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Understanding Hillary


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I thought this was a very interesting and well-written article by Ezra Klein.

An exert:


This is not a profile of Hillary Clinton. It is not a review of her career or an assessment of her campaign. You won’t find any shocking revelations on her emails, on Benghazi, on Whitewater, or even on her health care plan.

This is an effort to answer a question I’ve been struggling with since at least 2008: Why is the Hillary Clinton described to me by her staff, her colleagues, and even her foes so different from the one I see on the campaign trail?

I’ve come to call it “the Gap.” There is the Hillary Clinton I watch on the nightly news and that I read described in the press. She is careful, calculated, cautious. Her speeches can sound like executive summaries from a committee report, the product of too many authors, too many voices, and too much fear of offense.

Later he says...


The answers startled me in their consistency. Every single person brought up, in some way or another, the exact same quality they feel leads Clinton to excel in governance and struggle in campaigns. On the one hand, that makes my job as a reporter easy. There actually is an answer to the question. On the other hand, it makes my job as a writer harder: It isn’t a very satisfying answer to the question, at least not when you first hear it.

Hillary Clinton, they said over and over again, listens.

Link to the full article here.

Link to the full interview with Clinton here.

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The Clinton America sees has compelled a majority to disapprove of Comey's decision to not recommend the DoJ indict her.

"The Post-ABC poll found 56 percent disapprove of Comey's recommendation against charging Clinton while 35 percent approve. The survey mentioned Comey's reasoning that Clinton did not have criminal intent but that he found her actions were extremely careless handling e-mails.

Roughly 6 in 10 independents disapprove of the recommendation against charges (59 percent), rising to nearly 9 in 10 Republicans (88 percent) and falling to 31 percent of Democrats.

While Clinton has defended her practice as a matter of personal convenience similar to her predecessors, 57 percent in the poll say the issue worries them about how she might handle responsibilities if elected president, while 39 percent say it's not related to how she would perform as president. Over 4 in 10 say they are "very worried" about the issue's implications for Clinton's performance as president".............

"One key factor behind the negative ratings is a substantial level of criticism for Clinton among fellow partisans and Democratic-leaning groups.

Over 3 in 10 Democrats disapprove of Director Comey's recommendation against charges for Clinton (31 percent), and the same percentage says the issue makes them worry about Clinton's presidential responsibility. Over 4 in 10 liberals say the issue raises concerns about how Clinton might handle responsibilities as president, as do 36 percent of non-white Americans and 56 percent of those under age 40."





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I think you will find the above article is not addressing the emails, but rather the overall notion of her trustworthiness.  Please comment on the points in the article.

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2 minutes ago, channonc said:

I think you will find the above article is not addressing the emails, but rather the overall notion of her trustworthiness.  Please comment on the points in the article.

Are you new here?

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16 minutes ago, channonc said:

I think you will find the above article is not addressing the emails, but rather the overall notion of her trustworthiness.  Please comment on the points in the article.



Frankly, I don't see how one can have a discussion of Hillary Clinton while totally discounting how she is viewed by the majority of Americans. In fact the article is based on the premise of the Hillary, that he knows, not being the one that Americans have come to know after years and years of scandal in her wake. I have no comment to make. I don't know Hillary but by the sleaze she seems to generate wherever she goes doing what she does which is monetizing her "public service" like no one has ever done before her. Some may trust her, I never would and have her performances over the years upon which to base that opinion.

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1 minute ago, TheBlueVue said:



Frankly, I don't see how one can have a discussion of Hillary Clinton while totally discounting how she is viewed by the majority of Americans. In fact the article is based on the premise of the Hillary, that he knows, not being the one that Americans have come to know after years and years of scandal in her wake. I have no comment to make. I don't know Hillary but by the sleaze she seems to generate wherever she goes doing what she does which is monetizing her "public service" like no one has ever done before her. Some may trust her, I never would and have her performances over the years upon which to base that opinion.

So can I assume from that response that you didn't bother to read the article?

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She knows when and how to play politics and she knows how to win. Then Senator Obama, was a miscalculation and a fatal error that delayed her inevitable nomination for the White House. Her primary competition with Bernie Sanders was never in doubt. She quickly showed Sanders that it takes more than energy, big crowds, and money. It takes a strategy that is relentless,  painstakingly detailed, and not afraid to get dirty. After all, this game is called politics and it's not for the faint of heart or the thin skinned.

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3 hours ago, channonc said:

So can I assume from that response that you didn't bother to read the article?

You can almost always safely assume that.

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