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Callahan transferring


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According to al.com piece a few minutes ago. He's back in Colorado but no plans mentioned. Just too many OLs coming in and guess he did not see any playing time ahead.

He seems like a good guy and I hope he finds a place where he can play....and continue his education.

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he'll do fine somewhere. Appreciate the work he put in while here, and hopefully he'll keep it up and get a good shot for some playing time elsewhere.

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I've been tracking attrition from the AU football team for a long time. Some doubt it, but the average annual attrition runs from seven to nine. Callahan is the ninth this year. I track it from August 1st through July 31st of the following year, so with about 2&1/2 months to go, this year will probably be above the norm.

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he'll do fine somewhere. Appreciate the work he put in while here, and hopefully he'll keep it up and get a good shot for some playing time elsewhere.

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I've been tracking attrition from the AU football team for a long time. Some doubt it, but the average annual attrition runs from seven to nine. Callahan is the ninth this year. I track it from August 1st through July 31st of the following year, so with about 2&1/2 months to go, this year will probably be above the norm.

Did you count Parks twice? Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised to see another one (maybe two) decide to move on.

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I've been tracking attrition from the AU football team for a long time. Some doubt it, but the average annual attrition runs from seven to nine. Callahan is the ninth this year. I track it from August 1st through July 31st of the following year, so with about 2&1/2 months to go, this year will probably be above the norm.

Did you count Parks twice? Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised to see another one (maybe two) decide to move on.

That is amazing, but I believe it. Nine players (roughly a third of your signing class) gone each year.

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I've been tracking attrition from the AU football team for a long time. Some doubt it, but the average annual attrition runs from seven to nine. Callahan is the ninth this year. I track it from August 1st through July 31st of the following year, so with about 2&1/2 months to go, this year will probably be above the norm.

Counting Swain? He is back, right? We all saw how quickly attrition can turn a NC participant into a 3-9 team.

Well, as long as we're not having any armed robberies…(knock on wood)

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

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I've been tracking attrition from the AU football team for a long time. Some doubt it, but the average annual attrition runs from seven to nine. Callahan is the ninth this year. I track it from August 1st through July 31st of the following year, so with about 2&1/2 months to go, this year will probably be above the norm.

I believe it. Meeting the 85 overall total scholarship limit requirement requires a nominal attrition rate of 4 to 8 players per class. 8 per class if you redshirt everyone in a class (125 signees in five years) and 4 per class (100 signees in four years) is if you redshirt none of the class. If you assume that the 7 to 9 players per year come from a mix of classes then those numbers are not out of the ordinary

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How many kids go to a college and fail, just don't like it or can't afford it and drop out.

I still remember sitting in a freshman assembly with about 4 thousand freshman. The first thing they told us was to look to your left and then to your right, those 2 persons will not be there to graduate. Cold hard facts.

Scholarship athletes get free tuition, room, board, and books. They also can get help with their studies and have minders to make sure they go to class. Losing only 1/3 of a signing class is much better than the losses among the rest of the student body.

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Well what you said can be true with some kids, but I really thought Shane would have become a really fine lineman for Auburn if he had given himself more time and workd harder.

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

Thanks for your interest. I choose August 1st as the starting point each year because that's roughly when the players report for fall camp.

The reason a player gets counted is immaterial. Some are "good" attrition, (Mason, Fariyake, etc) some indifferent and some bad. The only thing that matters is that on August 1st they were on scholarship and were expected/eligible to return and play again the following year. When they don't return, they are "attrition" for the purpose of counting future scholarships available for recruiting.

I have been following attrition since Coach Jordan was the guy booting 'em off and the numbers are very consistent at seven to nine a year. Seldom more than 10 or fewer than 6.

Nobody ever gets an asterisk. To start arbitrarily assigning exceptions would ruin the integrity of the project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it. The cutoff dates are necessarily constant.

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

Thanks for your interest. I choose August 1st as the starting point each year because that's roughly when the players report for fall camp.

The reason a player gets counted is immaterial. Some are "good" attrition, (Mason, Fariyake, etc) some indifferent and some bad. The only thing that matters is that on August 1st they were on scholarship and were expected/eligible to return and play again the following year. When they don't return, they are "attrition" for the purpose of counting future scholarships available for recruiting.

I have been following attrition since Coach Jordan was the guy booting 'em off and the numbers are very consistent at seven to nine a year. Seldom more than 10 or fewer than 6.

Nobody ever gets an asterisk. To start arbitrarily assigning exceptions would ruin the integrity of the project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it. The cutoff dates are necessarily constant.

Any more questions?

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Well what you said can be true with some kids, but I really thought Shane would have become a really fine lineman for Auburn if he had given himself more time and workd harder.

JMO but the difference between a starting OL and a kid that spends most of the season on the bench for AU these days is razor thin.

Garner rotates his DL guys so many more of his guys see playing time that do the offensive linemen. Johnson mostly sticks with his starters.....so If a guy like Callahan is not playing, and considering where he ranks in the pecking order, he is not likely to play very much if at all.

It's not unreasonable in my view, for him to transfer closer to home (a benefit) and go to a school where he gets the enjoyment of playing the game...and not just busting his butt all year to then spend most of the season on the bench.

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

Thanks for your interest. I choose August 1st as the starting point each year because that's roughly when the players report for fall camp.

The reason a player gets counted is immaterial. Some are "good" attrition, (Mason, Fariyake, etc) some indifferent and some bad. The only thing that matters is that on August 1st they were on scholarship and were expected/eligible to return and play again the following year. When they don't return, they are "attrition" for the purpose of counting future scholarships available for recruiting.

I have been following attrition since Coach Jordan was the guy booting 'em off and the numbers are very consistent at seven to nine a year. Seldom more than 10 or fewer than 6.

Nobody ever gets an asterisk. To start arbitrarily assigning exceptions would ruin the integrity of the project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it. The cutoff dates are necessarily constant.

I don't disagree, necessarily, with any of it. It's all semantics, and at any rate it's excellent work Mikey! Any clue on if that's within a normal range for most FBS power-5 schools? I may go do some stats on it.

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I don't disagree, necessarily, with any of it. It's all semantics, and at any rate it's excellent work Mikey! Any clue on if that's within a normal range for most FBS power-5 schools? I may go do some stats on it.

I haven't gone to any trouble to document other school's attrition but some cursory checks from time to time have all come out about the same as Auburn's. Attrition runs a little high everywhere in the first two years after a coaching change, for obvious reasons.

In spite of all the "processed" talk, I don't think Saban's is much above normal, though I and others never miss a chance to point out a processed UAT player.

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Shane I wish you luck as well. You put in some hard work at AU. I hope things work out for you and I hope you remember your time at Auburn as time well spent.

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I don't think Saban is much above normal, but I do think the cause of his attrition deviates from the norm. Alabama has more "career-ending injuries" than the rest of the West combined. I'm never surprised when a guy down on the depth chart transfers. Whether that happens at Alabama or Auburn or any where else, it's not shocking or underhanded. When a guy that was healthy or out with a relatively minor injury goes on medical scholarship to complete his education, it raises a flag. When multiple guys after the fact say they were forced or strongly pointed in that direction, it's a huge problem.

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I don't think Saban is much above normal, but I do think the cause of his attrition deviates from the norm. Alabama has more "career-ending injuries" than the rest of the West combined.

It's always interesting when one of those bammer players who is declared medically ineligible transfers to some other school...and plays. :big:

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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

Thanks for your interest. I choose August 1st as the starting point each year because that's roughly when the players report for fall camp.

The reason a player gets counted is immaterial. Some are "good" attrition, (Mason, Fariyake, etc) some indifferent and some bad. The only thing that matters is that on August 1st they were on scholarship and were expected/eligible to return and play again the following year. When they don't return, they are "attrition" for the purpose of counting future scholarships available for recruiting.

I have been following attrition since Coach Jordan was the guy booting 'em off and the numbers are very consistent at seven to nine a year. Seldom more than 10 or fewer than 6.

Nobody ever gets an asterisk. To start arbitrarily assigning exceptions would ruin the integrity of the project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it. The cutoff dates are necessarily constant.

Mikey, thanks for your "project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it" and sharing it with us. I'm not nearly interested enough to do the work myself, but I like knowing there's someone here we can ask about it.

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