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Auburn has a chance to repeat history


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Auburn has a chance to repeat history

by Tony Barnhart

I am often asked to list the best rivalries in college football. My list is probably about the same as yours: Georgia-Florida, Texas-Oklahoma, Ohio State-Michigan, Alabama-Tennessee, Miami-Florida State.

I always leave out Alabama-Auburn and so the question is inevitably asked about the omission. Why do I not list Alabama-Auburn? Because, in my experience, Alabama-Auburn (or Auburn-Alabama) is much, much more than a mere football rivalry. It is a cultural war and the participants just use football to fight it.

If I ever had any doubt about this, those doubts were erased on Dec. 2, 1989, when I attended the most emotional football game of my career.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Alabama went to Auburn for the first time ever.

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Roll call ... who was there in 1989?

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I was there.... it was my last Home game as a student.... and I graduated soon afterward ..... The Pep rally , Parade, and what happened that night at Toomers.... I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER Forget.... and the sign hanging from the old gymnastics building before it burned..... "Ray Perkins said that it would never happen" It DID and WE WON!!!!!!!!! Lets Do It AGAIN..... Bama came in 10-0 that day.... and went home a crying 10-1......Lets do it again.... WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!

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It would be great, but that Auburn team was also 8-2 that year (finished 10-2). Much different than 7-4, a depleted roster, and a new coaching staff.

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My very first game in JHS! 17 year old Senior in High School.

Very well worth it! It opened a new chapter in my life. It solidified my break from home grown roots and planted me firmly in the soil of the Auburn Family.

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It would be great, but that Auburn team was also 8-2 that year (finished 10-2). Much different than 7-4, a depleted roster, and a new coaching staff.

And the wheels on the bus go round and round. :rolleyes:

You are right about that Auburn team. They were very talented and much deeper than the one we have today. There's a lot of teams that have loses this year than can say that about the team that beat them, though....and we can win if we execute and get some breaks.

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Flew in from London around 3am the morning of the game.My brother picked me up at Hartsfield. We drove straight to Auburn. Left that night after the game and flew back to London.

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PC and Tiger88 would both ruin a wet dream! If I could swear on here I would call you both f tards! PLEASE DO NOT come to Auburn on Friday we can do it without you piss poor fans! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!

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Auburn has a chance to repeat history

by Tony Barnhart

I am often asked to list the best rivalries in college football. My list is probably about the same as yours: Georgia-Florida, Texas-Oklahoma, Ohio State-Michigan, Alabama-Tennessee, Miami-Florida State.

I always leave out Alabama-Auburn and so the question is inevitably asked about the omission. Why do I not list Alabama-Auburn? Because, in my experience, Alabama-Auburn (or Auburn-Alabama) is much, much more than a mere football rivalry. It is a cultural war and the participants just use football to fight it.

If I ever had any doubt about this, those doubts were erased on Dec. 2, 1989, when I attended the most emotional football game of my career.

It's hard to believe it's been 20 years since Alabama went to Auburn for the first time ever.

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Roll call ... who was there in 1989?

I was there...It was my freshman year and I was hoarse for 4 days afterwards....Would be worth hoarseness again if we could beat bama one more again....WDE!!!!!!!!

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I was a sophomore in '89 and was there. I know that everyone in the stadium that wanted a shaker got at least 1. I think I had probably 10 myself. I had orange and blue dust in my nose and eyes after that game! I remember the stadium parking lot filling up on Monday of that week...there was very few restrictions in place back then. I hated seeing all those damn Bammers on the plains, but I was happy to trade that with having the game finally on campus. I have never, ever heard the stadium any louder than that day. I have been to some loud games: UF '93, UF '01, UF '06, Bama '05, but none even touched the palpable electricity that was in that stadium that day!!! WDE and BEAT BAMA!!!

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PC and Tiger88 would both ruin a wet dream! If I could swear on here I would call you both f tards! PLEASE DO NOT come to Auburn on Friday we can do it without you piss poor fans! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!

Errrrrr, uhhhhh. Perhaps you should re-read my post, only this time comprehend it. I was stating that we will win on friday and both victories will stand on their own, therefore fridays win shouldn't be considered a "repeat of history". It will be it's own event altogether.

Should you ever lump me together with pchump again I will call you dirty names under my breath, lol.


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PC and Tiger88 would both ruin a wet dream! If I could swear on here I would call you both f tards! PLEASE DO NOT come to Auburn on Friday we can do it without you piss poor fans! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!

Errrrrr, uhhhhh. Perhaps you should re-read my post, only this time comprehend it. I was stating that we will win on friday and both victories will stand on their own, therefore fridays win shouldn't be considered a "repeat of history". It will be it's own event altogether.

Should you ever lump me together with pchump again I will call you dirty names under my breath, lol.


My bad I thought you meant we would lose and that it would be history b/c it was on the 20th anniversary, miscommunication on my part, I do apologize! I will edit my post :)

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It would be great, but that Auburn team was also 8-2 that year (finished 10-2). Much different than 7-4, a depleted roster, and a new coaching staff.


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PC and Tiger88 would both ruin a wet dream! If I could swear on here I would call you both f tards! PLEASE DO NOT come to Auburn on Friday we can do it without you piss poor fans! WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!

Errrrrr, uhhhhh. Perhaps you should re-read my post, only this time comprehend it. I was stating that we will win on friday and both victories will stand on their own, therefore fridays win shouldn't be considered a "repeat of history". It will be it's own event altogether.

Should you ever lump me together with pchump again I will call you dirty names under my breath, lol.


My bad I thought you meant we would lose and that it would be history b/c it was on the 20th anniversary, miscommunication on my part, I do apologize! I will edit my post :)

Water under the bridge! I won't be there on Friday, but will be watching with friends. I know you guys will provide the noise though! We will do this! War Eagle! :au:

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I was a sophomore in '89 and was there. I know that everyone in the stadium that wanted a shaker got at least 1. I think I had probably 10 myself. I had orange and blue dust in my nose and eyes after that game! I remember the stadium parking lot filling up on Monday of that week...there was very few restrictions in place back then. I hated seeing all those damn Bammers on the plains, but I was happy to trade that with having the game finally on campus. I have never, ever heard the stadium any louder than that day. I have been to some loud games: UF '93, UF '01, UF '06, Bama '05, but none even touched the palpable electricity that was in that stadium that day!!! WDE and BEAT BAMA!!!

Maybe we should bring back the paper shakers for this game...I remember having about five of them to start the game and being down to one at the end of the game because I was cheering so hard..WDE!!!!!!

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I was there! It was great. I remember the big dust cloud from all those orange and blue paper shakers. The atmosphere was electric and we need it like that again this week. :au:

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I guess this is as good a place as anywhere to add my 2 cents, so here it goes.

There's not much of a chance , imo, but there is a chance at beating bama.

Objectively, I don't see where we match up, based on how the 2 teams have played over the course of the season, to inspire much confidence.

Save for the following -

A much needed week off for the Tigers last Sat. Physically and mentally, it had to help. If nothing else, it should help the team get their feet back under them and allow them to focus on a 1 game season. Because that's how this should be viewed. Bowl games or not, this is all that matters.

Common opponents. Sure, bama handled LSU and Arky in dominating fashion. They had more trouble w/ a re surging UT, a team Auburn soundly whooped, up in Knoxville, despite the final score.

Basically, Auburn has to play at or near error free ball, and hope bama gives us a couple of breaks. We already know the refs will be doing all in their power to keep bama from giving anything away. I doubt there'd be any whole sale blunders , like the 'no catch' call vs LSU. That would likely ignite a riot if the game came down to such a play.

The game's played on the field, not on paper.

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Out foxing Bama's D is going to be key in winning this game. With Terrence Cody, why tie up two people blocking him, just run the ball away from him and anyone else like him? I don't uderstand trying to block the guy when it's going to take two people. Just turn Omac or Gulley loose with a direct snap to the wide side with a couple of pulled linemen blocking and wear out those big Bama D linemen early. Then we can pick them a part in the second half like we did Arky. We are not going to run up the gut against Kody in the first half unless a miracle occurs. Flares to the backs takes too much time with Bama's LB and secondary pursuit. Screens will be more beneficial for us. I hope Malzahn has thoroughly thought this through.I like the drag/post across the middle of the secondary to Fannin. Slants to wide outs or Omac. And where is Eric Smith?

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:cheer: I was there and will remember it for the rest of my life. We FORCED them to come and then kicked their butts. GREAT day all the way around. :au:
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:cheer: I was there and will remember it for the rest of my life. We FORCED them to come and then kicked their butts. GREAT day all the way around. :au:

and their 2-7 record in jordan-hare explains why they didn't want to come in the first place. Their 3-13 record when the game is played on either campus explains why they didn't want the game out of birmingham.

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