitution if the slaves were given rights, so the congress decided to create the government first and deal with the issues later. The BLM leaders can call it a white supremacist constitution but it really wasn't.

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The Constitution wasn't meant to include black people because the Continental Congress desperately needed the constitution ratified. The south wouldnt have ratified the constitution if the slaves were given rights, so the congress decided to create the government first and deal with the issues later. The BLM leaders can call it a white supremacist constitution but it really wasn't.

Actually it was. It's not now, but it was then. It accommodated the institution of slavery based on race.

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I remember this from 6th grade 30 years ago. Not in a book but a teacher told a kid that if her ancestors had not been brought here in slavery she would be starving in Africa right now. I will never forget that.

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The Constitution wasn't meant to include black people because the Continental Congress desperately needed the constitution ratified. The south wouldnt have ratified the constitution if the slaves were given rights, so the congress decided to create the government first and deal with the issues later. The BLM leaders can call it a white supremacist constitution but it really wasn't.

Actually it was. It's not now, but it was then. It accommodated the institution of slavery based on race.

Race was never even mentioned in the constitution just the gender.
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The Constitution wasn't meant to include black people because the Continental Congress desperately needed the constitution ratified. The south wouldnt have ratified the constitution if the slaves were given rights, so the congress decided to create the government first and deal with the issues later. The BLM leaders can call it a white supremacist constitution but it really wasn't.

Actually it was. It's not now, but it was then. It accommodated the institution of slavery based on race.

Race was never even mentioned in the constitution just the gender.

Slavery was addressed. I guess they assumed slaves were Negroes.

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I remember this from 6th grade 30 years ago. Not in a book but a teacher told a kid that if her ancestors had not been brought here in slavery she would be starving in Africa right now. I will never forget that.

:blink: Holy cow!

I wonder if the teacher was descended from potato-famine Irish. :rolleyes:

Of course, we didn't have any blacks in my 6th grade class. They weren't allowed. But we were taught slavery was a benevolent institution which had nothing to do with the cause of the civil war, which was "states rights". :-\

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Every time I read or hear about something new the BLM movement has done it gives me a migraine. If you're going to be an activist that's fine, more power to ya. But how about taking a page or two from MLK's book and act like civilized, educated people that we can work with. Not just a group that shouts RACIST and everything the deem it to be and everything they think it is. The stuff they do just baffles me. They aren't reasonable or rational. They have an extreme anti-white culture. But just remember folks...only white people can be racist.. ;)

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I think it's funny how I could say something like police can kill an African American and get away with it and it's a problem. Many cases of it happening but that doesn't represent all policemen (true it doesn't) but it's ok to take a few stories as far as BLM and that's what they are...they are uneducated, irrational, uncivilized people....

As far as only white's can be racist....no but what structure, institute, or system could white people end up getting the short stick on??? I mean I'm sure you can get a few individual cases if you search hard enough but overall....don't really have to worry really

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I don't see where the BLM spokesperson said "supporting Constitution is white supremacy," Did I miss it? It looks like the woman who wrote the article said it, but not the BLM person.

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I don't see where the BLM spokesperson said "supporting Constitution is white supremacy," Did I miss it? It looks like the woman who wrote the article said it, but not the BLM person.

This was hidden early on in the story.

( #BlackLivesMatter founder Alicia ) Garza also said, “In the Constitution, we are only ? of a person...The people vowing to protect the Constitution are vowing to protect white supremacy and genocide.”

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Ever been turned down for a job interview because you didn't fit the quota. It happens every day.

35 years ago I was told I had to wait to be hired for a job in Birmingham because the company was required to hire a black female in Selma alabama. They even asked me if I knew a black female they could interview for the job.

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I remember this from 6th grade 30 years ago. Not in a book but a teacher told a kid that if her ancestors had not been brought here in slavery she would be starving in Africa right now. I will never forget that.

:blink:/> Holy cow!

I wonder if the teacher was descended from potato-famine Irish. :rolleyes:/>

Of course, we didn't have any blacks in my 6th grade class. They weren't allowed. But we were taught slavery was a benevolent institution which had nothing to do with the cause of the civil war, which was "states rights". :-\/>

I am white but was a minority in my 6th grade classes. Classes taught me a lot about life. Racism was and probably still is rampant in my home town but the "city" folks hated the "country" folk just as much. The biggest racism I saw was when I brought my good friend to a country club party and ended up with a broken nose before the night was over. I wear my crooked nose with pride. The other guy didn't look much better. On another night we went to the other side of town to a dance club. It was standard for the DJ to announce "switch" and you changed dance partners. Let's just say I was odd man out. even the gay black dudes had no time for me :)/>. Get over it and move forward.

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