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Who will be the most Vital part of the 2012 Auburn offense?

guerra aguila

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You get one pick. Make it count.

I am going to go with Jay Prosch. His ability to block, and catch the ball out of the backfield could be a huge addition to Loefflers offense. He also has experience. I think everybody will be talking about this guy by seasons end. I think he will be a vital part of the offense especially inside the 5 yard  line.

If the Elders stay healthy, Auburn will have a lot of experience/leaders at key positions returning in 2012. Guys like Lutz, O'mac, and Blake could help make life much easier for some of the youngsters.

Who will be the most vital part of Auburns offense in 2012?

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Quarterback,  of course.  No more important position on this team than the QB.  Our season will hinge on QB play.

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You get one pick. Make it count.

I am going to go with Jay Prosch. His ability to block, and catch the ball out of the backfield could be a huge addition to Loefflers offense. He also has experience. I think everybody will be talking about this guy by seasons end. I think he will be a vital part of the offense especially inside the 5 yard  line.

If the Elders stay healthy, Auburn will have a lot of experience/leaders at key positions returning in 2012. Guys like Lutz, O'mac, and Blake could help make life much easier for some of the youngsters.

Who will be the most vital part of Auburns offense in 2012?

Lol...since your vote is JP, see the thread a few down from this one...could have voted there killer. Thanks for playing. Love you GA.  :tease:

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A real every down QB. If we start flippin back and forth on the QB its gonna be a long year.

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Kiehl Frazier.

The defenses are bound to stack the box and overwhelm the OL early and often until we prove we aren't one dimensional. If we have an immobile QB, it ain't going to end well.  I think we are going to have to pass to set up the run early in the season (or at least early vs Clemson) until it is established we can do both.

That's my take anyway.

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When Kiehl starts burning opposing D's with his arm it will open up our monster run game. Good luck stopping both

My vote...Kiehl Frazier

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I think it has to be the QB, if we are only allowed to pick on individual player.

I like the idea of left tackle being vital -- and it's true. But that is mainly in order to protect the QB. So, QB is more important.

But if we are allowed to go with groups of players (o-line, backfield, receivers), then I'd pick the o-line as most important group. Good stuff on the 'let's talk o-line' thread.

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Robinson at LT without a doubt for me.  I love AJ Greene, but he's the worst Auburn tackle in recent memory.  He got destroyed every time he went up against an end with even just average quickness. It was painful to watch.  Having an athletic LT that can neutralize the effect of elite pass rushers will have a bigger impact on our offense than any other position. 

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Without a doubt, the most important player on offense is the QB. Why?

1. The QB is the leader of the offense and indirectly the entire team.

2. The QB has to be the motivator of the team.

3. The QB directs the offense in audible calls and formations (Loeffler has specifically stated he wants the QB to operate in this fashion).

4. The QB has to have the ability to get out of trouble, access situations, and protect the football.

5. The QB decides when to hand off, whom to hand off to on running plays.

6.  The QB on pass plays, has to decide  when to throw, who to throw to, and when not to throw, and when to throw it out of bounds.

7. The QB has to manage the clock.

8. The QB has to have enough talent and the mental acumen to make good decisions, have a good arm, and maintain accuracy in throwing the ball.

9. A deficient QB can make a good team look bad and an average team look good.

If you want to see an example of the difference a QB can make, look at the Carolina Panthers and our man Cam Newton. See AU's 2010 team as an example of how a very good team becomes an excellent team under the direction of a gifted QB.

Second most important positions is on the O-Line, no doubt. But even with a stellar O-Line, without a solid QB, not much is going to happen, especially in the SEC.

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Second most important positions is on the O-Line, no doubt. But even with a stellar O-Line, without a solid QB, not much is going to happen, especially in the SEC.

Even a good quarterback isn't going to be able to do anything when he's got a 260 lb end bearing down on him every single play.  Particularly when you're talking about a true sophomore that has never started a college game.  A lot of Frazier's success, and the offense's success in general, is going to hinge on how well our offensive line gels and learns the new offense.  I don't ever recall seeing a good offense in the SEC that didn't have good o-line play. 

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I am not worried about the running game, so offensive line run blocking and running backs get ruled out.

Any 2nd receiver is the most important.  Since Blake and Lutz should each put up good numbers, another receiver is vital to keep the pressure off of them and keep the defense honest.  If a 2nd receiver puts up good numbers, Frazier will have a great year statistically and that will mean that the pass blocking was adequate.

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