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My Nephew


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... just enlisted in the Navy. I attended his swearing-in ceremony yesterday because the recruiting office is in the same building where I work. He's set on becoming a Navy Corpsman and being assigned to a Marine unit. He initially was all gung-ho to join the Marines ever since he was a junior in HS. He unfortunately suffered a shoulder separation injury as a wrestler which ended up requiring 3 surgeries to repair. The Marines rejected him because of it even though his orthopeadic surgeon vouched for the repair job. Anyways, to say he was disappointed is putting it mildly. He didn't stay down for long (typical wrestler mentality) and figured out a Plan B to get to serve with the Marines. Let me tell you, this is one driven individual. I admire the heck out of him. Just thought y'all ought to know: the Navy (& the Marines) are getting another good one.

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Please pass along my congratulations to your nephew. He's joining 2 outstanding outfits. Once he becomes "Doc" to his Marines, he's one of them.

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