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50+ dead 50+ wounded at Orlando night club

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Holy crap ! I called it !

Post # 13 in this thread.

Oh, and over at Toomer's, I posted this -

I was shocked to find this guy had been married. Good for the ex to get the hell out of that mess when she did, but it comes as no surprise that he use to abuse her.

I think he was a closet homosexual, who hated women, and was angry at the feelings he secretly had.

Just my 5 cent message board psychiatry evaluation.

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There was a stand-off, but he did have a shootout with SWAT when they finally moved in

But how many died in the bar while the cops waited outside ?

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There was a stand-off, but he did have a shootout with SWAT when they finally moved in

But how many died in the bar while the cops waited outside ?

Good question. Same question I asked when the Va Tech shootings happened.

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Orlando shooter Omar Mateen was gay, former classmate says


i suspected such when his dad said what he did. there is no way to hate gays that much if you are not gay yourself.

That might be jumping to too far of a conclusion, but I get at least suspecting it.

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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

I could see it either way. It would (in a macabre way )make sense to go inside and get a good idea of the layout, see what the likely exits would be. Look for places to barricade yourself from police. Watch traffic patterns for how people come and go. If he was thinking of planting explosives, where would cause maximum damage? It's not out of the question.

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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

I could see it either way. It would (in a macabre way )make sense to go inside and get a good idea of the layout, see what the likely exits would be. Look for places to barricade yourself from police. Watch traffic patterns for how people come and go. If he was thinking of planting explosives, where would cause maximum damage? It's not out of the question.

Over 3 years? There's are other clues as well.

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Sounds a bit too Jason Borne to me, but who knows.

Well, his current wife told authorities he'd be casing the club and Disney World:

The gunman behind the Orlando nightclub shootings, the deadliest mass shooting in American history, recently scouted Walt Disney World as a potential target, a federal law enforcement source tells PEOPLE.

Omar Mateen and his wife, Noor Zahi Salman, visited Walt Disney World in April, the source says. Salman told federal authorities on Sunday that her husband had more recently been "scouting Downtown Disney and Pulse [nightclub] for attacks."


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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

I could see it either way. It would (in a macabre way )make sense to go inside and get a good idea of the layout, see what the likely exits would be. Look for places to barricade yourself from police. Watch traffic patterns for how people come and go. If he was thinking of planting explosives, where would cause maximum damage? It's not out of the question.

Over 3 years? There's are other clues as well.

I'm not dismissing it. But there's also indications that he was not only casing that club, but Disney World as well (see link in previous post).

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Mateens ex-wife has said he was gay. She also has said he was unstable. Being of Afghani parents, a Taliban father, who said gay people needed to be killed out of compassion, it could be the guy was eaten up with guilt which was exacerbated by his Muslim belief system. Most of the mainstream Muslim world has strongly held religious views that gay sex is immoral and in many of those countries it is punishable be imprisonment or death.

Anderson Cooper reported that the shooter's Muslim religion was irrelevant to the case. In my view that is a reprehensible opinion. If it is irrelevant why are gay people persecuted, imprisoned and even executed in many Muslim countries?

These people, at least the extremists among them, will never assimilate into American culture and at some point women and the LBGT community is going to have to wake up to that reality. Obviously, they can continue to make excuses for them if they wish but women are treated absolutely horribly in the Muslim world and the gay lifestyle is something one simply cannot embrace without fear of being executed for it..


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Anderson ought to know better

And the best news? The FBI did a 10 month look into this guy & found no cause for concern. The coworkers who brought up comments he said were clearly bigoted & just being anti Muslim. Racist.


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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

I could see it either way. It would (in a macabre way )make sense to go inside and get a good idea of the layout, see what the likely exits would be. Look for places to barricade yourself from police. Watch traffic patterns for how people come and go. If he was thinking of planting explosives, where would cause maximum damage? It's not out of the question.

Over 3 years? There's are other clues as well.

I'm not dismissing it. But there's also indications that he was not only casing that club, but Disney World as well (see link in previous post).

Maybe scouted Disney.


May have decided recently about the club, but going for years and getting drunk suggest another primary motive.


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Anderson ought to know better

And the best news? The FBI did a 10 month look into this guy & found no cause for concern. The coworkers who brought up comments he said were clearly bigoted & just being anti Muslim. Racist.


I wont be surprised if James Comey takes a fall over that. It almost sets up to neatly for it not to happen. Hope that doesn't happen.

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Another explanation given was he was casing the club, " posing " as a gay man, though that sounds a bit of a stretch.

I could see it either way. It would (in a macabre way )make sense to go inside and get a good idea of the layout, see what the likely exits would be. Look for places to barricade yourself from police. Watch traffic patterns for how people come and go. If he was thinking of planting explosives, where would cause maximum damage? It's not out of the question.

Over 3 years? There's are other clues as well.

I'm not dismissing it. But there's also indications that he was not only casing that club, but Disney World as well (see link in previous post).

Maybe scouted Disney.


May have decided recently about the club, but going for years and getting drunk suggest another primary motive.


Like I say, it's a possibility. But it's not a slam dunk to jump to that conclusion. The wife indicated they visited Disney back in April.

I think the casing motive is a reasonable conclusion too.

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I'm seeing the mentions BlueVue brought up from his ex-wife now:


I'm leaning toward a primary motive for him being there was that he was gay. Or at least bi-sexual. But some of his recent visits may have been for the purpose of scouting.

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I'm seeing the mentions BlueVue brought up from his ex-wife now:


I'm leaning toward a primary motive for him being there was that he was gay. Or at least bi-sexual. But some of his recent visits may have been for the purpose of scouting.

A gay, pyschopath, terrorist. That has got to be a first.

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I'm seeing the mentions BlueVue brought up from his ex-wife now:


I'm leaning toward a primary motive for him being there was that he was gay. Or at least bi-sexual. But some of his recent visits may have been for the purpose of scouting.

A gay, pyschopath, terrorist. That has got to be a first.

With anger issues....

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I'm seeing the mentions BlueVue brought up from his ex-wife now:


I'm leaning toward a primary motive for him being there was that he was gay. Or at least bi-sexual. But some of his recent visits may have been for the purpose of scouting.

A gay, pyschopath, terrorist. That has got to be a first.

With anger issues....

I bet Daesh PR guy would like to walk back that support for Omar.
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I'm seeing the mentions BlueVue brought up from his ex-wife now:


I'm leaning toward a primary motive for him being there was that he was gay. Or at least bi-sexual. But some of his recent visits may have been for the purpose of scouting.

A gay, pyschopath, terrorist. That has got to be a first.

With anger issues....

And Muslim. Funny how you left that ... No it's perfectly understandable.

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