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We Are So Lucky.....to have Bo


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Bo should be nominated and placed in the NFL and Baseball Hall of Fame, he was the only player ever selectted for the baseball all star game and the Pro Bowl. He was the most awesom athelete I ever saw play any game. Hopefully someone will nominate him. He deserves it!

I thought Brooks, Cribbs and Andrews were terrific running backs while I was at Auburn, but Bo made them look like amateurs and they all had pretty good pro careers.

Bo is a class act and represents everything we stand for at Auburn, and all you can is Love him.

I agree about bot hall of fames. He was Ausome!
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Shoot. He ought to be in the baseball HOF simply for being the only man to play professional baseball with an artificial hip. Think about that for a moment.

The best quote I ever heard about Bo came from his Royals teammate Willie Williams. Williams played CF alongside Bo in LF and said that when Bo first played as a rookie he was kind of raw and took weird angles to the ball, but quickly learned the position. "In fact, we played very well together and never once collided out there on a fly ball." Then he paused before adding, "thank God."

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Wish he would've rubbed off on Barkley.

Well at least his attitude towards practice rubbed off on Barkley... Sir Charles HATED practice.

Never heard that about Barkely but will say, i saw him against the best in the college game and he whipped them all convingingly.

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I saw Bo and Herschel run against each other in a dual track meet at AU one year. I can't remember who won, but I was just in awe of those two 225 lb guys running that fast without pads. Amazing.

I was lucky enough to be at AU while Bo was playing. Bo over the top at the IB in 1982 was the best. The AU fans went absolutely crazy.

Bo won..thats the reason Herschel went pro after his Jr year after having said his dream was as an Olympic sprinter. Bo waxed his azz.

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I loved his line..."but coach, all this excess running is unnecessary" LOL. I heard that Bud Casey constantly complained about Bo to Pat Dye because he flat footed would not work as hard in practice as Casey wanted him to. One day he again complained to Dye about his apparent lack of work ethic and Dye told casey.....he'll be fine, just figure out a way to get him the ball at least 20 times Saturday...LMAO

I also like the Hal Baird's method of coaching Bo. Slight suggestions and stand back and watch. The story of Bo destroying the batting cage in front of the Yankee's scout was great.

I did too. You had to be blind to not see the once in a generation kind of talent..size , speed, hand eye coordination and instincts. I never knew that he picked everything up so fast. In fact, I thought he might have struggled a little. I remember him not getting a carry until about the 5th or 6th game of his freshman year. A story told by Lionel James was he came in and they called Bo's number. Train said to Bo.."look we're going to run the option that way pointing to the right hand side and he's going to pitch it too you...catch it and run like hell." LOL. the play picked up a 1st down.

I seem to remember a Sports Illustrated article years ago where they asked his Raiders and Royals teammates to comment on the most impressive thing they ever saw him do. I think it was George Brett who said that during a rain delay in spring training he brought his bow to the dugout, threw five or six baseballs out on the field at varying distances, and quickly shot the same number of arrows. When the balls were retrieved each had an arrow sticking through it - all in the dead center.

I wonder if Bo was ever asked to go to the Olympics for Archery? He could probably still go and win the Gold!

Did you catch the bit last night on 30 for 30 when it was stated that Bo was shooting his bow, and getting bulls eyes, with his feet during rehab. I'd trade a ticket on the 50 to see that.

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I saw Bo and Herschel run against each other in a dual track meet at AU one year. I can't remember who won, but I was just in awe of those two 225 lb guys running that fast without pads. Amazing.

I was lucky enough to be at AU while Bo was playing. Bo over the top at the IB in 1982 was the best. The AU fans went absolutely crazy.

Bo won..thats the reason Herschel went pro after his Jr year after having said his dream was as an Olympic sprinter. Bo waxed his azz.

Still, Walker is the only RB I have ever seen that is in Bo's class. He's nowhere near the overall athlete but he was one hell of a running back.

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Did anyone else see the A-Day game in (I think) 1986? They had a half-time event where Bo was going to race any kids 12 and under on the field for 100 yards. The kids got a 15 yard head start, and they had them running out by the hashes on either side and the center of the field was roped off for Bo to run without trampling anyone. Kids were antsy and they were lining them up and introducing Bo, and some of the kids started breaking and running before the actual start. Some probably made it 10 or 15 yards before Bo noticed (so were actually 25-30 yards ahead of him), and decided to go ahead and run. It was a thing of beauty as he flew down the middle of the field and easily won by about 10 or so yards if I remember correctly. Just another memory that adds to the legend/mystique.

It was the A-day before his senior season...By the time he started, some of the smaller kids were at midfield...they gave them head starts depending on age...When Bo reached the goal line he couldn't stop and at the back of the end zone hurdled the hedges and ran up the North End zone bleachers...
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That 30 for 30 was fantastic. It really is amazing what kind of athlete Bo Jackson was. I remember watching him when I was a child, but seeing it all on that documentary was just mind blowing.

**And thank you to the very stupid Bama coach who told Bo he wouldn't start for a couple of years....MUCHO GRACIAS!

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i was too young as a kid to appreciate what Bo was doing for Auburn at the time, but I loved watching him play in the pros. I was 7 or 8 when his injury happened and I remember watching the play. As a kid I thought he'd be ok and come back like nothing happened. I was pretty sad when he never came back. I'd watch every week waiting until it was finally announced. I never knew about the Tampa/NCAA thing. I knew he said he'd never play for Tampa, but I didn't know that was the reason. I just wish there were more you tube videos of all his highlights now.

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Perfect timing for this pub! With a new coach and recruiting going on, there could not have been a better event take place. All the advertising before and during the Heisman show was a great pick-me-up for AU.

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As for the 30 for 30 program, that was well done. As for Bo Jackson....WOW! What a man. David Housel put it best when he said that Bo gave us an image to live up to (paraphrased). Bo has SO much class. I am proud to be associated with the same university.

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I too was lucky enough to be at Auburn and have a couple of classes with Bo. He is a once in a lifetime person both on and off the field and we are indeed lucky to have such a wonderful ambassador for Auburn!

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I wonder if Bo would consider being our RB caoch.

I just watched the 30 for 30 and I would say based on the last 5-10 min of it, Bo has no desire to coach. He said he and his wife would be watching football and 15 to 20 min he would get bored and go down to his man cave where he makes arrows. I gotta say, it was a phenomenal portrait of Bo's life but it left me very sad for him. You can tell deep down that he knows, probably more than we do, what that freak injury did to him. I always knew that it was his strength that caused the injury, but I wasn't aware of all the details. You could hear the deep disappointment in his voice when he said, "I could have stepped out of bounds, but I didn't."

For all the comparisons that were made between Cam and Bo, and for all the things Cam did (and continues to do), he doesn't hold a candle to Bo. And that's not a slight of Cam, who I still love to watch. I was a young Tiger when Bo was at AU, but I watched him as much as I could in the pros. I remember in 1991 severely spraining my ankle in 9th grade and going to see Dr. Lemak in Birmingham for diagnosis and recovery. The day after it happened, Dr. Lemak set up my rehab and sent me to the rehab room. When I got there the trainer said, "If you'd have been here 5 minutes ago, you would have seen Bo." Dr. Lemak and Dr. Andrews worked together at the time and Bo was using that facility to rehab his hip. I was one disappointed freshman.

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I saw Bo and Herschel run against each other in a dual track meet at AU one year. I can't remember who won, but I was just in awe of those two 225 lb guys running that fast without pads. Amazing.

I was lucky enough to be at AU while Bo was playing. Bo over the top at the IB in 1982 was the best. The AU fans went absolutely crazy.

Bo won..thats the reason Herschel went pro after his Jr year after having said his dream was as an Olympic sprinter. Bo waxed his azz.

Still, Walker is the only RB I have ever seen that is in Bo's class. He's nowhere near the overall athlete but he was one hell of a running back.

I'm too young to remember Bo on the field (aside from snapshots of him playing baseball after the injury), but I have heard that Adrian Peterson and Darren McFadden at least come close as running backs. Again, though, I really don't know.

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Peterson and McFadden are very good backs. All americans and probably all pro. With that being said there is no backs yet to be in the same class as Bo and Hershel. Hershel was a horse from the moment he stepped on the field. Bo was simply electric, speed and power. Both were men playing against boys. Just remember Bo was so incredible that Coach Dye changed his entire offense from the wishbone to the I-bone so that Bo could run and attack both sides of the field and line of scrimmage. Truly a remarkable player, talent, and person.

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  • Chuck Norris wears Bo Jackson pajamas.

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I saw Bo and Herschel run against each other in a dual track meet at AU one year. I can't remember who won, but I was just in awe of those two 225 lb guys running that fast without pads. Amazing.

I was lucky enough to be at AU while Bo was playing. Bo over the top at the IB in 1982 was the best. The AU fans went absolutely crazy.

Bo won..thats the reason Herschel went pro after his Jr year after having said his dream was as an Olympic sprinter. Bo waxed his azz.

Still, Walker is the only RB I have ever seen that is in Bo's class. He's nowhere near the overall athlete but he was one hell of a running back.

I'm too young to remember Bo on the field (aside from snapshots of him playing baseball after the injury), but I have heard that Adrian Peterson and Darren McFadden at least come close as running backs. Again, though, I really don't know.

If by close you mean the distance from the earth to the sun, then yeah maybe. There will never be another athlete in any sport that will be able to hold Bo's jock. Not even remotely close, and that comes from the opinions of professional athletes, not me.
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As great an athlete as he was - and he was the best i've ever seen, I am more proud of the man he has been since his playing days ended. He has always been a class act and a true Auburn man.

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