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Bush Flip-Flop on Patients’ Bill of Rights May Have Been Driven by Campaign Donors

The prominence of health insurance industry executives among Bush campaign bundlers suggests that special interests played a part in President Bush’s flip-flop on patients’ rights to sue HMOs, Public Citizen charged today.

In a televised presidential debate on Oct. 17, 2000, candidate Bush said, "If I’m the president … people will be able to take their HMO insurance company to court," adding that while he was governor of Texas, "We’re one of the first states that said you can sue an HMO for denying you proper coverage."

But on Tuesday, the Bush administration argued before the U.S. Supreme Court that the same Texas law touted by candidate Bush is invalid because it is pre-empted by a federal law. This is the opposite of what then-Gov. Bush’s Texas Department of Insurance argued in a lower court in 1997.

Among Bush campaign Pioneers (bundlers of $100,000 or more in contributions) are seven former or current HMO executives: UnitedHealth Group CEO William McGuire; former Health Net Chairman Dr. Malik Hasan; Anthem Inc. Chairman L. Ben Lytle; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida lobbyist Michael R. Hightower; WellCare’s CEO Todd S. Farha and finance director David Hart; and AmeriGroup chairman and CEO Jeffrey L. McWaters.


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:boring: :rolleyes: Desperate to find something on Bush huh? C'mon, I know this is kind of an important issue, but you guys can't get him on the major issues, so you have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel. Heck even the articl is speculative and uses "spotty" info.

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:boring:  :rolleyes: Desperate to find something on Bush huh? C'mon, I know this is kind of  an important issue, but you guys can't get him on the major issues, so you have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel. Heck even the articl is speculative and uses "spotty" info.

You like pretending your boy is so principled, consistent and can't be bought, don't you? All the facts in the world won't matter to you then.

What do you think are the "major issues" on which he is so unassailable? Better tell his campaign. He seems to think his only option is running negative ads about Kerry. Better tell the the voters, too. They seem to think he's a major failure.

The poll, conducted June 3-6, overlapped news of former President Ronald Reagan's death. Some of the results reported here could be affected by this news.

The poll finds Kerry leading Bush in the presidential contest by 49% to 44% among registered voters, and 50% to 44% among likely voters.


Think he'll drop to Daddy's 38% of the vote? I think that is the worst performance by a sitting President ever. Maybe Perot will get in the race and drop Dubya to 37%.

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