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Hello NCAA Violations- Not Us

Todd From Talisi

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Do you guys think an 18-22 year old kid would give up his time to go sign autographs on helmets and jerseys just out of the goodness of his heart when he could be playing XBox, chasing girls, etc. ? Something had to entice them to go to this place and have autograph sessions. Think about it.

Of course not. The OSU players got tats....the updyke players got clothes.

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Yeah, the key to severe violations and significant punishment at the university level hinges on whether it can be shown the players received benefits. As I have said, I doubt this is "provable".

However, it would appear bama's compliance department has taken the position having the players in the store signing various items, as well as displaying signed items in the store (one pick shows a framed picture signed by Trent clearly displayed inside the store and I would bet there are many more) is neither advertising or promoting anything. The stores website also includes many pictures of players with the store owner, etc.

Here is the thing (and I do believe this is a bit of a subjective area subject to some interpretation)... Is having the players signing stuff and displaying signed items and advertising with their likeness in various media promoting, recommending, or advertising a product or service? I would say it certainly is promoting the store itself. Is it by extension promoting a product (the clothing)? Most likely. Now, the rule says directly. This is crucial. If it said "directly or indirectly" there is no grey area. However, that would be way way to broad so it rightly limits it to direct promotion, reccomendation or advertising. Personally, I rule out reccomend. They are not DIRECTLY reccomending anything. Are they advertising? Again, directly, I do not think so. Are they directly promoting? I would say yes they are and it is direct promotion with their status, the fact that they sign the items in the store as a GROUP and apparently on a regular or semi-regular basis as well as wearing the articles of clothing the store sells.

So, my conclusion according the the rule exactly as it is written is it IS open to some interpretation, but IMO the most reasonable conclusion is the players are not DIRECTLY reccomending or advertising the products of the store, however, they ARE DIRECTLY promoting the products of the store. I think the final interpretation is also impacted by the extent to which their likeness or image is used in the store (we have not seen as many pictures of home much of their likeness, especially personalized (signed) items are displayed).

I say the NCAA looks into it and at the end of the day it is somewhat subject. The NCAA could agree with bama's compliance department or players could be ruled ineligible and so forth.

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* UA has found absolutely no evidence of any violations of any sort. No one has been declared ineligible, nor does UA have any reason to believe anyone will be declared ineligible.

(a) Accepts any remuneration for or permits the use of his or her name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote directly the sale or use of a commercial product or service of any kind;

Permits use of name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote = violation.

Bama needs to fire someone in their compliance department as they aparently struggle with reading comprehension even on a very basic level.

The quote of the day!

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* UA has found absolutely no evidence of any violations of any sort. No one has been declared ineligible, nor does UA have any reason to believe anyone will be declared ineligible.

(a) Accepts any remuneration for or permits the use of his or her name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote directly the sale or use of a commercial product or service of any kind;

Permits use of name or picture to advertise, recommend or promote = violation.

Bama needs to fire someone in their compliance department as they aparently struggle with reading comprehension even on a very basic level.

The quote of the day!

There is supposed to be pictures of signed jerseys from TR and others in the window of the shop. That would be huge. Unless the owner takes the hit and says they are fakes and he signed them.

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I agree the level and extent of the use of the likeness of the players is relevant factor in determining if the players are in fact promoting the store. The pics of them signing the items in the store coupled with the items being displayed in the store does rise to the level of the players knowingly promoting the store and by extension its products IMO.

BTW, my analysis of the rule and current opinion is just based on about 10 pictures I have seen posted. I think the more than is shown the better as far as an ultimate conclusion that the players were directly promoting and I am sure there is likely more "evidence" out there.

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One of the most damning things imo is the pic of the stores mainpage last night.


Which is advertising Richardson...


and notice the date of the pic of the 09 Iron Bowl quitter and Ginger as well..


According to the NCAA bylaw all of these guys should be declared ineligible.

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Surprised the pictures are still there (wonder if some have been removed over the past few months), guess we will see if they stay there. Sometimes people's ego's get the better of them and it would not be the first time it has happened at bama.

Like I said, I think this comes down to somewhat of a subjective decision around the words directly promote in the rule (based on what is known right now). I think the bama compliance department or someone must have thought the same as they sent a C&D letter which would not have been necessary if they were actually confident in their determination that no violation was occurring.

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Save all the photos you want.  Here are the facebook photos.  I can't believe they are still up. 


Also notice the FB page is FOR THE BUSINESS. How could those pics not be viewed as promoting the business and the players not declared retroactively ineligible? Even this one dated BEFORE THE 2009 BCS......


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Walked by the store about an hour ago and the jerseys of eligible players have been removed from the display window: Trent Richardson, A.J. McCarron and Nico Johnson. Saw Tom inside the store and he did not look like a happy camper. Did not go in because my son had on his orange Auburn tee. Will try to go in stealth tomorrow or Sunday and see if the items were place in another area of the store. WDE!

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Walked by the store about an hour ago and the jerseys of eligible players have been removed from the display window: Trent Richardson, A.J. McCarron and Nico Johnson. Saw Tom inside the store and he did not look like a happy camper. Did not go in because my son had on his orange Auburn tee. Will try to go in stealth tomorrow or Sunday and see if the items were place in another area of the store. WDE!

Don't forget your cell phone camera.  ;D

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This is blowing up all over the net....

It is also being rumored that something else is going to drop in the next day or so...connected to this.  Also said that this is a part of the Yahoo 10 story.

Again, I don't know how reliable this is (I mean, how reliable are message boards?) but this is being heavily discussed lots of places, including Bama boards.

Clay Travis going on Finebaum and saying that pic of the chic in front of the front display window with all the signed jerseys WAS most definitely a violation of NCAA amateurism rules. 

Also...I have read several places that someone associated in this BC stuff is a part owner of that store???

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Someone told me that Arkansas's Basketball team had got in trouble for pictures from 09 or something. Anyone know anything about this or what they got.

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Alabama compliance dept. can knock out any investigation in about 6 hours.... dang... they are good.

Besides Saban does not shop at T-Town menswear he shops at Build A Bear for all his clothing needs.

He also uses his coupons for 25% off.

He also gets the children's discount.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it also against NCAA rules to sell Jerseys with the players names on them?  The picture of Richardson signing a jersey with his name on also still has a tag on it.

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You have pics of Terrance Cody, Mark Ingram and other players from 2009.

Oh My if the NCAA deems this a violation....and those players ineligible due to violation of NCAA amateurism rules....

and Bama has to vacate 2009 BCS.   :-X

I will move out of the state of AL for my safety, the meltdown will be so epic.  And after months of their crap, it would be sweet justice for sure.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it also against NCAA rules to sell Jerseys with the players names on them?  The picture of Richardson signing a jersey with his name on also still has a tag on it.

Why yes it is! 

And, where did they get all those helmets with the player's numbers on them?

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As much as I believe there are plenty of violations at UAT, I don't think this should warrant any serious penalties. Hell, if I had a store in Auburn I want my front window to have all Auburn stuff in it. I wouldn't chance anyone getting into trouble over it, but I would not think it was a big deal to have signed jersey's in the window.

Now, as for BC, I believe some really serious violations went down. I don't believe he has been calling the shots. I think the only time his real feelings and wishes came out was at the All-America game without Peaches.

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You have pics of Terrance Cody, Mark Ingram and other players from 2009.

Oh My if the NCAA deems this a violation....and those players ineligible due to violation of NCAA amateurism rules....

and Bama has to vacate 2009 BCS.   :-X

I will move out of the state of AL for my safety, the meltdown will be so epic.  And after months of their crap, it would be sweet justice for sure.

That would sure be a 10 .....as in Yahoo 10.

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Witch hunt, witch hunt!!! The Alabama Crimson Tide football program is as clean and pure as the driven snow!!! Why, they're a gift from God!!!

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Clay Travis makes a GREAT observation that I had not yet thought of (or seen in the pic)...

Trent is signing not one, but at least TWO jerseys (you can see the red home jersey under the white away jersey he is signing).

Why, might you ask, would they take pics of Trent signing? 

What do most collectors want? 

Why...proof that what they are buying is authentic.  And generally, that comes with a picture.

So, in conclusion, it would be very plausible that Trent was aware that these jerseys were going to be sold, and that the intention was to sell these jerseys, thus the pictures of him signing the jerseys. 

Also, there are pics of Trent Richardson as well as other players in different clothes in different pics, showing that these guys visited this store on more than one occasion....not just a one time visit.

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