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The Gospel of Auburn

Guest Tigrinum Major

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I have read, ad naseum, I might add, over the past week, two weeks, however long I have been reading this board and listened to the wailings of radio callers lament the fact that Auburn, our beloved Auburn is about to get the shaft in the BCS standings and get shut out of the Orange Bowl. While I agree that this is an injustice and I would love nothing more than to get another shot at USC after they have beaten us the past two years or get a chance to shut the mouths of all the “effin’ hillbillies†(thank you, Bill Callahan) at OU, we must sit back and realize that we are still talking about college football. As I have said in posts here and in conversations to my friends, that isn’t all Auburn is about. I have thought long and hard about this and have come to realize that being an Auburn man, woman, or child is about like being a Christian.

Now before someone (like a rabid UATer or some semi-literate LoSUr) goes postal on me for comparing these two things, hear me out. I am not saying that all Auburn fans are Christians or only Auburn fans are Christians and I am not equating the suffering and trials of Christianity (especially early Christianity) to our not getting into some meaningless (in the big realm of things) bowl game to crown a paper national champion. But let’s look at these two things and see if we can’t draw some very loose parallels….

Being an Auburn person, like being a Christian, isn’t easy at all times. It is difficult. During our infancy in either faith, we have our commitment tested. For the young Christian, it might be putting aside those things that we used to enjoy that might not fit into our new walk in life. For a young Auburn fan growing up in the 70’s, it was dealing with all my friends who were Alabama fans (or for our comparison purposes today, “Philistinesâ€Â) who made fun of my orange and blue shirts in the midst of the Tiger’s nine- year losing streak to Alabama. But just as the Christian is rewarded with a better life as they continue “living rightâ€Â, my faith in Auburn was rewarded with the coming of Bo, and the long awaited victory over the Bear (I know a Satan comment would be carrying this a bit too far right now, so I will refrain.) Led, Moses-like, by Coach Dye, we entered the promised land of the 80’s and a home game with Alabama. As a student in the late 80’s, I still remember that we won all four years I was enrolled. I would like to think that I had something to do with that, but I am not sure. I think Burger, Tillman, Gainous, Fullwood, Joseph, and White could make good arguments they were more important cogs than a civil engineering major who was also enrolled in ROTC.

However, just as Christians stray at times, we left the teaching of our Abraham (Shug) and faltered. Moses retired. A false prophet arrived and enjoyed great success. But it became clear that good times would not last, as the false prophet Bowden made deals with offspring of the dark overlord that had ruled the land (anyone remember his last defensive coordinator?) And we followed, believing the promises and being led astray. We finally realized what was happening and returned to our faith, and now we are enjoying the fruits of that faith. But just as Christians do not always enjoy worldly treasures, Auburn people know that their reward is something neither sought nor attained by others.

Our reward is being who we are and that is Auburn people. We know that we are not defined by a football team, bricks and mortar, or even a town in East Alabama. We are defined by something intangible, much like Christians are. It is in our blood and nothing can take it out. We were born this way. Being an Auburn person is like being tall, you either are or you aren’t and there isn’t much you can do about it either way.

So, be proud, fellow Auburn men and women. If we lose the next two games, hold your head high and walk proud. If we win the next two games and get shut out of a MNC (and remember, it is mythical), do the same. You are the salt of the earth. The trails and tribulations that we experience, we experience together. Band together with me and vow to fight the evil empire, to not succumb to their level, to accept our football fate with dignity. We will make it through this, no matter what transpires, because we are Auburn people, not Bama fans or Georgia dogs or LSU corndogs or part of the Tennessee Vol Navy.

We are Auburn people. And we are better for it.

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Good post. I was wondering where you were gonna' go with that comparison.

You did a good job. :D

WAR :au: EAGLE ! ! !...Now and FOREVER...WAR :au: EAGLE ! ! !

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I'll bring my guitar and lead the singing if one of you will bring the tent and set up the chairs. I believe we could take that sermon on the road and make some converts. :D

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  • 11 months later...

This post was well worth the "bump". It is good to remember the important things with all of the "hoopla" that takes place this week.

WAR :au: EAGLE ! ! !

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Considering i wasnt on AUNation last year(I should have been,heh heh college and girls <_< ), and I didnt get to read it, I must say, that was a really good read TM!

WAR EAGLE :cheer:

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