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I'm sorry if this seems uncompassionate toward people


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...with gender identity issues, but at some point we need to quit twisting ourselves into knots to accommodate every inclination and feeling someone claims they have. There's no way these women should have to share a locker room with a man just because he claims he's a woman on the inside.

A transgendered man permitted to use the women's locker rooms at a Washington college has created uproar among parents who say their children have been repeatedly exposed by him.

At the center of the controversy, Colleen Francis, a 45-year-old student at Olympia's Evergreen College who identifies as a woman but with male genitalia, says she has a right to use the facilities and the school agrees.

'The college cannot discriminate based on the basis of gender identity,' Evergreen Spokesman Jason Wettstein told KOMO. 'Gender identity is one of the protected things in discrimination law in this state.'


Taking their own action, however, parents of children who use the facility - sharing the pool's locker room with a high school swim club and children’s swim academy – have turned to the police.

'[A mother] reported her daughter was upset because she observed a person at the women's locker room naked and displaying male genitalia,' a police report filed by a 17-year-old's mother in September read.

A second report filed by an outside swim coach stated having ‘observed Colleen sitting with her legs open with her male genitalia showing’ in the sauna before telling her she had to leave and calling police.

'Little girls should not be exposed to naked men, period,' David Hacker, senior legal counsel with the Alliance Defending Freedom told Fox News.

Contacted by upset parents, the alliance has warned the college to readdress their permission.

The college retorts that they're only following state law and have since put up privacy curtains for the women who may feel uncomfortable.

'This is not 1959 Alabama. We don't call the police for drinking from the wrong water fountain,' Ms Francis, the student at the heart of the issue, spoke out to KIRO.

That swim coach who called police that day says she did apologize to Ms Francis for questioning her, ‘bus she also explained there were girls 6 to 18 years of age and they were not use to seeing individuals in situations like this.’

The school has since set up a smaller, isolated section of the locker room for girls to change in, until the matter is resolved.

Unpacified, Mr Hecker has warned the school that should any harm come to the girls affected by this, they will be held accountable.

'Clearly, allowing a person who is biologically a man to undress and expose himself to young girls places those girls at risk for emotional distress and harm,' he wrote to the college.

'Any reasonable person would view this as dangerous to the young girls involved. The fact that this individual was sitting in plain view of young girls changing into their swimsuits puts you and Evergreen on notice of possible future harm.'


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Agreed. In this case, the school shouldn't have to discriminate on "gender identity". He has male genitalia. He is a male. He should use the mens dressing room regardless of him "identifying" himself as a female. Talk about slippery slope. Any pervert could wear a wig and claim the same just to live out some fantasy in the womens dressing room.

Let's protect our children instead of being politically correct.

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I wouldn't even say he has to classify as male. I'd just change the locker rooms from male and female to "Penises" and "Vaginas." If you have a penis, you go into that locker room, a vagina the other one. If he wants to change with other women, then be committed enough to lop that thing off.

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I wouldn't even say he has to classify as male. I'd just change the locker rooms from male and female to "Penises" and "Vaginas." If you have a penis, you go into that locker room, a vagina the other one. If he wants to change with other women, then be committed enough to lop that thing off.

I'm with you there.

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This is what happens when you try to normalize and mainstream gays and trannies into normal society. It doesn't work.

not about gays.

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Political correctness fulfilling it's purpose. To be all-inclusive to the detrement of the safety of our children. Conclusion: This person not having their feelings hurt, is way more important than your children being safe. Sad.

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What of those who feel they are really lesbians, trapped in a male body ? Shouldn't THEY be allowed to shower in the female locker rooms ?

It's only FAIR, after all.

Don't hate !

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Agreed. In this case, the school shouldn't have to discriminate on "gender identity". He has male genitalia. He is a male. He should use the mens dressing room regardless of him "identifying" himself as a female. Talk about slippery slope. Any pervert could wear a wig and claim the same just to live out some fantasy in the womens dressing room.

Let's protect our children instead of being politically correct.

Amen to that!

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Even if you go with gender and sex being two separate things, with gender being how you identify and sex being your physical features, this is a sex thing not a gender thing.

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But I don't think the point of separate restrooms and locker rooms has ever been about identity, it's been about anatomy.

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I can't believe that people would be stupid enough to allow this........nevermind, yes I can believe it with the way this country is headed.

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What of those who feel they are really lesbians, trapped in a male body ? Shouldn't THEY be allowed to shower in the female locker rooms ?

It's only FAIR, after all.

Don't hate !

I think I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body..can I use the ladies locker room? Raptor, we should start a movement!
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I was listening to NPR a few weeks ago and they were doing a piece on gender identity. There are people out there that believe there should be no gender identity and believe it is persecution to try and label someone as him or her. Some of the people would actually try to change their gender on a daily basis to create confusion.

We are living in one crazy country now.

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I was listening to NPR a few weeks ago and they were doing a piece on gender identity. There are people out there that believe there should be no gender identity and believe it is persecution to try and label someone as him or her. Some of the people would actually try to change their gender on a daily basis to create confusion.

We are living in one crazy country now.

Some people suffer gender crises or confusion.

Some people are young, bored, idealistic, and impressionable. The latter half is the problem here.

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Playing devils advocate here...how does seeing a penis cause psychological/emotional problems exactly? Do all nudists/naturalist children have high rates of psychological/emotional maladies? Just curious. For the record I don't agree with this guy going in there with the twigs and berries hanging. I was just confused about how seeing a naked man sitting there causes some kind of irreparable harm.

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Playing devils advocate here...how does seeing a penis cause psychological/emotional problems exactly? Do all nudists/naturalist children have high rates of psychological/emotional maladies? Just curious. For the record I don't agree with this guy going in there with the twigs and berries hanging. I was just confused about how seeing a naked man sitting there causes some kind of irreparable harm.

Ouchy, do you have daughters?

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Like I said, I do not agree with letting him be in there. Yes, I have a daughter and I wouldn't want him in there with her either. My question was in regards to the so-called damage caused by seeing a man naked.

"Clearly, allowing a person who is biologically a man to undress and expose himself to young girls places those girls at risk for emotional distress and harm,' he wrote to the college"

My reason for being against it isn't in some fear of nudity. My reasoning is that the risks are too great for abuse to allow such a thing to occur. That's what I was getting at. I made it quite clear from the jump that I didn't think he should be in there. I was just taking issue with that one quote.

Which opens a new can of worms: Should we also ban homosexuals from the showers as well?

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Like I said, I do not agree with letting him be in there. Yes, I have a daughter and I wouldn't want him in there with her either. My question was in regards to the so-called damage caused by seeing a man naked.

Would you like for your young daughter (keep in mind there are girls as young as 6 years old using this locker room) when the guy, who is acting like a woman and sports breasts from the hormones he's taking, is swinging his package around?

You don't think it might be a little bit concerning for a child's well-being and nascent sexual development to have that sort of confusion? Do you think it appropriate and healthy for young girls to view men naked, much less have a stranger live and in person with it all hanging out in front of them? Particularly when he's a man presenting himself like a woman?

Which opens a new can of worms: Should we also ban homosexuals from the showers as well?

I have long wondered why it's ok for a man attracted to other men to be able to shower with men they may be attracted to when we'd wouldn't allow a woman to do the same thing. I guess the question is, are locker rooms and restrooms places that are or should be places where one has privacy from potential sexual advances, ogling/leering and so on? Or is it ONLY about everyone having the same "equipment?"

But I do think these situations differ in that we are discussing actual differences in anatomy and there are young girls in the equation.

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Like I said, I do not agree with letting him be in there. Yes, I have a daughter and I wouldn't want him in there with her either. My question was in regards to the so-called damage caused by seeing a man naked.

Would you like for your young daughter (keep in mind there are girls as young as 6 years old using this locker room) when the guy, who is acting like a woman and sports breasts from the hormones he's taking, is swinging his package around?

Hell no..lol...that wasn't my point. =)

You don't think it might be a little bit concerning for a child's well-being and nascent sexual development to have that sort of confusion? Do you think it appropriate and healthy for young girls to view men naked, much less have a stranger live and in person with it all hanging out in front of them? Particularly when he's a man presenting himself like a woman?

Do they not see cross dressers? Once again I ask does seeing a man naked cause harm. Do nudists/naturalists suffer from rampant mental illness from children seeing men naked? The nudity isn't the issue as far as I'm concerned. It's the environment. Children in my opinion do not need to be around naked (or clothed) opposite-sex adults in locker room settings because of the risks involved with disaster.

I have long wondered why it's ok for a man attracted to other men to be able to shower with men they may be attracted to when we'd wouldn't allow a woman to do the same thing. I guess the question is, are locker rooms and restrooms places that are or should be places where one has privacy from potential sexual advances, ogling/leering and so on? Or is it ONLY about everyone having the same "equipment?"

Good question!

But I do think these situations differ in that we are discussing actual differences in anatomy and there are young girls in the equation.

They have made a mess to be quite honest. Why can't this guy just go in the mens locker room? I am assuming he likes men. He is a man. Until he gets surgery nothing will change that fact. There is no logical reason for him to be going into the girls locker room unless it's for a bad cause. I can't see any other excuse.

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Playing devils advocate here...how does seeing a penis cause psychological/emotional problems exactly? Do all nudists/naturalist children have high rates of psychological/emotional maladies? Just curious. For the record I don't agree with this guy going in there with the twigs and berries hanging. I was just confused about how seeing a naked man sitting there causes some kind of irreparable harm.

Yes Ouchy, nudists do have high rates of psychological and emotional maladies. Otherwise, they would be dressed like the rest of us.

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Isn't there a simple answer? Teach people to stop making such a big deal about sexual identity, utilize unisex bathrooms, and design them so all have some expectation of privacy when showering and pooping? I'm thinking ala Starship Troopers. Things are only a big deal cause at some point in history, we decided to develop a morality code that allows nudity to become unnatural.

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Isn't there a simple answer? Teach people to stop making such a big deal about sexual identity, utilize unisex bathrooms, and design them so all have some expectation of privacy when showering and pooping? I'm thinking ala Starship Troopers. Things are only a big deal cause at some point in history, we decided to develop a morality code that allows nudity to become unnatural.

That's what I was thinking...

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