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After just two weeks on the air, Air America Radio, the fledgling liberal talk-radio network featuring Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, appears to have encountered serious cash-flow problems.


He does look rather confused, doesn't he :lol:


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After just two weeks on the air, Air America Radio, the fledgling liberal talk-radio network featuring Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, appears to have encountered serious cash-flow problems.


He does look rather confused, doesn't he :lol:


That pink high-lighter goes well with the show!! :lol::lol::lol:

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I listened to the network for about 5-6 minutes yesterday. There were two men and one woman talking about how Kerry isn't fooloing anybody by trying to play the MTV crowd, or as they called it "EMPTY-V." They pretty much said he was too white and too disconected from the inner city to try to relate to them and he looked foolish trying. I had to get out of my car then and didn't here the rest of it.

I put it on Laura Ingram when I returned about an hour or so later.

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After just two weeks on the air, Air America Radio, the fledgling liberal talk-radio network featuring Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, appears to have encountered serious cash-flow problems.


He does look rather confused, doesn't he  :lol:


That pink high-lighter goes well with the show!! :lol::lol::lol:

Dude, good eyes! That is a very good point for the Pinkos. :lol:

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Thanks for the "Fair and Balanced look".......And for the HUGE laugh!

WAR EAGLE.....God bless ! ! ! ! !

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You're hearing The Neal Boortz Show today on this radio station because your radio station wants to carry the show, not because some judge ordered them to do so.   How sad it would be to depend on the courts to have your talk show carried on crucial stations.

Well .. that's the way things seem to be with the much-vaunted liberal talk radio network, Air America.  Last night Air America got an injunction forcing the owner of WNTD in Chicago to put them on the air.  This gives new meaning to the term "affiliate relations," doesn't it?  Well, it gets worse.

They are still booted off the air in Los Angeles....but get this.  The guy that owns the Chicago station also owns the L.A. station!  Arthur Liu, owner of Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, Inc. took the shows off the air Wednesday and changed the locks at the stations after Air America bounced a check to him.  He claims they own him $1 Million dollars!  As I've said before, Air America actually has to pay stations to get their programs aired.  And somehow they can't even get that right!

So what was Al Franken and Company's response to all of this?  Did they quietly mediate the dispute in a professional manner? Of course not....their solution was to go whining to the court...and they started making fun of the guy.  Liu called Air America insolvent...they responded with personal attacks (sound familiar?)  Now .. get this:  Air America actually had posted a press release on their website suggesting the network was going to resolve the matter, vigilante-style, by putting a crowbar to Liu's head.  Does it sound like the St. Petersburg, Florida Democratic Club is writing press releases for Air America?  That's the crowd, you will remember, they ran an ad in a local newspaper saying that Don Rumsfeld should be put up against the wall and someone should "pull the trigger."   Crowbars to the head, pull the trigger .. nice talk.  But to listen to them it's the evil conservatives who say all the truly ugly things.

Hold on just a minute.  Back to Air America.  Doesn't this sound a bit familiar somehow?  Walk through the sequence.  Here we have a left wing effort that apparently fails in the private market place.  Do you fall back, regroup, tweak your product, improve your business practices and give it another shot?  Why no!  You're a liberal  You do what liberals have been doing for decades when their initiatives fail in the marketplace.  You go to court!  Of course!  You go to court to see if you can get a judge to do for you what you weren't able to do for yourself in the free marketplace.  Liberals have a long and very rich history of resorting to implementing their agenda through court action.  It looks like they're sticking to the same playbook here.


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