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Bin Laden 'surrounded'


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well, in that respect, dean seemed to have gambled and lost, as far as that being an issue/idea that held its ground w/ the democratic voters.

hope we catch OBL soon.


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Let's see now, 1st President Bush knew before of 9/11, 2nd the capture of Sodom Hussein was staged for a bump in the polls, 3rd Osama bin Laden will be captured just in time to help "steal" another election for Mr. Bush. :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol:

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Let's see now, 1st President Bush knew before of 9/11, 2nd the capture of Sodom Hussein was staged for a bump in the polls, 3rd Osama bin Laden will be captured just in time to help "steal" another election for Mr. Bush. :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol:

They actually have OBL stashed in a penthouse suite at The Aladin in Vegas (decor similar to home), plying him with women and booze (hey, he was in those caves a LONG time!) and waiting for the perfect moment to "pretend" to find him.


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Let's see now, 1st President Bush knew before of 9/11, 2nd the capture of Sodom Hussein was staged for a bump in the polls, 3rd Osama bin Laden will be captured just in time to help "steal" another election for Mr. Bush. :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol::lol:

Yeah and the resurgence of the economy was only a "ploy" to get Bush re-elected. After he is, I'm sure he will repeat whatever he did the first time to make the economy so bad. :D

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Long time, no see, BG! Where you been?

busy busy busy...my contract in mobile is up so im doing some small contract work and been between here and bham trying to get some stuff lined up.

i figured id let you aubies have some fun without me disagreeing for a while :D

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