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Sounds like he was raised right I would love to meet his parents one day.  Doesn’t sound like he’s going to be one of those that runs off if someone temporarily beats him out.  We need more like him!

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Elite yet humble upbringing prepares Dematrius Davis for challenges at Auburn

Auburn open practice

Dematrius Davis (18) carries the ball during Auburn's open football practice on Saturday, March 20, 2021. (Photo by Giana Han)

By Giana Han

When LSU quarterback T.J. Finley announced he was transferring to Auburn, it was one of many “character-defining moments” Auburn freshman quarterback Dematrius Davis went through in the last few months.


In January, Davis made the jump from high school to college a semester earlier than most students. He arrived at a school that was nothing like he expected to work with a coaching staff that didn’t recruit him. Then, as spring practice was ending, his father, Dematrius Davis Sr., had a heart attack. Now, Auburn’s new coaching staff has brought in another SEC quarterback despite having Davis who was recruited by previous coach Gus Malzahn as the likely heir to Bo Nix.


But Davis wasn’t fazed by this latest development, and his confidence and composure have made his father “super proud.”


“It’s a character-defining moment,” said Davis Sr., who was also his son’s coach for many years. “There’s going to be times when you have to play this game in certain situations that you didn’t want and that you don’t feel comfortable in, and that’s where you define who you are as a person.”


This is far from the first challenge Davis has faced in his 18 years, but he was raised with expectations of both humility and greatness that have turned him into a player who will improve the team whether he’s on the field or the bench.

Dematrius Davis

Auburn quarterback Dematrius Davis poses with a photo of Orlando Thomas, the first member of his family to be drafted to the NFL. (Photo provided by Tiffany Davis)

A football player before birth

Tiffany Davis knew her son was going to be a football player before he took his first breath from the way he jumped and kicked in her womb. She didn’t know how early she’d have to sign him up for sports, though, but by the age of three, he was terrorizing her furniture.


She started her son with tee-ball, but after an intervention from the other parents about how Davis was tackling the other kids, she gave in and switched to football so that she wouldn’t get “jumped” by the tee-ball parents. While football successfully dealt with Davis’s energy, Davis Sr. was not impressed with the coaching, which he says was “subpar to say the least.” So he took over as his son’s coach and coached him until high school.


Both parents played a part in gifting Davis with the talents that ultimately made him the successful high school quarterback who won three Texas state championships. Tiffany played football until ninth grade when the boys got too big, and, like her son, played some quarterback. She went on to be a college track athlete and said she’s “more athletic than (her) husband,” but her son probably got a lot of his football IQ from his dad. Davis Sr. also played quarterback in high school before switching to boxing and then to coaching.


Although both encouraged their son in his athletic pursuits and made sure to give him the best opportunity to succeed, neither anticipated just how successful he’d be.

Everyday greatness

Tiffany can’t remember ever seeing Davis awestruck by an athlete despite the numerous NFL stars he’s met. “He thinks they’re just regular people that play sports,” she said.


Meeting, working out with and getting feedback from NFL players is just what Davis grew up experiencing. Both his parents have contacts within the NFL and when Davis started showing signs of being special, his father started reaching out for advice. When he was only 7-years old, Davis and his teammates went with his dad to Armed Sports (now Athletic Republic) to start learning how the pros train.


The elementary schoolers worked with players like former Dallas Cowboy quarterback Clint Stoerner and former New England Patriots offensive lineman Wilbert Brown. Through workouts, camps and competitions, they met people like Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson, former Arizona Cardinals quarterback Josh Rosen and hip hop artist turned football coach Snoop Dogg. The Davis family became particular fans of Payton Manning, whose camp they attended many years in a row.


“We’re kind of built under the Manning family,” Davis Sr. said.


Davis Sr. started using the saying “no days off,” which didn’t mean they played or studied football every day but that they were intentional with every life choice, from mealtime to sleep time. As he got more involved with his son’s training, Davis Sr. found a passion for helping other kids by using the connections and knowledge he gathered. Next year will be the first year two kids he mentored — Keondre Coburn, DL for Texas and Kenyon Green, OL for Texas A&M — could be drafted.


When Davis hit high school, his dad gladly turned over coaching duties to someone else. He was ready to sit back and cheer from the stands.


The Davis’s wanted the best opportunity for their son, so they moved to North Shore High School in Houston. Not only did they know the coach, but Tiffany said it was a community where kids knew how to fight and work hard for what they wanted. To them, that made a strong foundation for a winning program.


But when Davis arrived at North Shore, he arrived to a new coach, much like when he arrived at Auburn. His humility and determination there served him well, leading to three state championships.

Dematrius Davis

Tiffany Davis, from left, Dematrius Davis and Dematrius Davis Sr. pose for a photo. (Photo provided by Tiffany Davis)

A patient cheerleader

Lessons in humility started at home, where he was surrounded by one biological brother, two biological sisters and 14 extra brothers.


As the Davises got more involved with the community through football, Davis Sr. started bringing players who needed a helping hand home. Tiffany found herself cooking and cleaning for a household full of growing boys.


While they were happy to help, it wasn’t easy. Sometimes people assumed they were rich, but Tiffany said they were a working class family trying to support a larger than normal household.


Although some of the parents signed over guardianship, Tiffany said they never adopted any of the kids because they didn’t want to try to replace the biological parents. However, they still ended up filling an important role.


“The kids tend to look at you as the mom and dad, so you can’t treat them no different than you treat your own kids,” Tiffany said.


Davis learned quickly that he couldn’t always be the center of attention. And as he reached recruiting age, he really learned how to hang out on the sidelines. All but one of the kids the Davis family took in went on to play Division I football, and some of them received more offers — “way more” — than Davis, a four-star recruit with 27 offers.


“I always taught them, it’s going to be someone else shining, but that’s just because it’s their time,” Tiffany said. “And then God’s going to have your time coming, and they’ll be celebrating. So while they’re shining, you cheer them on.”


Davis eventually got his chance to shine as the leader of a state championship program, but that’s old news they don’t talk about now that he’s at Auburn. Nothing he did before matters as he competes with Nix and Finley, so the Davises are focused on the future.


When Davis made his commitment, he did so with the knowledge that he wouldn’t walk in and immediately play.


“He told me, ‘Mom, I’m ok with learning,’ " Tiffany said.


His parents taught him that it’s just as important to be on the bench as it is to be on the field because that’s where he can learn about coaching and leadership and help pick up any other players who are sitting with him.


Tiffany was already expecting Davis might redshirt his freshman season when the Finley news broke. The offer and subsequent commitment didn’t worry Tiffany, her husband or her son. They’re familiar with the Finley family and think they’re great — now that Finley is Davis’s teammate, they’re rooting hard for him — but Tiffany also said God didn’t give Finley anything different than Davis. Both of them have the opportunity to do great things if they work hard. And Davis is very familiar with hard work from his training with NFL players and from the way his parents raised him.


“We’re gonna compete,” Davis Sr said. “We’re going to fight, and we’re going to scratch, and we’re going to get our diploma, our education. That’s why we started this — for a free education — and we’re not going to tuck tail and run and go play quarterback at another place.”


It doesn’t matter who else is in that room. In fact, Davis Sr. wouldn’t be surprised if a lot more changes happen with commitments, decommitments and transfers. Davis was taught the easy route isn’t the route that makes you better. He’s extremely patient, and he’ll cheer on his teammates until it’s his time to shine.


“And then once his opportunity arrives, when his number’s called and he runs on that field, he won’t run off again until he’s done with his Auburn career,” Davis Sr. said.

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I've heard from various podcasts and articles that the throw in the Aday game was the best throw he made all spring.  As he continues to improve his passing game, I think he'll push hard for the starting spot once Bo leaves.  He's got intangibles that the other Qbs don't have and if used correctly could make any offense lethal.  He's a winner too which overcomes a lot of obstacles some times.  

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2 hours ago, Timbeaux38 said:

and we’re not going to tuck tail and run and go play quarterback at another place.”

for you chicken littles thinking he will transfer. Built different

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1 hour ago, Win4AU said:

I've heard from various podcasts and articles that the throw in the Aday game was the best throw he made all spring.  As he continues to improve his passing game, I think he'll push hard for the starting spot once Bo leaves.  He's got intangibles that the other Qbs don't have and if used correctly could make any offense lethal.  He's a winner too which overcomes a lot of obstacles some times.  

What intangibles does he possess that others don't that you mentioned

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That whole family is inspiring taking in Kids helping raise them, treating them like their own kids. This is a class family and D Davis epitomizes the class he learned from his family. I disagree with people who say you can't learn anything in an A-Day game.  I saw pocket presence, the best throw of the day and instant acceleration when he ran. I also saw a RB type body who when he runs can also break tackles.  I also saw some training films on him and he can make the throws both from the pocket and when running.  I watched some of his HS highlight films and I was impressed how well he threw on the run as he gets his feet into position to throw even when running. If Bo wins out this year and actually lives up to some people's expectations I hope both D Davis and Finley get in enough games to get experience but still be able to Redshirt then let the fight begin the following year.  I want to see all three in some actual games this year so we can have something to judge them on. If we blow one of the cupcakes out in 1st half then give each a quarter.  This is all assuming Bo wins and neither Finley or Davis beat him out this fall.  Finley has college experience but Davis has had all winter and spring to learn the new offense which could make a difference. 

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7 hours ago, Win4AU said:
  1. Auburn Football

Elite yet humble upbringing prepares Dematrius Davis for challenges at Auburn

Updated 9:23 AM; Today 6:59 AM
Auburn open practice

Dematrius Davis (18) carries the ball during Auburn's open football practice on Saturday, March 20, 2021. (Photo by Giana Han)

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By Giana Han

When LSU quarterback T.J. Finley announced he was transferring to Auburn, it was one of many “character-defining moments” Auburn freshman quarterback Dematrius Davis went through in the last few months.


In January, Davis made the jump from high school to college a semester earlier than most students. He arrived at a school that was nothing like he expected to work with a coaching staff that didn’t recruit him. Then, as spring practice was ending, his father, Dematrius Davis Sr., had a heart attack. Now, Auburn’s new coaching staff has brought in another SEC quarterback despite having Davis who was recruited by previous coach Gus Malzahn as the likely heir to Bo Nix.


But Davis wasn’t fazed by this latest development, and his confidence and composure have made his father “super proud.”


“It’s a character-defining moment,” said Davis Sr., who was also his son’s coach for many years. “There’s going to be times when you have to play this game in certain situations that you didn’t want and that you don’t feel comfortable in, and that’s where you define who you are as a person.”


This is far from the first challenge Davis has faced in his 18 years, but he was raised with expectations of both humility and greatness that have turned him into a player who will improve the team whether he’s on the field or the bench.

Dematrius Davis

Auburn quarterback Dematrius Davis poses with a photo of Orlando Thomas, the first member of his family to be drafted to the NFL. (Photo provided by Tiffany Davis)

A football player before birth

Tiffany Davis knew her son was going to be a football player before he took his first breath from the way he jumped and kicked in her womb. She didn’t know how early she’d have to sign him up for sports, though, but by the age of three, he was terrorizing her furniture.


She started her son with tee-ball, but after an intervention from the other parents about how Davis was tackling the other kids, she gave in and switched to football so that she wouldn’t get “jumped” by the tee-ball parents. While football successfully dealt with Davis’s energy, Davis Sr. was not impressed with the coaching, which he says was “subpar to say the least.” So he took over as his son’s coach and coached him until high school.


Both parents played a part in gifting Davis with the talents that ultimately made him the successful high school quarterback who won three Texas state championships. Tiffany played football until ninth grade when the boys got too big, and, like her son, played some quarterback. She went on to be a college track athlete and said she’s “more athletic than (her) husband,” but her son probably got a lot of his football IQ from his dad. Davis Sr. also played quarterback in high school before switching to boxing and then to coaching.


Although both encouraged their son in his athletic pursuits and made sure to give him the best opportunity to succeed, neither anticipated just how successful he’d be.


Dematrius Davis

Everyday greatness

Tiffany can’t remember ever seeing Davis awestruck by an athlete despite the numerous NFL stars he’s met. “He thinks they’re just regular people that play sports,” she said.


Meeting, working out with and getting feedback from NFL players is just what Davis grew up experiencing. Both his parents have contacts within the NFL and when Davis started showing signs of being special, his father started reaching out for advice. When he was only 7-years old, Davis and his teammates went with his dad to Armed Sports (now Athletic Republic) to start learning how the pros train.


The elementary schoolers worked with players like former Dallas Cowboy quarterback Clint Stoerner and former New England Patriots offensive lineman Wilbert Brown. Through workouts, camps and competitions, they met people like Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson, former Arizona Cardinals quarterback Josh Rosen and hip hop artist turned football coach Snoop Dogg. The Davis family became particular fans of Payton Manning, whose camp they attended many years in a row.


“We’re kind of built under the Manning family,” Davis Sr. said.


Davis Sr. started using the saying “no days off,” which didn’t mean they played or studied football every day but that they were intentional with every life choice, from mealtime to sleep time. As he got more involved with his son’s training, Davis Sr. found a passion for helping other kids by using the connections and knowledge he gathered. Next year will be the first year two kids he mentored — Keondre Coburn, DL for Texas and Kenyon Green, OL for Texas A&M — could be drafted.


When Davis hit high school, his dad gladly turned over coaching duties to someone else. He was ready to sit back and cheer from the stands.


The Davis’s wanted the best opportunity for their son, so they moved to North Shore High School in Houston. Not only did they know the coach, but Tiffany said it was a community where kids knew how to fight and work hard for what they wanted. To them, that made a strong foundation for a winning program.


But when Davis arrived at North Shore, he arrived to a new coach, much like when he arrived at Auburn. His humility and determination there served him well, leading to three state championships.

Dematrius Davis

Tiffany Davis, from left, Dematrius Davis and Dematrius Davis Sr. pose for a photo. (Photo provided by Tiffany Davis)

A patient cheerleader

Lessons in humility started at home, where he was surrounded by one biological brother, two biological sisters and 14 extra brothers.


As the Davises got more involved with the community through football, Davis Sr. started bringing players who needed a helping hand home. Tiffany found herself cooking and cleaning for a household full of growing boys.


While they were happy to help, it wasn’t easy. Sometimes people assumed they were rich, but Tiffany said they were a working class family trying to support a larger than normal household.


Although some of the parents signed over guardianship, Tiffany said they never adopted any of the kids because they didn’t want to try to replace the biological parents. However, they still ended up filling an important role.


“The kids tend to look at you as the mom and dad, so you can’t treat them no different than you treat your own kids,” Tiffany said.


Davis learned quickly that he couldn’t always be the center of attention. And as he reached recruiting age, he really learned how to hang out on the sidelines. All but one of the kids the Davis family took in went on to play Division I football, and some of them received more offers — “way more” — than Davis, a four-star recruit with 27 offers.


“I always taught them, it’s going to be someone else shining, but that’s just because it’s their time,” Tiffany said. “And then God’s going to have your time coming, and they’ll be celebrating. So while they’re shining, you cheer them on.”


Davis eventually got his chance to shine as the leader of a state championship program, but that’s old news they don’t talk about now that he’s at Auburn. Nothing he did before matters as he competes with Nix and Finley, so the Davises are focused on the future.


When Davis made his commitment, he did so with the knowledge that he wouldn’t walk in and immediately play.


“He told me, ‘Mom, I’m ok with learning,’ " Tiffany said.


His parents taught him that it’s just as important to be on the bench as it is to be on the field because that’s where he can learn about coaching and leadership and help pick up any other players who are sitting with him.


Tiffany was already expecting Davis might redshirt his freshman season when the Finley news broke. The offer and subsequent commitment didn’t worry Tiffany, her husband or her son. They’re familiar with the Finley family and think they’re great — now that Finley is Davis’s teammate, they’re rooting hard for him — but Tiffany also said God didn’t give Finley anything different than Davis. Both of them have the opportunity to do great things if they work hard. And Davis is very familiar with hard work from his training with NFL players and from the way his parents raised him.


“We’re gonna compete,” Davis Sr said. “We’re going to fight, and we’re going to scratch, and we’re going to get our diploma, our education. That’s why we started this — for a free education — and we’re not going to tuck tail and run and go play quarterback at another place.”


It doesn’t matter who else is in that room. In fact, Davis Sr. wouldn’t be surprised if a lot more changes happen with commitments, decommitments and transfers. Davis was taught the easy route isn’t the route that makes you better. He’s extremely patient, and he’ll cheer on his teammates until it’s his time to shine.


“And then once his opportunity arrives, when his number’s called and he runs on that field, he won’t run off again until he’s done with his Auburn career,” Davis Sr. said.


Need to repost in plain text.

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Wish the guy the best. I certainly don't hope he ends up on a bench here (or anywhere) for all four years of his career, but that is an inspiring attitude

Edited by Dual-Threat Rigby
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17 hours ago, cole256 said:

What intangibles does he possess that others don't that you mentioned

Speed, illusiveness 

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17 hours ago, cole256 said:

What intangibles does he possess that others don't that you mentioned


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Great read! I’ll certainly be cheering for Dee as long as he is a tiger. Sounds like a great kid and a great family. With that attitude and his talents I put my money on him to start as QB for Auburn one day. 

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21 hours ago, CodeRocket said:

From what I saw in the spring game, he moves around in the pocket really well, was pretty accurate on deep throws, checked down quickly under heavy pressure, and when he did run, he was pretty dangerous

Some of those moves...those are things you can't coach. There was one play where he juked around and between two defenders and I just know that Harsin and Bobo had to be smiling.

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1 hour ago, Win4AU said:

Speed, illusiveness 

I'm not going to get off topic or start a back and forth......But those things aren't considered intangible....the intangible phrase that gets over used a little imo, us as fans would never know if a guy has or doesn't have those. Imo

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22 hours ago, CodeRocket said:

From what I saw in the spring game

Sorry.  The spring game doesn't count.  Can't use this as any reference 

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2 hours ago, Win4AU said:

Speed, illusiveness 

These seem like very specific tangible traits 🤣

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I like our QB room.  It seems every single one of our QB's will push each other to be better.  I am excited for our future at this position.  Don't forget that Holden is a great QB as well.  Just invited to the Elite camp yesterday.  


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22 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

These seem like very specific tangible traits 🤣

Ha.  Maybe I used the wrong word.  Davis is faster and can make moves that the other Qbs cannot.  If he can get the passing game part of his skillset mastered then he will be very dangerous.  I’m thinking a Kyler, Baker kinda of Qb.

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21 hours ago, cole256 said:

What intangibles does he possess that others don't that you mentioned

I’m not sure if the other QB’s have them but seems like that was what the article’s described. Nothing about physical attributes. Confidence, faith in himself, puts himself behind the team needs. 

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1 hour ago, Hank2020 said:

I’m not sure if the other QB’s have them but seems like that was what the article’s described. Nothing about physical attributes. Confidence, faith in himself, puts himself behind the team needs. 

Right. And that's my point, you can't really know if other guys don't have those things

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