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If You're Outraged Over Obama Remaining in Cuba After the Brussels Attacks...


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Look, I loved President Reagan, but this silly reactions of Obama not attending a funeral or what he does when some attack happens need to stop. It's more of that "crying wolf" nonsense the GOP has been doing where they cry and moan about everything to the point where folks just start tuning them out and they don't get heard over important matters later. Just stop.

]If You're Outraged Over Obama Remaining in Cuba After the Brussels Attacks, You Need to Read This[/b]

Let's take a look at what Saint Reagan did during various harrowing events...

BOB CESCA - MAR 23, 2016

A particularly intolerable meme continues to play out in the news media and online: apparently U.S. history began on January 20, 2009 when Barack Obama was inaugurated. In case you were unaware, President Obama is evidently the first president to take vacations; he's the first president to play golf; he's the first president to be photographed without a suit or tie; and he's the first president to routinely use a teleprompter. If you believe any of that, then you're a moron who needs to refresh your memory about all things pre-2009. There you'll find that not only are Obama's vacations and so forth in line with most previous presidents, but in terms of overall time off, he's taken the fewest vacation days of any modern president other than Bill Clinton.

The latest round of outrage directed at the president has to do with his so-called "bad optics" -- allegedly inappropriate non-presidential behavior. In this latest case, Obama's crazy decision to remain in Cuba for his historic reopening of U.S./Cunban relations following the dual terrorist attacks in Brussels on Tuesday. A cursory check of AM talk radio, Fox News Channel and conservative Twitter reveals the usual double-standard and historical amnesia we've seen over and over again.

So, in the interest of history and the obvious inability of Republicans like Ted Cruz to actually do the research themselves, I decided to set the way-back machine to the beloved Ronald Reagan presidency. Here's a series of harrowing events from the 1980s, along with the comparatively AWESOMEoptics from Reagan, the now-sainted chief executive. The photographs are all from the specified dates.

EVENT, October 10, 1981 -- The funeral of assassinated Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

REAGAN OPTICS, October 10, 1981 -- Reagan went horseback riding at Camp David.


EVENT, August 29, 1983 -- Two Marines were killed and 14 wounded in Beirut.

REAGAN OPTICS, August 29, 1983 -- Reagan remained on vacation at Rancho Del Cielo, California.

EVENT, September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days.

EVENT, October 22, 1983 -- The administration began planning its military incursion into Grenada.

REAGAN OPTICS, October 22, 1983 -- Reagan remained on vacation at the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia. Repeat: golf resort. Here are two strikingly presidential photos from Augusta -- the golf resort! First, Reagan in his jammies being briefed on the Grenada plans, then, later hitting the links. Where were the Republicans of 2016 to scold him?



President Reagan was still on vacation at the golf resort the next day when the Marine barracks in Beirut were bombed, killing 241 Marines.

EVENT, July 18, 1984 -- 21 people were killed and 19 wounded when a gunman entered a San Ysidro, California McDonald's and opened fire.

REAGAN OPTICS, July 21, 1984 -- On the day when many of the gun massacre victims were to be buried, Reagan went horseback riding at Camp David.

EVENT, April 2, 1986 -- Four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack at a TWA counter at the Athens Airport, Greece.

REAGAN OPTICS, April 4, 1986 -- Two days later, here's Reagan's uber-presidential optics, while on vacation (!!) at Rancho Del Cielo:



EVENT, September 5, 1986 -- The Pakistani military stormed the hijacked Pan Am Flight 73. 22 people were killed, including two Americans, and 150 were injured.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 6, 1986 -- Again, while on vacation at his California ranch, Reagan went horseback riding with the First Lady and was photographed with a "Just Say No" sign.


Presidential optics! Just say no.


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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

Seriously. Dust off that resolution.
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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

Seriously. Dust off that resolution.

Well why don't you keep your word and leave?

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Reagan didn't have to do a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. Hw was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama.

That is easily the dumbest and most hypocritical thing I've ever read on this board. Pleae stop. Obama felt he needed to continue on with his diplomatic mission with Cuba and Reagon slurped pina coladas in spite of the deaths. You can consider both guilty if you want, but don't tell me that Obama should've left Cuba but Ronald Reagon was just fine sitting on his horse.
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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

This is excuse making. And it's hypocrisy.

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Guess you haven't read a lot of your posts have you? I know you love him but everyone is entitled to their opinion. You hate Trump, I don't like Obama. Why are you so entitled to your opinion but not tolerant of others's?

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Guess you haven't read a lot of your posts have you? I know you love him but everyone is entitled to their opinion. You hate Trump, I don't like Obama. Why are you so entitled to your opinion but not tolerant of others's?

It's not about your opinion. You can dislike Obama til the day you die. It's about your hypocrisy.

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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

Seriously. Dust off that resolution.

Well why don't you keep your word and leave?

You go first.
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As so many things are in life, hypocrisy is in the eye of the beholder. You tend to think anyone who disagrees with you is a hypocrite or someone lesser than you. Have it your way. I'm going down and enjoy the beach for awhile.

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Reagan didn't have to attend a lot of these things because he had the respect of most Americans and other countries. He was a leader in the eyes of the world. Not so Obama. We are no longer held in high esteem by much of the world and while our Belgian friend washed blood off the walls and looked for body parts, Obama did the Samba in socialist Argentina.

Seriously. Dust off that resolution.

Well why don't you keep your word and leave?

You go first.

You are such an expert on my resolution you should note I didn't say I was leaving. YOU DID and then came whining back when no one expressed any care.

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Look at the lengths the apologists for Obama have gone to... Reagan ? Who held office in 1989. 27 years ago ! And even Leftists are talking about Obama's callous , dismissive attitude.

President Selfie is all too aware of how today's media views him, and yet he still doesn't care.

Want a more apt comparison? Bush43. When a fuss was raised about him playing golf during hostilities in Iraq, what did he do ?

Stopped playing golf. What does Obama do ? Plays golf, jets off to Vegas, catches a full 9 innings of a baseball game, does a Tango,...

Sorry, but the world has changed a bit since 1981. Sadly, it's for the worse.

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Look at the lengths the apologists for Obama have gone to... Reagan ? Who held office in 1989. 27 years ago ! And even Leftists are talking about Obama's callous , dismissive attitude.

President Selfie is all too aware of how today's media views him, and yet he still doesn't care.

Want a more apt comparison? Bush43. When a fuss was raised about him playing golf during hostilities in Iraq, what did he do ?

Stopped playing golf. What does Obama do ? Plays golf, jets off to Vegas, catches a full 9 innings of a baseball game, does a Tango,...

Sorry, but the world has changed a bit since 1981. Sadly, it's for the worse.

If Bush had not have stopped playing golf or whatever you'd just simply say we're not talking about Bush. When he does something you can make a point with you say look at Bush!

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Look at the lengths the apologists for Obama have gone to... Reagan ? Who held office in 1989. 27 years ago !

The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

Sorry, but the world has changed a bit since 1981. Sadly, it's for the worse.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

Yeah, Reagon was so connected that his advisers had to beg him to come back to Washington.

"September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S CHRIS WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days."

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Classic diversion tactics. Don't fess up to what you've done, but instead point the finger of blame and try to play the equivalency game.

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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

Yeah, Reagon was so connected that his advisers had to beg him to come back to Washington.

"September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S CHRIS WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days."

So Reagan realized that it looked bad for him to be riding his horse after a tragedy and went back to the White House. Remind me again who it is you are defending.
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Obama defiantly explained his actions at a baseball game, then went on to Tango in Argentina.

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It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

So, post 9/11 means Reagan's lack of good optics = "A-ok" but barry's = "terrible"? Logic?

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

​No, it's the near universal love for Reagan that he was brought up - to show that even the GOPs Greatest of All Time did the same kinds of things that they are wailing about Obama over.

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This is the case for any President, regardless of where they are.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

It's more brought up, not to defend Barry, but to point out the blatant double standard being employed.

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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

Yeah, Reagon was so connected that his advisers had to beg him to come back to Washington.

"September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S CHRIS WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days."

So Reagan realized that it looked bad for him to be riding his horse after a tragedy and went back to the White House. Remind me again who it is you are defending.

I'm not defending anybody. I'm calling PT and Raptor hypocrites. If Reagon was so well connected with the event, he wouldn't have to be pushed and prodded to cut his vacation short.
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The timeframe isn't relevant. Reagan is the one brought up because he's the ideal Republican that virtually all GOP backers point to. He's practically a deity.

It is. We live in a post 9/11 world.

And Reagan was brought up in a laughable attempt to raise Barry's status as to somewhere equal that of Reagan's. Pure and utter nonsense.

So I take it that you believe Reagan was calloused and wrong for his above actions?

Different times, my friend. And this false meme of Reagan was ' vacationing ' at his own damn Ranch, where he was every bit as connected to what was going on a Bush was in Crawford. These aren't 5 star resorts where they were body surfing, playing golf or yachting. Such HOMES essentially served as a second White House.

This must really piss off some folks, to go to such lengths as to bring up Reagan as any sort of lame attempt to defend Barry.

Yeah, Reagon was so connected that his advisers had to beg him to come back to Washington.

"September 1, 1983 -- Reagan was still on vacation in California when the Soviets shot down Korean Airlines Flight 007.

REAGAN OPTICS, September 1, 1983 -- According to Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace, as well as contemporaneous accounts, Reagan planned to remain on vacation until he was photographed horseback riding and was convinced to return to the White House.

The Washington Post, 9/4/83 -- At this point, [Press Secretary Larry] Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."

FOX NEWS CHANNEL'S CHRIS WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days."

So Reagan realized that it looked bad for him to be riding his horse after a tragedy and went back to the White House. Remind me again who it is you are defending.

I'm not defending anybody. I'm calling PT and Raptor hypocrites. If Reagon was so well connected with the event, he wouldn't have to be pushed and prodded to cut his vacation short.

That's the only thing I have seen that you are good at.....calling other people names. But you are definitely good at that, especially when you don't agree with them.

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