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Coach O roasted on his weekly call-in show


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The natives are extremely restless in Red Stick.

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Coach O should have his own show on network TV. He is that entertaining! You gotta love the dude regardless of whether he can coach his way out of a swamp full of alligators!

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I wonder if Tosh can pull of the accent?  LSU just replaced a goofy guy who knew a little about coaching with just a goofy guy.  Oh and an $18 Million buy out.  Yeah, they're crazy down there in south Louisiana.

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We don't have to worry about this situation anymore. Tiger Talk has been an e-mail/tweet in show since Chizik was head coach. 

I pretty much quit listening to Tiger Talk when it switched to the current format. It's not as interesting to listen to a bunch of coach speak and non answers when you already get that in the coaches weekly press conference. 

I'm glad Ed Orgeron isn't backing down. He's only coached 13 games at LSU and is 9-4. I think people are in knee jerk mode. I don't think anyone expected LSU to win the NC this season or even win the SEC. At best they were considered the #2 team in the SEC West They've still got some big games coming up against Florida and us. Even winning one of those two games could help turn things around for them.

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