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Missing the issue


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Folks, after reading a lot of these posts, I think a lot of us are missing something.  True, Auburn has NOT been implicated in anything (and hopefully that will always be the case).  HOWEVER, the bigger isssue is Cam being eligible.  If daddy cecil asked or even if it was just kenny rogers, he can and probably will be ruled ineligible, even if no money changed hands.  THAT is what we should be worried about.

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With all due respect, the next time I see you start a thread, I'm skipping it.

"Daddy Cecil" reeks of disrespect and sounds like you have an agenda. That's my opinion.

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I'm sorry you have that opinion.  I have no agenda expect to see Auburn do well.  I'm sorry something that may turn

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I think that may be coming unfortunately

I have read all of your posts on your profile. You are always on the "negative" side of these allegations. You may be a troll. It doesn't really matter. What you say or I say doesn't change anything. We haven't missed anything. I think that everyone here has the understanding that if Cam's father asked for money and it can be proven, that he would be ineligible.

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Folks, after reading a lot of these posts, I think a lot of us are missing something.  True, Auburn has NOT been implicated in anything (and hopefully that will always be the case).  HOWEVER, the bigger isssue is Cam being eligible.  If daddy cecil asked or even if it was just kenny rogers, he can and probably will be ruled ineligible, even if no money changed hands.  THAT is what we should be worried about.

I disagree completely with the "even if it was just kenny rogers" portion of that statement. if Cecil was involved in the solicitation and it can be proven then yes. there is also the possibility(probability in my mind) that Rogers was scamming MSU and using the Newtons as bait. in that case Cam's eligibility remains the same.

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I understand your concern but if what you are saying were true then Cam would never have played a down this year since this is only news to us...not Auburn or the SEC or NCAA... they have known since July.  That's what it looks like to me.

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If auburn isn't guilty of anything, then that means we didn't pay cam. Therefore camdidnt accept money to play here, therefore he is still eligible. I think I've understood the point pretty well.

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Folks, after reading a lot of these posts, I think a lot of us are missing something.  True, Auburn has NOT been implicated in anything (and hopefully that will always be the case).  HOWEVER, the bigger isssue is Cam being eligible.  If daddy cecil asked or even if it was just kenny rogers, he can and probably will be ruled ineligible, even if no money changed hands.  THAT is what we should be worried about.

You are missing the issue that there is nothing new. There is No Evidence other than hearsay from liars covering for themselves and MSU. The NCAA, the SEC, and Auburn have all looked into the details and have not found a leg for the claims to stand on. As hot as it is getting on the MSU and people involved if there was any evidence they would be hand delivering it to the NCAA. The fact remains there is NO EVIDENCE just rumors and claims.

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Go Crazy, check out the article in the B'ham News and the quote from the NCAA spokesman.

Ithoughr I had. Did he not say that they have to prove they actually received benefits, not just ask for them?

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Earlier tonigt I was reading the post about what Don Jackson said about just solicitaion.... do we not believe that anymore? just wondering if I missed something? I will copy and past what I read... The post said he was an attorney that dealt with NCAA issues...

On if solicitation of improper benefits is a violation in and of itself: “I don’t agree with that at all because it creates a ton of problems. How do you legislate every time a kid or someone representing a kid asks for an improper benefit? It happens every day, all the time. It doesn’t always rise to this level, but it’s still a solicitation for an improper benefit. Asking for something for free — clothing or food or what have you — is a solicitation as well. Are you going to penalize schools and players and for every one of those instances?”

“I can’t think of a single case in which the NCAA has even attempted to penalize a school or individual for solicitation of an extra benefit. The solicitation and the circumstances surrounding it are often used as circumstantial evidence to prove that a violation involving extra benefits occurred — but not the solicitation itself.”

On if he would advise Auburn to sit Newton*: “No, because it’s obvious that this stuff was known by the NCAA and the SEC, and at some point, those two made a determination about Kenny Rogers’ credibility. Because they cleared Cam Newton to play. Believe me, kids have been sat down by the NCAA for a whole lot less than what was alleged here. So, I don’t have a doubt that at some point they came to a decision regarding Rogers and they informed Auburn of that decision.”

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That wasn't my understanding of the article in the B'ham News. Maybe I misunderstood.  As for Donald Jackson, he's not an NCAA attorney.  Like I said, I hope I'm wrong.

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 I thought you were innocent until proven guilty. I realize this is the NCAA, but this is also the United States. The NCAA or any organization that exista in the USA, can't enforce rules that denies our rights as citizens. All that has been brought forth is hearsay. Nothing proven. Doesn't all this have to be proven, and not just someone saying it?

The ones who are saying it have changed their stories a couple times already.?????????????????????????????

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With all due respect, the next time I see you start a thread, I'm skipping it.

"Daddy Cecil" reeks of disrespect and sounds like you have an agenda. That's my opinion.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm?

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The post I read said he was an attorney that handles NCAA issues... and he stated the same stuff on Finebaum today... I don't hope you are wrong, I know you are... You are quite the Debbie Downer. WDE!

You are right about Mr. Jackson.

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Something doesn't seem right about Auhsv. I'm not saying anything other than that. Just that something doesn't seem right.

At the very least, we need to be sure to keep him/her away from sharp objects.     :dunno:

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Go Crazy, check out the article in the B'ham News and the quote from the NCAA spokesman.

Auburn and the NCAA has known about this since July. NOTHING NEW HERE.

Why would they play him if there was a problem?

Why play Cam knowing this GARBAGE was coming? Because they had this GARBAGE cleared by the NCAA.

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With all due respect, the next time I see you start a thread, I'm skipping it.

"Daddy Cecil" reeks of disrespect and sounds like you have an agenda. That's my opinion.

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm?


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