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Imus thoughts from Rush

DKW 86

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And from an article on talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It quotes Rush from 4-12-07.


Of course, censorship, that's also here. I want to say something for the record here, folks, and I want it to be recorded. Today, April the 12th, the day of the cigar dinner, let it be recorded that we conservatives are the ones standing for free speech. We conservatives are the ones standing for diversity of thought and honest communication.

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you. We do not urge censorship because we are not afraid of the free flow of ideas.

Liberals are.

Thomas Sowell said something that is so brilliant. It's a brilliant insight. Dr. Sowell said, "The liberals' favorite argument is that there is no argument. Nothing uttered in opposition to liberal beliefs exists, in their minds, at least nothing worthy of their intellectual engagement." Sounds just like what Bamagrad said in my signature quote.

"There is absolutely ZERO tolerance for those who dont 100% approve of EVERYONE's lifestyle...they refuse to tolerate anyone with an opinion that differs from their own. " Bamagrad03 3-27-07

That's why global warming, we can't argue about it! There are global warming "deniers." We gotta shut up! We cannot have alternative views of global warming. There is no alternative view. There is only the liberal view. Liberals fail on talk radio because they can't make their case!They don't dare make their case in public. They can't anyway. They can't argue it. That's why liberals fail in talk radio. It's why they fail anywhere where they don't dominate. It's why they refuse to go on Fox!

There is no alternative to liberalism. They refuse to acknowledge it. They are the ones trying to censor. They're the ones trying to indoctrinate -- and it's now funny because one of their chosen ones, Don Imus, is the victim of liberalism, and he did his best to be one of them, but he was never a liberal with a capital L. He never really got in the club like he thought he was. His buddies are abandoning him left and right now. The people that enabled him, the people that propped him up, the people that looked the other way when they heard him say far worse than what he said about the Rutgers basketball team. Now they're acting like they never heard this stuff before. "I didn't know this, why, this is (grumbling)," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

We conservatives talk of equal opportunity based on merit, not quotas, not pigment, not anything else.

Liberals want to shut down radio programs. They want to shut down Fox News. They want to shut down political speech.

They want to shut down anybody who doesn't embrace their ideology, and they want to criminalize those who don't embrace their ideology.

Today it's the race baiters. Tomorrow it's going to be some other cause, but liberalism is what it is, and it exists to silence people who don't agree.

They can't win the debate, which they admit by their own actions. They don't want debate.

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And from an article on talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It quotes Rush from 4-12-07.


Of course, censorship, that's also here. I want to say something for the record here, folks, and I want it to be recorded. Today, April the 12th, the day of the cigar dinner, let it be recorded that we conservatives are the ones standing for free speech. We conservatives are the ones standing for diversity of thought and honest communication.

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you. We do not urge censorship because we are not afraid of the free flow of ideas.


What you guys say with a straight face is truly amazing. Rush is obviously still doped up. What's your excuse? The Dixie Chicks would heartily disagree. Bill Mahrer, too. And everybody ever targeted by Don Wildmon. :roflol:

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And from an article on talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It quotes Rush from 4-12-07.


Of course, censorship, that's also here. I want to say something for the record here, folks, and I want it to be recorded. Today, April the 12th, the day of the cigar dinner, let it be recorded that we conservatives are the ones standing for free speech. We conservatives are the ones standing for diversity of thought and honest communication.

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you. We do not urge censorship because we are not afraid of the free flow of ideas.


What you guys say with a straight face is truly amazing. Rush is obviously still doped up. What's your excuse? The Dixie Chicks would heartily disagree. Bill Mahrer, too. And everybody ever targeted by Don Wildmon. :roflol:

No one tried to force Bill Maher, The Dixie Chicks, etc to have to share their time with competing ideas. THe Hush Rush Bill did just that. Maher, TDC, etc can still be heard even if some dont buy their products.

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And from an article on talk radio and Rush Limbaugh. It quotes Rush from 4-12-07.


Of course, censorship, that's also here. I want to say something for the record here, folks, and I want it to be recorded. Today, April the 12th, the day of the cigar dinner, let it be recorded that we conservatives are the ones standing for free speech. We conservatives are the ones standing for diversity of thought and honest communication.

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you. We do not urge censorship because we are not afraid of the free flow of ideas.


What you guys say with a straight face is truly amazing. Rush is obviously still doped up. What's your excuse? The Dixie Chicks would heartily disagree. Bill Mahrer, too. And everybody ever targeted by Don Wildmon. :roflol:

No one tried to force Bill Maher, The Dixie Chicks, etc to have to share their time with competing ideas. THe Hush Rush Bill did just that. Maher, TDC, etc can still be heard even if some dont buy their products.

This was about "Imus thoughts from Rush", right?

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This was about "Imus thoughts from Rush", right?

How funny! David tried to explain the subject in the rest of the title. You have got to be kidding, right?

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Thanks JW, but we know Tex's MO these days: "Reply to the whole original post with a one line response, in the form of a question, that has just about zero in common with the original post."

How many times have we seen this happen? It is like he is trying desperately to be a one man thread hijack on every post in this forum.

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Thanks JW, but we know Tex's MO these days: "Reply to the whole original post with a one line response, in the form of a question, that has just about zero in common with the original post."

How many times have we seen this happen? It is like he is trying desperately to be a one man thread hijack on every post in this forum.

This is David's current MO when I call him out on his BS. He quoted Rush saying unequivocally:

We conservatives are the ones standing for diversity of thought and honest communication.

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you.

That is patently untrue. Period. David should be able to just admit that, but he doesn't seem capable of doing so.

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Who are we supposed to be wanting to take off the air? Imus?

Yes or no, do you agree with this statement:

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you
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I do agree. I dont know of anyone trying to get the Federal Govt to take another person off the air for nothing more than political discourse.

There maybe a sliver of an argument with Stern and the Decency filings against him. but he is not a political show IMHO, just really lowbrow entertainment.

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I do agree. I dont know of anyone trying to get the Federal Govt to take another person off the air for nothing more than political discourse.

There maybe a sliver of an argument with Stern and the Decency filings against him. but he is not a political show IMHO, just really lowbrow entertainment.

David, ""Never argue with a liberal; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you"

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I do agree. I dont know of anyone trying to get the Federal Govt to take another person off the air for nothing more than political discourse.

There maybe a sliver of an argument with Stern and the Decency filings against him. but he is not a political show IMHO, just really lowbrow entertainment.

Of course, you attempt to reframe the question instead of simply answering it. This is the statement:

You do not hear a conservative anywhere suggest that anybody be taken off any radio station, television station, movies or what have you.

You'll notice it says NOTHING about the federal government. It is a blanket statement and it is wrong. It would be equally if someone replaced the word "conservative" with "liberal". Folks on both sides of the aisle sometimes attempt to shut down those with whom they disagree. This guy made a career of it:


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He has also claimed that "Jews favor homosexual rights more than other Americans [2]".

So one idiot makes it a whole movement? If you read what he objects to, he and the rest of the conservatiives on this board would not get along.

He spoke against such hits as Three's Company, Charlie's Angels, M*A*S*H, and Dallas.

I have watched all of these and I still like girls and keep a steady job too. ;)

Tex, he is another nutcase like Phelps and they are scourges of the real conservatives in the US.

Now, the CONTEXT of Rush's statement was on the HushRush Bill (Fairness Doctrine). He was talking about a real organized effort to stifle free speech by censoring him in time allowed.

As Air America has proven, if there arent pictures involved, you cant keep a liberal's attention too long. :poke:

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He has also claimed that "Jews favor homosexual rights more than other Americans [2]".

So one idiot makes it a whole movement? If you read what he objects to, he and the rest of the conservatiives on this board would not get along.

He spoke against such hits as Three's Company, Charlie's Angels, M*A*S*H, and Dallas.

I have watched all of these and I still like girls and keep a steady job too. ;)

Tex, he is another nutcase like Phelps and they are scourges of the real conservatives in the US.

Now, the CONTEXT of Rush's statement was on the HushRush Bill (Fairness Doctrine). He was talking about a real organized effort to stifle free speech by censoring him in time allowed.

As Air America has proven, if there arent pictures involved, you cant keep a liberal's attention too long. :poke:

The statement was unequivocal and not dependent on him also talking about the Fairness Doctrine-- that fact that you call it the HushRush Bill only points out your obsession with your idol.

You don't really follow the news so you are ignorant of Wildmon. He was hardly a one man show. And he is just one example, but he was an early and prolific example of a conservative trying to get others he disagree with off the air. You can only see things through your highly partisan lens, so you insist the problem only goes one way. I readily see it as a two way street.

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Wildmon and Marlon Maddox are the frringe kooks of the religious right in the US. And I do mean FRINGE. I have heard the man speak over the the radio and tv many times. He is not what I would call even sane half the time he talks. He is a conspiracy theorist at every level. You know, the CFR, Trilateral Commisssion, etc. Moonbats. I really dont think the man has any real power in the country, even with the religious in the deep south matters much.

Tex, he would probably find this site, even myself, far too liberal for him. He would be ready to bbq us for using the Seinfeld (oops quoted a Jew) NTTAWWT about homosexuality among a litany of other crimes against God we commit here everyday in his eyes.

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