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John Kerry


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See, this is what I was saying before. That site calls Kerry a "LIbertarian-leaning" liberal but Howard Dean was called "Hard-core" liberal even though the dot on the graph is in the same place. Sharpton's and Edwards' and, I believe Kucinich's were also in that same spot. I'm not sure what criteria they use to "name" the candidates "LIbertarian-leaning" or "Hard-core" or whatever.

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Well, I'd say he's got to be pretty close...a lifetime rating of 92% from the liberal Americans for Democratic Action, while fellow Mass. Senator Ted Kennedy only rates out at 88%. I'd say that was pretty liberal, no matter what some chart says.

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I'm saying, "I'm not sure what criteria they use to "name" the candidates "LIbertarian-leaning" or "Hard-core" or whatever." If it makes you happier to think of Kerry as more liberal than Dean (or vice-versa) then go ahead.

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maybe the 'dot locator' is messed up, AL.

if kerry isn't liberal, why are all the liberals on his side?? what's wrong w/ being a liberal anyway? it's not like it's a dirty word, is it?

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Well, I'd say he's got to be pretty close...a lifetime rating of 92% from the liberal Americans for Democratic Action, while fellow Mass. Senator Ted Kennedy only rates out at 88%. I'd say that was pretty liberal, no matter what some chart says.


More liberal than Chappaquidick? WOW!

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More liberal than Chappaquidick? WOW!

I pulled this info from the American for Democratic Action website (adaction.org). I highlighted some notables that were considered less liberal than Kerry. The list of ones considered more liberal is complete. The ones under him mainly consist of notable Democrats that rate lower than Kerry.

Lifetime Voting Records: Senators

Ratings based on 100 point scale for liberal voting patterns

Wellstone (MN) 99

Reed (RI) 99

Schumer (NY) 98

Feingold (WI) 98

Durbin (IL) 98

Clinton (NY) 95

Boxer (CA) 96

Mikulski (MD) 94

Wyden (OR) 93

Leahy (VT) 93

Lautenburg (NJ) 93

Kerry (MA) 92

Akaka (HI) 92

Sarbanes (MD) 91

Kennedy (MA) 90

Mondale (MN) 90

Edwards (NC) 88

Moseley-Braun (IL) 88

Feinstein (CA) 86

Dodd (CT) 84

Daschle (SD) 83

Lieberman (CT) 76

Biden (DE) 72

He's more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale, Carol Moseley-Braun, and Diane Feinstein based on his lifetime voting record. Now, who is it that's to the far extreme of the political spectrum? Hmm.

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maybe the 'dot locator' is messed up, AL.

if kerry isn't liberal, why are all the liberals on his side??  what's wrong w/ being a liberal anyway? it's not like it's a dirty word, is it?

It isn't that he's a liberal. It's just weird that one tick mark into the liberal region gets one labled "hard core liberal" and the other one is labled "libertarian liberal."

This is Dean:


Howard Dean is a Hard-Core Liberal.

This is Carol Moseley-Braun:


Carol Moseley-Braun is a Hard-Core Liberal.

This is Daniel Inouye:


Daniel Inouye is a Libertarian-Leaning Liberal. -His dot really does go up toward the libertarian area.

Here is Tom Harkin:


Tom Harkin is a Populist-Leaning Liberal. -Same dot location as Kerry and Dean, but now it's called populist-leaning. (???)

Doesn't make sense to me.

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Who gives a rats rear-end?!?!?!?!? Kerry, the leading Dem candidate, is a hard coree liberal! More so than Kennedy!! Does it really matter what this stupid chart says?

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Typical liberal reaction, TigerAl. When Libs have no rebuttal for an arguement, its typical for them to find some meaningless point to debate to try and shift the focus from the real issue.

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This is actually the second part of this topic. I gave no rebuttal because I don't disagree with the argument even though I didn't see an argument being made to begin with. I've never heard of a Libertarian-Leaning liberal, though, and I don't have a problem with his being a liberal.

Kerry, the leading Dem candidate, is a hard coree liberal! More so than Kennedy!!

Actually, according to this site, Kennedy is the more liberal of the two. See:


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AAAAAAAND-AGAIN.  Who really cares what this stupid chart says?  You obviously feel it is flawed.  Get over it.  Move on.

Forget it guys, there is no point in beating the dead horse here.

But, if you find any flying saucers, men on grassy knolls, black helicopters, computer tracking chips in currency, altered Zabruder tapes, Tommy Gallion interviews, Elvis at Burger King, etc etc, etc. Then please feel free to contact the local DNC Party member and let them know. They seem to be far more interested in those things anyway. ;)

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