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Father of Murdered WDBJ Journalist Tears Apart the NRA and Their ‘Orange-Faced Fuhrer’


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The NRA still controls too many politicians. There is no new meaningful common-sense gun legislation passed at a federal level, and terrorists on watch lists can still buy weapons even if they can’t board a flight.

The NRA, however, continues spouting the myth that Hillary Clinton and other political leaders advocating gun sense want to abolish the Second Amendment. How many times do reasonable people have to say, “No one is coming to take your guns away and if you can pass a background check, you can buy a firearm?”



They're not knuckle-draggers waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies, but they still fall in lockstep behind their orange-faced Fuhrer who promotes this ‘assault on the Second Amendment’ nonsense,” Parker said.


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They're coming for your guns, so anyone who says they aren't. is either a useful idiot, or lying. 

Misplaced outrage in place of coherent, logical and constitutionally based views is almost as common stock of the Left as accusing the Right of being " racist " . 

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1 hour ago, Auburn85 said:


1 hour ago, Auburn85 said:

How many times do reasonable people have to say, “No one is coming to take your guns away and if you can pass a background check, you can buy a firearm?”

The same amount of times i was told I could keep my doctor? My insurance?

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Research who killed the reporter & cameraman -- Vester Lee Flanagan II.  He was a co-worker who was 'let go' from the TV station who planned then committed these murders as revenge and even took video of the crime as it happened.  Apparently, he had a history of questionable behavior at previous jobs too because he was fired from them as well.  A mentally disturbed individual who made favorable references on social media to the Va Tech shooter and also the Columbine HS murderers and ... legally purchased the Glock two weeks before the murders.  In all honesty, no gun control measure short of nationwide house-to-house total confiscation could have prevented this from happening.  It's a mental health issue.

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12 hours ago, AURaptor said:

They're coming for your guns, so anyone who says they aren't. is either a useful idiot, or lying. 

Misplaced outrage in place of coherent, logical and constitutionally based views is almost as common stock of the Left as accusing the Right of being " racist " . 

When the discourse becomes, "orange faced fuhrer" versus "hildabeast", the idiocy expressed above is understandable.

We dont need no gun laws.  They is dum.  They come from the libtards.  They wont to put you in a FEMA camp.  I no!  I listen to the Rush program.  He is the smartist man in America.  Why dont he run four precedent.

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7 hours ago, homersapien said:

Yet another signature post.   :laugh:

Let me be perfectly clear... If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. 


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1 hour ago, AURaptor said:

Let me be perfectly clear... If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. 


You really ought to get a life.  Is Obama preventing you from doing that?

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9 minutes ago, homersapien said:

You really ought to get a life.  Is Obama preventing you from doing that?

What has Trump said that is offensive today?

I'm sure reading this board, with you included, will let us know. But you don't have to get a life. 

BTW, Im sitting here on pins and needles in almost withdrawal fashion that someone on here will tell us what Trump has said on Twitter. We've got to know homer. We can't let a single twitter chararacter slip through the cracks. Thus, allowing his Ku Klux Klan values to possibly resonate.

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5 minutes ago, Auburn85 said:

What has Trump said that is offensive today?

I'm sure reading this board, with you included, will let us know. But you don't have to get a life. 

BTW, Im sitting here on pins and needles in almost withdrawal fashion that someone on here will tell us what Trump has said on Twitter. We've got to know homer. We can't let a single twitter chararacter slip through the cracks. Thus, allowing his Ku Klux Klan values to possibly resonate.


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13 hours ago, homersapien said:

You really ought to get a life.  Is Obama preventing you from doing that?

He already has. I liked my plan. Now I don't have it anymore. MOST Americans have been shafted by O-Care. 

Remove your head from the sand, homer. 

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