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Robert Gibbs and Reporter


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Gibbs, like Biden, is the gift that just keeps on giving. :roflol:

Obama and Co might be able to stow Biden away from prying eyes, but Gibbs is right there, full monty and everything, before an ever dissatisfied and disillusioned media.

They helped build this administration up, now we'll see if they can stomach it for an entire term.


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Gibbs, like Biden, is the gift that just keeps on giving. :roflol:

Obama and Co might be able to stow Biden away from prying eyes, but Gibbs is right there, full monty and everything, before an ever dissatisfied and disillusioned media.

They helped build this administration up, now we'll see if they can stomach it for an entire term.


Wow. What a warped perception of what occurred. :rolleyes:

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Gotta say, the whole line of questioning was stupid. Like someone messed up and let the National Enquirer or Perez Hilton in the press room.

You can't be serious. Did you even watch the video ? Catch how the room full of reporters groaned at Gibbs when he told the woman reporter to " calm down , take a breath" , like she was a child ?

Regardless of how April Ryan acted, it's clear that the WH press corps has had enough of Mr Gibbs. Evading questions and giving the company line is certainly something the reporters covering the WH have come to expect, but this ? I'm sure many in that room feel they helped get Obama elected, and have grown quite tired of dealing w/ Gibb's incompetence and smugness. This exchange is no isolated incident. Things have been going on like this since day one, and I'm sure that Ms Ryan didn't care for the D.C. shuffle on such a basic and straight forward question, and the WH press corps is getting damn tired of being treated like children.

Asking these 'trivial' questions is sometimes how the truth gets uncovered, how the Salahis found their way into the dinner, and how steps can be taken to see that it never happens again.

* A very side note, the fact that Gibbs told a black female reporter to 'calm down', can't be overlooked. Had this been a GOP WH Press Secretary, we'd be hearing cries of RACISM and BIGOT, and how they don't care for black people or don't take women seriously. Complete double standard going on here, but once we've come to expect. <_<

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At the end of the video, the next report says, "April, please forgive me if I ask this question..." presumably something with a more serious topic. I think most of her peers think the line of question was silly and a reflection of her obsession with the social secretary. Still, the child reference could have been best avoided, but the "calm down" is not that unusual if you been watching press conferences through the years. Bush press secretaries had their share of condescending exchanges, but know of them were ever as "scandalous" as you find this one to be.

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At the end of the video, the next report says, "April, please forgive me if I ask this question..." presumably something with a more serious topic. I think most of her peers think the line of question was silly and a reflection of her obsession with the social secretary. Still, the child reference could have been best avoided, but the "calm down" is not that unusual if you been watching press conferences through the years. Bush press secretaries had their share of condescending exchanges, but know of them were ever as "scandalous" as you find this one to be.

This isn't about the Social Secretary, and has nothing to do w/ the Bush years ( I already remarked at how Press Secretaries are expected to tow the Administration line.. )

The bigger issue here, what April is TRYING to get answered, is how did 2 people make it through security at a WH State dinner ? That seems like a valid and serious point, don't you agree ? The Secret Service, which is generally considered to be the best at what they do in the world, does't suddenly, coincidentally forget how to do its job, just because there's a new resident in the White House. This is their duty, it's what they do, regardless of they're protecting.

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At the end of the video, the next report says, "April, please forgive me if I ask this question..." presumably something with a more serious topic. I think most of her peers think the line of question was silly and a reflection of her obsession with the social secretary. Still, the child reference could have been best avoided, but the "calm down" is not that unusual if you been watching press conferences through the years. Bush press secretaries had their share of condescending exchanges, but know of them were ever as "scandalous" as you find this one to be.

This isn't about the Social Secretary, and has nothing to do w/ the Bush years ( I already remarked at how Press Secretaries are expected to tow the Administration line.. )

The bigger issue here, what April is TRYING to get answered, is how did 2 people make it through security at a WH State dinner ? That seems like a valid and serious point, don't you agree ? The Secret Service, which is generally considered to be the best at what they do in the world, does't suddenly, coincidentally forget how to do its job, just because there's a new resident in the White House. This is their duty, it's what they do, regardless of they're protecting.

That isn't her question at all. Did you watch the video? Her question was totally about the Social Secretary. That's why its not terribly relevant even to the issue that concerns you so much.


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The only reason Desiree Rogers is being discussed is because of the Salahis gained access to a State Dinner. You DO comprehend that concept, yes?

If all you can do is respond to what's on the video, and not see the bigger picture, that being of security for the President, then I can see why you and I so often disagree.

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The only reason Desiree Rogers is being discussed is because of the Salahis gained access to a State Dinner. You DO comprehend that concept, yes?

If all you can do is respond to what's on the video, and not see the bigger picture, that being of security for the President, then I can see why you and I so often disagree.

You posted the video and made it the point of reference. You asked Titan if he had seen it--- my same question to you. This video does not support your larger point, but you're so blinded by partisan rage you can't see that. He didn't chastise Ryan for asking about how the crashers got in. She was asking silly questions about Rogers upstaging the First Lady and why was she there, etc. Yes, this is an excellent example of why we so often disagree. To the extent that there is an objective reality, I tend to see it-- you make up your own.

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You have a point.

If you see things as being unrelated, and that each isolated issue is itself to be viewed as being contained in a bubble, with out any context, what so ever, than yes. Your point is valid

However, in the real world, such events are not isolated. The current on going discussion wasn't merely about who is upstaging the First Lady. ( A ridiculous and absurd side notion, I have to admit ) But the bigger point, the one Gibbs and the White House refuses to address, was Desiree Rogers on the guest list herself? ( that question was also asked in the video, IF YOU WERE WATCHING )

It seems that connecting the dots is only relevant when you're trying to accuse an GOP administration, but when it comes to a Democrat, ....meh. Not so much.

How often has the Secret Service granted access to individuals not on any guest list to a State dinner at the White House ?

Rustle that little nugget of information up, if you can.

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You have a point.

If you see things as being unrelated, and that each isolated issue is itself to be viewed as being contained in a bubble, with out any context, what so ever, than yes. Your point is valid

However, in the real world, such events are not isolated. The current on going discussion wasn't merely about who is upstaging the First Lady. ( A ridiculous and absurd side notion, I have to admit ) But the bigger point, the one Gibbs and the White House refuses to address, was Desiree Rogers on the guest list herself? ( that question was also asked in the video, IF YOU WERE WATCHING )

It seems that connecting the dots is only relevant when you're trying to accuse an GOP administration, but when it comes to a Democrat, ....meh. Not so much.

How often has the Secret Service granted access to individuals not on any guest list to a State dinner at the White House ?

Rustle that little nugget of information up, if you can.

Connect any dots you wish. Doesn't mean that they add up to your point in a rational world. You start with your position and then you try to make things add up to what you already believe. Kinda warps reality doing that, but knock yourself out.

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The excuse making and contortions you're going through to defend the actions of this White House are simply bewildering.

FACT: Two individuals attended a State dinner at the White House,who the White House itself claims were not on the guest list.

FACT: The White House is extending Executive Privilege to Desiree Rogers, so that she can't be questioned by Congress.( Something which didn't even happen under the previous administration. So much for transparency. )

FACT: There's never been a party crasher get face to face w/ the President , VP and other key members of Gov't while the Secret Service was on the job. Until now.

That's reality.

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And the kicker of it all is, the Congressional inquiries and all that crap are just silly. This is a matter for the Secret Service to figure out and correct, nothing more. Mountain out of a molehill.

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Gotta say, the whole line of questioning was stupid. Like someone messed up and let the National Enquirer or Perez Hilton in the press room.

You can't be serious. Did you even watch the video ? Catch how the room full of reporters groaned at Gibbs when he told the woman reporter to " calm down , take a breath" , like she was a child ?

Regardless of how April Ryan acted, it's clear that the WH press corps has had enough of Mr Gibbs. Evading questions and giving the company line is certainly something the reporters covering the WH have come to expect, but this ? I'm sure many in that room feel they helped get Obama elected, and have grown quite tired of dealing w/ Gibb's incompetence and smugness. This exchange is no isolated incident. Things have been going on like this since day one, and I'm sure that Ms Ryan didn't care for the D.C. shuffle on such a basic and straight forward question, and the WH press corps is getting damn tired of being treated like children.

Asking these 'trivial' questions is sometimes how the truth gets uncovered, how the Salahis found their way into the dinner, and how steps can be taken to see that it never happens again.

* A very side note, the fact that Gibbs told a black female reporter to 'calm down', can't be overlooked. Had this been a GOP WH Press Secretary, we'd be hearing cries of RACISM and BIGOT, and how they don't care for black people or don't take women seriously. Complete double standard going on here, but once we've come to expect. <_<

saying "calm down" is only racist in warped birther-neocon world

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saying "calm down" is only racist in warped birther-neocon world

You know there's a double standard, but you're simply too small to admit it. It's how the Left gets away w/ calling anyone not supporting Obama's massive hyper spending us into debt as being an " tea bagging racists, straight up".

Its the NAACP running pre election ads stating that if Bush gets elected, there'll be more burnings of black churches, and no one calls them on it.

It's how a Congresswoman seriously suggests that because hurricanes aren't given more traditional African sounding names, that somehow racism is to blame.

You know the story, I could do this all damn day, but frankly, I don't have the time. There is a double standard, all things being equal, if a press secretary for a GOP President had told a black woman to breath and calm down, there'd be all hell to pay. He'd be called a racist, he'd be belittling woman, there'd be protest, Al Sharpton would be demanding an official apology , firing and possible hate crime charges. So, play coy and stupid all you want, it doesn't change 1 damn thing.

Also, I know its what you Libs do, name calling to avoid having to discuss anything, but birther neocon? You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. I've NEVER brought up the issue of B.O.'s birth certificate, so you're wrong on that count. And NEOCON is actually a term used do describe other Liberals, who aren't as far out on the kook fringe limb as themselves. So that makes you wrong on BOTH counts. I'm sure you're use to that by now, but please, if you're gonna try to insult anyone , at least try not to make a fool of yourself when doing so.

And the kicker of it all is, the Congressional inquiries and all that crap are just silly. This is a matter for the Secret Service to figure out and correct, nothing more. Mountain out of a molehill.

Who runs Congress? And how is this a matter for the Secret Service, when the WH Social Secretary, who is suppose to be at the gate w/ a list of guest in hand. Instead mingling and star gazing at the party, she should have been at her post, doing her job.

Yeah. Gaining unfettered access to the Prez, the VP, the PM of India,etc... is merely a mole hill.

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Either way, Gibbs comes off as an unlikable guy. He has reached that point, like many before him, that answering too many questions, some good and most stupid, has gotten to him. I personally have never liked him, or Axelrod for that matter, but its time for him to go. Do you resident Obama guys agree?

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Either way, Gibbs comes off as an unlikable guy. He has reached that point, like many before him, that answering too many questions, some good and most stupid, has gotten to him. I personally have never liked him, or Axelrod for that matter, but its time for him to go. Do you resident Obama guys agree?

Wingers don't like him, but like you point out-- you don't like anyone on team Obama. Axelrod? C'mon.

I think most folks find him likable, including the press.

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Wingers don't like him, but like you point out-- you don't like anyone on team Obama. Axelrod? C'mon.

I think most folks find him likable, including the press.

Just to clarifly that last point, you're saying most find Axelrod, and not Gibbs, to be likable, right ?

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I always thought CJ Cregg was one of the best press secretaries. :big:

I agree.

I'm on the 4th season for the 3rd time through the series. One of my favorite shows and a FTW reference.

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saying "calm down" is only racist in warped birther-neocon world

You know there's a double standard, but you're simply too small to admit it. It's how the Left gets away w/ calling anyone not supporting Obama's massive hyper spending us into debt as being an " tea bagging racists, straight up".

Its the NAACP running pre election ads stating that if Bush gets elected, there'll be more burnings of black churches, and no one calls them on it.

It's how a Congresswoman seriously suggests that because hurricanes aren't given more traditional African sounding names, that somehow racism is to blame.

You know the story, I could do this all damn day, but frankly, I don't have the time. There is a double standard, all things being equal, if a press secretary for a GOP President had told a black woman to breath and calm down, there'd be all hell to pay. He'd be called a racist, he'd be belittling woman, there'd be protest, Al Sharpton would be demanding an official apology , firing and possible hate crime charges. So, play coy and stupid all you want, it doesn't change 1 damn thing.

Also, I know its what you Libs do, name calling to avoid having to discuss anything, but birther neocon? You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. I've NEVER brought up the issue of B.O.'s birth certificate, so you're wrong on that count. And NEOCON is actually a term used do describe other Liberals, who aren't as far out on the kook fringe limb as themselves. So that makes you wrong on BOTH counts. I'm sure you're use to that by now, but please, if you're gonna try to insult anyone , at least try not to make a fool of yourself when doing so.

And the kicker of it all is, the Congressional inquiries and all that crap are just silly. This is a matter for the Secret Service to figure out and correct, nothing more. Mountain out of a molehill.

Who runs Congress? And how is this a matter for the Secret Service, when the WH Social Secretary, who is suppose to be at the gate w/ a list of guest in hand. Instead mingling and star gazing at the party, she should have been at her post, doing her job.

Yeah. Gaining unfettered access to the Prez, the VP, the PM of India,etc... is merely a mole hill.


and you got all of that out of 'calm down'amazing.

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