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lets get real here a minute..............


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how many of the ten commandents has trump not broken so far in his life?`and lets remember gang we are talking trump. start your own thread id you wanna deflect of what aboutism............

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Interesting that the commandments are only brought up or cared about when a rival fails to meet them. If you really cared about the commandments you'd be critical of everyone that has failed to keep them. 

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15 hours ago, bigbird said:

Interesting that the commandments are only brought up or cared about when a rival fails to meet them. If you really cared about the commandments you'd be critical of everyone that has failed to keep them. 

it is a political discussion board bird. if it makes you feel better i am critical of my own failings as well and normally harder on myself.

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33 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

it is a political discussion board bird. if it makes you feel better i am critical of my own failings as well and normally harder on myself.

We should all be. To single out an individual for their's because you disagree with their politics is, at minimum, hypocritical

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

it is a political discussion board bird. if it makes you feel better i am critical of my own failings as well and normally harder on myself.


1 hour ago, bigbird said:

We should all be. To single out an individual for their's because you disagree with their politics is, at minimum, hypocritical

Not me. I tend to go easy on me and blast those I disagree with...........just trying to say something ICHY likes.

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23 hours ago, bigbird said:

We should all be. To single out an individual for their's because you disagree with their politics is, at minimum, hypocritical

has anyone stopped to think of the damage trump has done in regards to religion? these young kids see through all that and they see the evangelicals calling him the chosen one and giving him a pass on all the bad stuff he says and does. to them it does not compute so to speak. my point is a lot of people of wary of religion now and want little to no part of it. i have no idea how to google that for how bad it hurts religion but the last numbers i saw said religion at least in america is in decline. does that make any sense? i still stand by my words. is religion not supposed to be sacred?

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

has anyone stopped to think of the damage trump has done in regards to religion? these young kids see through all that and they see the evangelicals calling him the chosen one and giving him a pass on all the bad stuff he says and does. to them it does not compute so to speak. my point is a lot of people of wary of religion now and want little to no part of it. i have no idea how to google that for how bad it hurts religion but the last numbers i saw said religion at least in america is in decline. does that make any sense? i still stand by my words. is religion not supposed to be sacred?

I also wish he would be a better role model. 

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2 hours ago, aubiefifty said:religion at least in america is in decline. does that make any sense? i still stand by my words. is religion not supposed to be sacred?

Religion, which should be a manifestation of faith (my faith leads me to my religion, or the practice of my faith) is on a downward trend. Yes, your faith should affect EVERY aspect of your life, private and public. So that begs the question, if you claim to be a practicing Roman Catholic, which means you submit to the authority and teachings of the church given by Christ our Lord, should you only practice your only on Sunday at Mass? Meaning politicians such as Biden, Pelosi, and others who claim to be Catholic are in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching concerning abortion by opposing legislation that limits or eliminates access to abortion, how do you feel about that? This is not a question concerning abortion itself but merely the situation of faith being a guideline for those that profess a given belief/faith. 

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31 minutes ago, aubearcat said:

Religion, which should be a manifestation of faith (my faith leads me to my religion, or the practice of my faith) is on a downward trend. Yes, your faith should affect EVERY aspect of your life, private and public. So that begs the question, if you claim to be a practicing Roman Catholic, which means you submit to the authority and teachings of the church given by Christ our Lord, should you only practice your only on Sunday at Mass? Meaning politicians such as Biden, Pelosi, and others who claim to be Catholic are in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching concerning abortion by opposing legislation that limits or eliminates access to abortion, how do you feel about that? This is not a question concerning abortion itself but merely the situation of faith being a guideline for those that profess a given belief/faith. 

How can you really be a Catholic when you don’t even support one of it’s core beliefs? 

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32 minutes ago, aubearcat said:

Religion, which should be a manifestation of faith (my faith leads me to my religion, or the practice of my faith) is on a downward trend. Yes, your faith should affect EVERY aspect of your life, private and public. So that begs the question, if you claim to be a practicing Roman Catholic, which means you submit to the authority and teachings of the church given by Christ our Lord, should you only practice your only on Sunday at Mass? Meaning politicians such as Biden, Pelosi, and others who claim to be Catholic are in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching concerning abortion by opposing legislation that limits or eliminates access to abortion, how do you feel about that? This is not a question concerning abortion itself but merely the situation of faith being a guideline for those that profess a given belief/faith. 

i am for separation of church and state. i think churches own some of the blood of abortions because they will not teach safe sex or offer birth control. and i read an interesting article about jason isbells wife. she wanted an abortion in tennessee and it messed her up because when she signed up it was just an egg and the states mandatory waiting laws and crap. by the time she was approved the egg had turned into a fetus. the article was on rolling stone but they quit showing full articles online unless you have a subscription. so in my personal opinion there is plenty of blame to go around. and for the record i do not care for abortion myself but since it is not my body i do not have a right to tell that woman what to do. there just are no easy answers and it is fact abstinence just does not work. there are many things i struggle with concerning religion but i am further along than i was unless it is about hate. if you are gay you deserve basic human rights and many are against that. i am sorry but that is not love and i believe love should be the higher law. shrugs.

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24 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:

i am for separation of church and state. 

That’s a completely secular idea. Faith and religion is supposed to be a part of every aspect of a faithful persons life. That was the point I was attempting to make, you can’t be Catholic only for an hour at Sunday Mass and something different the rest of the time. I’m not ignoring the log in my eye while pointing out the spec in another person’s but we are “being real” right? 

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42 minutes ago, SocialCircle said:

How can you really be a Catholic when you don’t even support one of it’s core beliefs? 

The point I was attempting to make. 

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1 hour ago, aubiefifty said:

i think churches own some of the blood of abortions because they will not teach safe sex or offer birth control.

Isn’t fornication declared a sin?

So wouldn’t safe sex be “waiting until marriage” according to their sacred law? Also why would churches offer birth control? It would be saying “it’s a sin....but if you must, here ya go”. Wouldn’t that be more hypocrisy?

So if churches are teaching that and the “believers” don’t follow, isn’t that more of a personal failure?

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5 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

evangelicals calling him the chosen one

Show me one. Just one.

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33 minutes ago, AUFAN78 said:

Show me one. Just one.

There isn’t even one. But go watch the video of the brain washed youngsters singing about Obama on You Tube. 

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