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Happy birthday

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Happy 27th to Blonde Wasabi.

Now, get back in the kitchen and cook Craig some breakfast! :big:

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Happy 27th to Blonde Wasabi.

Now, get back in the kitchen and cook Craig some breakfast! :big:

Happy birthday! And what are you doing with shoes on?

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Happy birthday to the Love of My Life.

Don't lesson to TIS and Sani, they are just a couple of neonthe neanathed neinderthols cavemen.

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Just did the arithmetic on this and, assuming her stated age is correct, she missed being a "Leap Day" baby by a day, maybe even just a few hours.

Probably a good thing, especially when you're a kid.

Anyway, I digress...Happy Birthday.

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You did your math correctly...my mom denied being in labor so that I wasn't a leap year baby...3:15am. Craig need to do his physical therapy, therefore, it is therapeutic for him to roll his caveman behind out of the bed & fix his own.

Thanks guys, I had a good day...

Till I came home and had to cook my own dinner.........................

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Hey, at least I got her a card and a button to wear at work today that said "Perfect Wife" and I am treating her to a nice dinner at Landry's Saturday night. I am not sure if the company that we will be keeping that night is much of a birthday present though.

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Happy Birthday, make Ranger be your slave all day.

Wait, wouldn't that be for Ranger's bday. :poke:

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Happy Birthday, make Ranger be your slave all day.

Wait, wouldn't that be for Ranger's bday. :poke:

Now that would be a present Happy birthday

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