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so where are all the steele haters?


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two games in and i am a happy camper so far. sad only the mostly open minded people will give him some love here on the board. he is a bummer guy no more. and he seems to be a team player as well.

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I was never a hater or lover of Steele more of a wait and see. I know it is only two games but the solid tackling and better linebacker play moves me towards the what a great coach he is camp. All the good linebacker play is from players we already had so he deserves Kudos for his teaching skills.

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4 minutes ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I was never a hater or lover of Steele more of a wait and see. I know it is only two games but the solid tackling and better linebacker play moves me towards the what a great coach he is camp. All the good linebacker play is from players we already had so he deserves Kudos for his teaching skills.

Wonder how much of it is TWill?

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

two games in and i am a happy camper so far. sad only the mostly open minded people will give him some love here on the board. he is a bummer guy no more. and he seems to be a team player as well.

Too busy hating on CDC at the moment. 

First off, we need to identify to that we have played Clemson and Arky State. And I hate to say it, but Clemson's offense is still in hangover mode from last year as evidenced by their Troy game Saturday. Clemson's offense is just not very good right now. 

We really should wait a couple more games until the "I told you so" chest pounders come out. Texas A&M is coming to Auburn Saturday and that will be a huge matchup. 

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i was one that did not want him hired, and i don't hate him....i hated his record and performance as a DC......he is probably the best LB coach in america, and if he had been hired as LB coach, i would have been "dancin' in the streets"......you do have to give credit to the guys that left though, they changed the culture of the defense....it appears that i was wrong,( emphasize "appears") and if the performance continues for the rest of the season, i will gladly own the words and eat them, with catsup and onions

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7 minutes ago, bigbird said:

If there are breakdowns next week, you'll see them flood the board.

There were two breakdowns last night, and haven't heard a negative thing about either one of them. There is only side beating their chest this week..

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Y'all might as well get ready every time you post for the trolls to jump in like flies. That is what they live for. No matter what the case they will point out the negatives. You don't have to work hard to spot them. They respond negative to everything. Claim they are just not sunshine pumpers or are being realistic. Truth is they are trolls that want AU not to succeed. When we run the table they will say it was do to our easy schedule or the SEC was down. Ok by me I just like to call them out though. WDE

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26 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Too busy hating on CDC at the moment. 

First off, we need to identify to that we have played Clemson and Arky State. And I hate to say it, but Clemson's offense is still in hangover mode from last year as evidenced by their Troy game Saturday. Clemson's offense is just not very good right now. 

We really should wait a couple more games until the "I told you so" chest pounders come out. Texas A&M is coming to Auburn Saturday and that will be a huge matchup. 

Ummmm      This

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9 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

Y'all might as well get ready every time you post for the trolls to jump in like flies. That is what they live for. No matter what the case they will point out the negatives. You don't have to work hard to spot them. They respond negative to everything. Claim they are just not sunshine pumpers or are being realistic. Truth is they are trolls that want AU not to succeed. When we run the table they will say it was do to our easy schedule or the SEC was down. Ok by me I just like to call them out though. WDE

Flex on them, bruh.

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23 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

Y'all might as well get ready every time you post for the trolls to jump in like flies. That is what they live for. No matter what the case they will point out the negatives. You don't have to work hard to spot them. They respond negative to everything. Claim they are just not sunshine pumpers or are being realistic. Truth is they are trolls that want AU not to succeed. When we run the table they will say it was do to our easy schedule or the SEC was down. Ok by me I just like to call them out though. WDE

ain't it the truth....always someone eager to stir up the troops.   As noted, the negative Nancys are just hanging about waiting on their opportunity.

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46 minutes ago, bigbird said:

If there are breakdowns next week, you'll see them flood the board.

Depends on the breakdowns.  If they are the same ones that happened last night and those result in a loss, then yes, people should criticize.  If they are mistakes caused by A&M just being better then OK.



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36 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

There were two breakdowns last night, and haven't heard a negative thing about either one of them. There is only side beating their chest this week..

Two breakdowns in a game is pretty good defense.  That said, the defensive calls were good.  The first breakdown happened when Tre didn't drop deep enough into his cv 2 middle zone. Even then it took a perfect pass. The second breakdown looked like we were in cv4, Except they were in trips open, which locks the back side corner and rolls the weak side safety to play #3. He had two into his zone and jumped #2, but should've played over the top of #3 with underneath help from the LB.  That was really the only breakdown. The first was just poor execution. Tre was playing it correctly just not well.

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I agree with BB.  2 breakdowns isn't enough to lose sleep over.  Plus, that QB last night is a graduate transfer who played at Pittsburgh.  He knew what he was doing and our D handled them pretty good.


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There is a whole lot of football left to play. 

With that being said, we should all be encouraged by one thing in regards to the defense. They have looked more prepared to play in the first two games this season than in many years. THAT should be the best evidence toward the level of coaching they are receiving. Add to that the fact that we appear to have better leadership on the D than we have had in a long time. Holsey may have become the heart of this defense. But......we seem to have players at every level stepping up to lead. The work ethic appears to be there, the talent is getting better, the coaching seems to be improving, the execution has been much improved, and the preparation seems to be better than we've had in a while.

All of that starts with the coaching staff and ends with players making plays on the field. Will we be the top ranked defense in the nation this season? Probably not. But we will have a D that we can have pride in and lean on; which is a breath of fresh air after the past several seasons.

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48 minutes ago, bigbird said:

Two breakdowns in a game is pretty good defense.  That said, the defensive calls were good.  The first breakdown happened when Tre didn't drop deep enough into his cv 2 middle zone. Even then it took a perfect pass. The second breakdown looked like we were in cv4, Except they were in trips open, which locks the back side corner and rolls the weak side safety to play #3. He had two into his zone and jumped #2, but should've played over the top of #3 with underneath help from the LB.  That was really the only breakdown. The first was just poor execution. Tre was playing it correctly just not well.

THIS is why I come to this board. You @StatTiger and @Malcolm_FleX48 et all 

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1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

Too busy hating on CDC at the moment. 

First off, we need to identify to that we have played Clemson and Arky State. And I hate to say it, but Clemson's offense is still in hangover mode from last year as evidenced by their Troy game Saturday. Clemson's offense is just not very good right now. 

We really should wait a couple more games until the "I told you so" chest pounders come out. Texas A&M is coming to Auburn Saturday and that will be a huge matchup. 

I will say this though:  the last several years since Tubs left, we made even poor offenses look good.  They typically had much more success against us than other teams on their schedules.  We missed tackles, were frequently out of position, linebackers were never in their proper run gaps and so on.  I'm seeing virtually none of that now.  Regardless of competition level or hangovers, that is an obvious and significant step forward.

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22 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

I will say this though:  the last several years since Tubs left, we made even poor offenses look good.  They typically had much more success against us than other teams on their schedules.  We missed tackles, were frequently out of position, linebackers were never in their proper run gaps and so on.  I'm seeing virtually none of that now.  Regardless of competition level or hangovers, that is an obvious and significant step forward.

We seem to be playing fundamentally better. However, we reversed course for the better at the tail end of last year with Muschamp. Our defensive resurgence cannot be completely credited to Steele. Steele seems to be calling good games but I don't think we really know how good our defense will be yet. Nor do we have a decent sample size to determine Steele's impact on our defense. If we continue playing great, then Steele should receive credit for it. 

Our defense has a chance to be special this year thanks to our depth and talent in the front 7 though. Steele inherited a highly talented group of leaders on defense in Holsey, Adams, and Lawson plus some great linebackers. Our defense looks great for a variety of reasons.

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