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We are now Iowa State...under Chizik


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I just don't get the Frazier was recruited for one style but is being asked to run another style.

He was being asked to start in a more physical (as far as him running) offense in the spread where he was supposed to accurately deliver the ball to mismatches around the field. So for the pro-style he doesn't get asked to run as much; what is the huge difference here? He doesn't consistently hit open receivers at any level, and has trouble making quite a few of the reads. He holds on to the ball way too long, which doesn't work in any offense.

It is NOT the fact that he's switching.

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Tubs was a proven winner on a consistent basis and went 5-7 one seasons and got booted. He developed talent and produced wins....it's a shame real auburn football left with him

Hell he looks like Vince Lombardi compared to what Chizik produced today.

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I never told out recruits to go elsewhere. I feel bad when they sign with this staff.

Actually you did....

And why on gods green earth would Lawson, Liner and Foster want to come to Auburn???? I simply don't understand! I honestly feel so bad for these kids that have mounds of potential that want to come to auburn. For their sake, every one of them should go to bama or LSU where they will have the shot of moving on to the NFL, because once they sign the LOI with auburn I feel it's practically a death sentence!
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Rhoads is probably a better head coach, but he was definitely NOT a better DC.

How can you seriously say that? Chizik was DC here when we were absolutely stacked on both sides of the ball. Its not hard to look great defensively when you've got NFL talent all over the place, and on the other side of the ball you've got a star-studded offense that can milk games with ease. Rhoads was DC at the end of Tuberville's tenure...you know; when Tuberville's magic had long run-out. We had nowhere near as much talent defensively and the offense was horrific. Despite that Rhoads still fielded a defense that ranked in the top 20-30 range.

If you seriously look back; Chizik's defense at Texas was hardly a world-beater...and they most certainly didn't win the MNC because of his defense. It is not ridiculous at all to suggest that Rhoads was a batter DC. He just happened to be blessed with nowhere near the gift's that Chizik was. If you really look at it, has there been a coach that was "in the right place, at the right time" as often as Chizik has been?

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I actually kind of agree with this, but not for the reason people think. At Iowa State, Chizik was dealt an awful hand. He started like 60-70 percent freshmen at iowa state. I think we are similiar in that Chizik, once again, was put between a rock and a hard place. When Tubbs left, all of our seniors left for the NFL and all of our freshmen/sophmores transferred. Chizik was left with a bare closet. Years later, we are still feeling the effects of that. We have a lot of talent, but our talent is very young. Our upper classmen have been playing in a particiular scheme for most of there college careers and are being asked to switch to virtually the polar opposite system on both sides of the ball.

So... yea we are like iowa state under chizik. Young, inexperienced, and likely to be significantly better in a year or so. Why do you think that joke of a coach, paul rhodes, is being successful at iowa state... Chizik's recruits...

Sooooo, he's recruited one way for and is now expecting his players to play a "polar opposite" scheme. Pretty damn stupid isnt it? Who exactly forced him to change? As a head coach youre responsible for your decisions. If I ran a tomoato growing business with all tomato processing equipment I've been buying for years would you as my boss be happy if one day I decided to try to make cell phones with the equipment?

As long as we show a profit equal too or better than tomato processing. As long as we do not have to re-invest in additional labor/equipment and if we do, then the profit must be greater than that of tomato processing...............JUST KIDDING.

I see what your saying, it all falls back to the man in charge. I get it.

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I never told out recruits to go elsewhere. I feel bad when they sign with this staff.

Actually you did....

And why on gods green earth would Lawson, Liner and Foster want to come to Auburn???? I simply don't understand! I honestly feel so bad for these kids that have mounds of potential that want to come to auburn. For their sake, every one of them should go to bama or LSU where they will have the shot of moving on to the NFL, because once they sign the LOI with auburn I feel it's practically a death sentence!

As a competitor, most veiw it as a challenge to make a diffrence. Coming in and earning a position to lead a team from the valley to success, is much sweeter to some, as opposed to joining a team thats on top, and somewhat contributing and have success.

True leaders generally take the challenge and lead.

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I never told out recruits to go elsewhere. I feel bad when they sign with this staff.

Actually you did....

And why on gods green earth would Lawson, Liner and Foster want to come to Auburn???? I simply don't understand! I honestly feel so bad for these kids that have mounds of potential that want to come to auburn. For their sake, every one of them should go to bama or LSU where they will have the shot of moving on to the NFL, because once they sign the LOI with auburn I feel it's practically a death sentence!

I am in no way offended by this comment and think it represents exactly how bad the repercussions of this season can be. I am as Auburn as they come but if I were to advise a promising senior player with hopes of getting to the NFL right now I would not act on my emotional love for Auburn but on the fact that he can get better coaching elsewhere. This season can easily take us to where Ole Miss and Tennessee have been the last few years.

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I never told out recruits to go elsewhere. I feel bad when they sign with this staff.

Actually you did....

And why on gods green earth would Lawson, Liner and Foster want to come to Auburn???? I simply don't understand! I honestly feel so bad for these kids that have mounds of potential that want to come to auburn. For their sake, every one of them should go to bama or LSU where they will have the shot of moving on to the NFL, because once they sign the LOI with auburn I feel it's practically a death sentence!

I am in no way offended by this comment and think it represents exactly how bad the repercussions of this season can be. I am as Auburn as they come but if I were to advise a promising senior player with hopes of getting to the NFL right now I would not act on my emotional love for Auburn but on the fact that he can get better coaching elsewhere. This season can easily take us to where Ole Miss and Tennessee have been the last few years.

There are a LOT of true AU fans that feel this way right now. And somebody mentioning this on some board is not going to sway a recruit one way or another. THey are seeing it with their own eyes and will make their own decisions. Mark this down though, Foster, Lawson and Liner have been All In for a long time. If any of these guys jump ship - it's over for Chiz. Mainly because of the message it will send to future recruits.

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