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Do democrats tend to increase taxes?


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I don't think I've even ever heard of a democrat talk any kind of problem, whether it be real or imagined, they didn't propose to fix by raising taxes. Thus the emergence of the "Taxed Enough Already" party that detractors love to identify as right wing radical nut cases.


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Typically speaking - yes. That is their answer. However, it does not solely belong to them. Bush 1 raised taxes as well if I am not mistaken. Current admin has just gone to new lengths by raising the cost of business and making them pass the cost on down to us. The healthcare grab will make them loads of money while we are on the hook for shortfalls. Raising minimum wage will increase tax revenue without directly taxing companies. Carbon tax will indirectly tax us. Really wish we could do something about it, but if we try then we are racists who hate the poor and environment.

To be fair - whether it is Republicans or Democrats in office, I am worried where we will be as a country in 20 years. Costs are rising along with our national debt and neither party will cut the necessary costs to balance the budget (High level federal government pay and pension - Im looking at you). They will both just say "We didnt spend as much as projected" and call that cost cutting.

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"To be fair - whether it is Republicans or Democrats in office, I am worried where we will be as a country in 20 years. Costs are rising along with our national debt and neither party will cut the necessary costs to balance the budget (High level federal government pay and pension - Im looking at you). They will both just say "We didnt spend as much as projected" and call that cost cutting."

BINGO! Get that man a beer!

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"To be fair - whether it is Republicans or Democrats in office, I am worried where we will be as a country in 20 years. Costs are rising along with our national debt and neither party will cut the necessary costs to balance the budget (High level federal government pay and pension - Im looking at you). They will both just say "We didnt spend as much as projected" and call that cost cutting."

BINGO! Get that man a beer!

They're on me!

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Mmmmmm - could use a tasty brew. Maybe I should wait till after 9am, first. Or until I get off work for that matter! =)

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