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Did Coach Caddy ever say he wanted the job?


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Did Coach Lac ever say he wanted to be considered for the HC position?  Or was it just the fans and media saying he should be HC?

I could fill in and be the boss at my job and could handle it very well short term. But I don’t want to do it long term, happier in my role now with company.  I make good money and have  half the stress.

A few more years, I would do it. But not right now.

Is it remotely possible that is what Coach Lac wants, but hat is not what some

 fans think he wants?

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Everything I have seen, basically said he wasnt ready for the head gig yet.  Which, I completely respect.  I would love for Caddy to be the HC, but that last thing I want to see his him fail.  Definitely do not want a Frost/Shula situation, where they are basically not welcome home anymore.

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20 minutes ago, CentralFLtiger said:

I think in his 4 weeks at the helm he learned that there is much more to learn. 

I’m not sure he was even asked if he wanted the interim tag he got. He said he was told he was the choice. He may not have meant it this way but it’s exactly what he said..BUT he took it on like a BOSS. That’s still not the same as being the HC 365. I don’t see how he could be ready for that and think he knew he wasn’t. My biggest worry would have been the negative impact on him if it crashed and burned. It’s not as if he would have been paid a life changing contract. This is the first person/coach I have ever cared about more than I care about the football program. The program can recover from risk. 

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2 minutes ago, Bro Johnny Mac said:

Perfect scenario:

Freeze is here for 8-10 years and LAC takes over

Agreed. Even if he has a Gus like flame out in 5-6 years Cadillac will have learned enough by then assuming he gets promoted to OC or associate HC.

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53 minutes ago, CentralFLtiger said:

Agreed. Even if he has a Gus like flame out in 5-6 years Cadillac will have learned enough by then assuming he gets promoted to OC or associate HC.

Cadillac has been a coach 5-6 years? He’s an infant in those ranks. The thing that set him apart is that he loves Auburn. Every staff he works on can grow him. But we will never match the passion he has. The only thing holding it up is nobody knows if he has any identity from an X n Os perspective. That actually matters. 

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Cadillac is humble. Not in it for fame and fortune, but for the love of the kids and their future. His time will come to head a program, but he needs a little more experience and he knows that. I admire him for it.

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