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RNC speaker claims Obama "absolutely" a Muslim


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What an embarrassment.  Glad I disowned this clown show months ago. #notinmyname



Antonio Sabato Jr., featured as a prime-time speaker Monday night at the Republican National Convention, said President Barack Obama is “absolutely” a Muslim.

Speaking to ABC News after his convention speech, the actor and former underwear model claimed “we had a Muslim president for seven and a half years.”

“I don’t believe the guy is a Christian,” Sabato said. “I don’t believe the guy follows the God that I love and the Jesus that I love. If you follow his story, if you understand about Obama, I mean, that’s not a Christian name, is it?”

When ABC’s Amna Nawaz noted that Obama attends church regularly, Sabato continued to assert that he is not a Christian.

“I have met a lot of Christians, know a lot of Christians. I am one, and I don’t believe he is,” Sabato continued. “I believe that he’s on the other side.”

Asked to elaborate, Sabato said that he meant “the Middle East, the bad side.”

“We had a Muslim president for seven and a half years,” he said.

“You believe President Obama is a Muslim?” Nawaz asked.

“Absolutely, absolutely,” Sabato responded.



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Obama praises himself, not Allah. But it's clear from his actions that Obama does identity more with Islam than Christianity 

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4 minutes ago, AFTiger said:

That would certainly explain his support for Muslim causes. 

What are "Muslim causes."

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They just can't let it go.  I swear there are people on the Republican side of things that would shoot off their own foot before giving up on the Obama is a Muslim fantasy.

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Who gives a crap if he is Muslim? He's a citizen isn't he?  Obama's performance speaks for itself. If you like it great. If not, well his religion wasn't the reason he was a bad president. One of these days maybe we can get to the point where we can elect unashamed Muslims to all positions of government. The opinion of many, including some on this board, has to die off first ,obviously, but I'm hopeful it happens. 

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Well it's not just that he's a Muslim, it's that he's a super secret Muslim.  Like a sleeper cell or The Manchurian Candidate, right in the White House!

It's right up there with all that birther bull**** some of them will believe to their dying day.

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It's funny that y'all keep getting upset that there are a bunch of morons around. I recommend that we all get used to it. He's an actor whose opinion is not very valuable to me. Trump is trying to put on a good show I suppose. Whatever.

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4 minutes ago, Grumps said:

It's funny that y'all keep getting upset that there are a bunch of morons around. I recommend that we all get used to it. He's an actor whose opinion is not very valuable to me. Trump is trying to put on a good show I suppose. Whatever.

He's an actor that was given a platform to speak at the Republican National Convention, and then sent out to do the network news circuit and represent the Republican brand.  We aren't talking about Cletus sitting on his porch in Butthump, Tennessee saying dumb stuff to his buddies between turns spitting tobacco juice in a plastic cup.

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11 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

What an embarrassment.  Glad I disowned this clown show months ago. #notinmyname



This is their "prime time" speaker?   :ucrazy:

No wonder so many Republicans declined to attend.

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2 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

They just can't let it go.  I swear there are people on the Republican side of things that would shoot off their own foot before giving up on the Obama is a Muslim fantasy.

Heck, we've got more than a few on this forum.  It's embarrassing. 

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4 hours ago, Grumps said:

It's funny that y'all keep getting upset that there are a bunch of morons around. I recommend that we all get used to it. He's an actor whose opinion is not very valuable to me. Trump is trying to put on a good show I suppose. Whatever.

Upset?  Who's upset? :dunno:

Certainly not me.

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12 hours ago, telling tiger said:

Don't leave out the Duck dork...........clown college......


Or a few of the usual suspects here that claim to have some allegiance to Auburn, Heaven forbid. BTWFW, you know who you are.

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5 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

He's an actor that was given a platform to speak at the Republican National Convention, and then sent out to do the network news circuit and represent the Republican brand.  We aren't talking about Cletus sitting on his porch in Butthump, Tennessee saying dumb stuff to his buddies between turns spitting tobacco juice in a plastic cup.

I think you confused him with lowercase.

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4 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

He aint even a American. 

Naturalized citizen now...but Italian born, former Chippendale's dancer best know for soap operas.  At least with Mitt Romney, we got to see real star power like Clint Eastwood talk to a chair.

Wasn't the theme of the night supposed to be "Make America Work Again"?  Perhaps Donald can start by finding Scot Baio some acting work these days.

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18 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

He's an actor that was given a platform to speak at the Republican National Convention, and then sent out to do the network news circuit and represent the Republican brand.  We aren't talking about Cletus sitting on his porch in Butthump, Tennessee saying dumb stuff to his buddies between turns spitting tobacco juice in a plastic cup.

There will be people at the Democratic convention that will be just as uninformed. This guy was picked because he fits a narrative that some people want to hear and will get those people to vote.  Both parties do it. Getting out the vote whether from far left or far right is what both parties do then they will have speakers that hopefully will sway the independents. It is a chess match where even pawns can win a few votes.

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5 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

There will be people at the Democratic convention that will be just as uninformed. This guy was picked because he fits a narrative that some people want to hear and will get those people to vote.  Both parties do it. Getting out the vote whether from far left or far right is what both parties do then they will have speakers that hopefully will sway the independents. It is a chess match where even pawns can win a few votes.

More truth there than either side cares to admit.  Useful idiots in both camps.  Different narratives but still, the same.

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26 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

There will be people at the Democratic convention that will be just as uninformed. This guy was picked because he fits a narrative that some people want to hear and will get those people to vote.  Both parties do it. Getting out the vote whether from far left or far right is what both parties do then they will have speakers that hopefully will sway the independents. It is a chess match where even pawns can win a few votes.

And if/when the time comes where they say things just as discredited and idiotic, we can discuss it in a thread all its own.  But "the other guys do bad stuff too" isn't much of an excuse when you're making a case for why you're better.

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14 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

And if/when the time comes where they say things just as discredited and idiotic, we can discuss it in a thread all its own.  But "the other guys do bad stuff too" isn't much of an excuse when you're making a case for why you're better.

I am not making a case for why this guy was doing this speech I am not saying it was accurate and I am not defending it. All I am stating is that the name of the game for both sides is getting out the vote and that is why this speaker was chosen. When the other side does the same thing I will just repeat what I said here. I am not judging it as right or wrong just as it is what politicians do.

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6 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I am not making a case for why this guy was doing this speech I am not saying it was accurate and I am not defending it. All I am stating is that the name of the game for both sides is getting out the vote and that is why this speaker was chosen. When the other side does the same thing I will just repeat what I said here. I am not judging it as right or wrong just as it is what politicians do.

You're right.  The greater part of the GOP base sincerely believes Obama is a communist Kenyan and a secret Muslim.

When you are courting wackos, you have to speak their language.

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