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Elizabeth Warren: Students “deserve the same break that big banks get”


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I do, Tex. I just wanted to be a jerk like you guys are some times. Just to feel what it's like. I mean, you love to call myself and others names, stand on your mountaintop, and with a loud and thunderous voice "you are a dumbass".


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I do, Tex. I just wanted to be a jerk like you guys are some times. Just to feel what it's like. I mean, you love to call myself and others names, stand on your mountaintop, and with a loud and thunderous voice "you are a dumbass".



Actually, I said don't make defamatory, untrue statements.

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Did she or did she not lie to Harvard and Penn? Why would she do that? Just to feel special? She stated she did lie after being grilled about it so if you take the rest at face value I can't help that. She either covered her tracks for previous lies or she tried to play the system to advance her position.

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Lets just agree to disagree. I have a feeling of what you think of me and I really don't care. Have a good one and War Eagle!

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Lets just agree to disagree. I have a feeling of what you think of me and I really don't care. Have a good one and War Eagle!

I have nothing against you personally. You claimed she had her education paid for and then posted links showing she didn't claim minority status until after receiving her education. And the whole thing, even if it were true, has NOTHING to do with the issue. War Eagle and good night.

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Lets just agree to disagree. I have a feeling of what you think of me and I really don't care. Have a good one and War Eagle!

I have nothing against you personally. You claimed she had her education paid for and then posted links showing she didn't claim minority status until after receiving her education. And the whole thing, even if it were true, has NOTHING to do with the issue. War Eagle and good night.

I initially misquoted and meant to say she used it to get the Harvard job. That said, I let my disdain for her escalate once we started our back and forth. I don't trust her.

Good night.

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To me it's not even a question of whether I trust her or not. The question is simply this:

Is what she is saying about how we give preferable terms to banks and big business versus the terms we give to regular citizens true, or not?

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To me it's not even a question of whether I trust her or not. The question is simply this:

Is what she is saying about how we give preferable terms to banks and big business versus the terms we give to regular citizens true, or not?

I agree. It's not unusual for politicians to have skeletons in their closet. On either side. Most of them are just ordinary people. And Warren's transgressions are pretty minor.

The question is what are they doing now? Anyone who is focused on stopping the financial oligarchy from raping us with impunity is OK by me.

If you really want to follow the lead of these moneyed interests and try to pull her down, you are working against your own best interests. And that's true regardless of which side of the political divide you are own.

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Sometimes when I read this forum, I imagine guys like emt and Texas standing across from each other and slapping each other across the face with white gloves after each post.

Ok, sorry for the OT. Carry on, fine gentlemen.

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We respectfully pick each other up after each slap, shake hands, and go for another round. He's my brother. Sometimes we act like it. :)

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To me it's not even a question of whether I trust her or not. The question is simply this:

Is what she is saying about how we give preferable terms to banks and big business versus the terms we give to regular citizens true, or not?

I agree. It's not unusual for politicians to have skeletons in their closet. On either side. Most of them are just ordinary people. And Warren's transgressions are pretty minor.

The question is what are they doing now? Anyone who is focused on stopping the financial oligarchy from raping us with impunity is OK by me.

If you really want to follow the lead of these moneyed interests and try to pull her down, you are working against your own best interests. And that's true regardless of which side of the political divide you are own.

I agree....but 99% of the public wouldn't land on our feet or even advance in life using that model. Call it a pet peeve.

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To me it's not even a question of whether I trust her or not. The question is simply this:

Is what she is saying about how we give preferable terms to banks and big business versus the terms we give to regular citizens true, or not?

I agree. It's not unusual for politicians to have skeletons in their closet. On either side. Most of them are just ordinary people. And Warren's transgressions are pretty minor.

The question is what are they doing now? Anyone who is focused on stopping the financial oligarchy from raping us with impunity is OK by me.

If you really want to follow the lead of these moneyed interests and try to pull her down, you are working against your own best interests. And that's true regardless of which side of the political divide you are own.

I agree....but 99% of the public wouldn't land on our feet or even advance in life using that model. Call it a pet peeve.


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