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Glenn Beck: Liberals, you were right on Iraq


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Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, You Were Right,’ We Should Never Have Gone into Iraq

by Andrew Kirell | 5:59 pm, June 17th, 2014

Glenn Beck led off his radio show on Tuesday morning with a stirring monologue about all the ways he believes the left and right can come together to “heal” America. As part of that, Beck suggested that perhaps all Americans can come together to recognize the blunder that was invading and occupying Iraq in 2003 — an act that he now regrets having supported.After listing the Veterans Affairs Department scandal and the fight against Common Core standards as two ways in which the left and right can unite, Beck asserted that “maybe we could come together now on this nightmare in Iraq.”He then took a contrite tone and admitted [emphasis ours]:

From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t.
At the time I believed that the United States was under threat from Saddam Hussein.
I really truly believed that Saddam Hussein was funding terrorists. We knew that. He was funding the terrorists in Hamas. We knew that he was giving money. We could track that. We knew he hated us. We knew that without a shadow of a doubt. It wasn’t much or a stretch to believe that he would fund a terror strike against us, especially since he would say that. So I took him at his word.

Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved.
We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes. You are right.
Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.

He went on to declare that “You cannot force democracy on the Iraqis or anybody else,” largely because “If people vote for Sharia Law, they vote for Sharia Law.”

Considering how many hundreds of thousands of lives, and trillions of dollars spent on the war, Beck put forward the idea that maybe we should never have gone in the first place.“I have more of a chance of hacking off my loyal listeners and audience by saying this,” he conceded, “but so be it: Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more.”

For his conclusion, Beck said that Republicans need to listen to their non-interventionist instincts before “politicizing” Iraq and supporting another military action simply because of politics — i.e., because the president is a Democrat. “This has to become about the principles because in the principles we all agree,” he ended. “Enough is enough. Bring them home, period.”


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Wow, I finally agree with Beck on something.

We should not have gone.

These people are decades away from being ready for democracy.

If they want Sharia Law, let them have it.

Not one more...

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I saw this, and I can't help but think he has other motives here. I think he is hedging a bet that we will start sending troops in and then this gives him leverage to start screaming again about how wrong the President is.

But if he is genuine, then I guess even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while...

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channoc......does that apply to blind Dems as well? Think my friends Reid and Pelosi will ever find one? (sorry couldn't resist)

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George H.W. Bush was correct before anyone. He knew the "can of worms" he would open by "going all the way to Baghdad".

Back in the days where the differences between parties still allowed for an overlap of common sense between them.

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George H.W. Bush was correct before anyone. He knew the "can of worms" he would open by "going all the way to Baghdad".

Back in the days where the differences between parties still allowed for an overlap of common sense between them.

There was still some genuine belief that effective government was more important than politics and power. I worry less about potential repercussions of the War on Terror, or War in Iraq, than I do over the war on ourselves, the war of left vs. right ideology. How long can the rhetoric sound like the basis for civil war, without actually having civil war? The people who profit from spreading the rhetoric/propaganda should be ashamed. The people who cannot tell the difference between information and propaganda, are fools.

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ICHY, they are fools and need to be equally ashamed. If they can, per chance, tell the difference and do it anyway, they are the very things they hate.

True, they cannot sincerely say they respect democracy. I do cut them some slack on being ashamed, though. A great deal of money is spent in the effort to shape their thoughts. It is interesting how those individuals can ingest it all, repeat it verbatim, and not see themselves as weak-minded.

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ICHY, they are fools and need to be equally ashamed. If they can, per chance, tell the difference and do it anyway, they are the very things they hate.

True, they cannot sincerely say they respect democracy. I do cut them some slack on being ashamed, though. A great deal of money is spent in the effort to shape their thoughts. It is interesting how those individuals can ingest it all, repeat it verbatim, and not see themselves as weak-minded.

LOL. Its also interesting how some would be guilty of the same things they point the finger at others. When people try to sell the idea that they are non-partisan I have to wonder if they even understand the philosophical differences between the left the and the right. James Madison believed partisanship was good for the county because it allowed ambition to check ambition.Those putting politics above everything are running the country right now. This is w/o any doubt the most ideologically driven presidency of my lifetime. Our borders are being over run, the Middle east is a powder keg with terrorism expanding there almost exponentially and the president is fund raising at a LGBT rally in NYC. Im sorry but that is just unbelievable to me.

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Said it before, I'll say it again.

We knew, everyone did, that leaving Saddam in power , as we did after the first Gulf War, that we'd be back there, in 10 years or so. It was inevitable.

And sure enough , we went back.

I didn't nor do I have any problem w/ that decision.

What I DO have a huge problem with is how we tried to rebuild and spend them into the 21st century, sending insane amounts of materials and BRAND NEW equipment over there. The biggest , most expensive embassy in the world sits over there.

W H Y ??? >:(:brickwall:

Exactly like with 'nam, we won the war, but lost the peace. Completely foreseeable, and entirely unnecessary.

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How long ago did beck reach this sentiment?

Beck has been more prechy and weepy in the past few weeks, and it's a bit annoying.

He's on this ' can't we all just get along ' kick, dating back to the stand off at the Bundy ranch.

He was never fully on board w/ those who sided w/ Bundy, or his story. Ever since, Beck has been on some Kumbaya kick. He's always been for peaceful solutions, but he's been over stating the point, ad nauseum.

Personally, I think he's hoping this will be the olive branch to the Left , and they'll take in in the spirit which it was intended.

Which is naive as hell. They'll just use it ot bash Bush more.

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Wow, I finally agree with Beck on something.

We should not have gone.

These people are decades away from being ready for democracy.

If they want Sharia Law, let them have it.

Not one more...

They are centuries away. They have only known kings, emperors and dictators.

They should be allowed to keep their mess as they please as long as they do not bother another country, but that is the problem. They fight amongst themselves and then with the country next to them. If there was no oil in the Middle East no one in the West would care, which was the case before 1900...

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And out come the kooks that see any realization that it was a mistake from the getgo as weakness and being a wuss. Could set a sundial by it.

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And out come the kooks that see any realization that it was a mistake from the getgo as weakness and being a wuss. Could set a sundial by it.

I'd be all on board too, were it for that damn thing called HISTORY. Many choose to forget it. I can't.


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Said it before, I'll say it again.

We knew, everyone did, that leaving Saddam in power , as we did after the first Gulf War, that we'd be back there, in 10 years or so. It was inevitable.

And sure enough , we went back.

I didn't nor do I have any problem w/ that decision.

What I DO have a huge problem with is how we tried to rebuild and spend them into the 21st century, sending insane amounts of materials and BRAND NEW equipment over there. The biggest , most expensive embassy in the world sits over there.

W H Y ??? >:(/> :brickwall:/>

Exactly like with 'nam, we won the war, but lost the peace. Completely foreseeable, and entirely unnecessary.

The amazing thing about this breakup of Iraq into 3 countries (Kurd, Sunni Moslem Arabs, Shia Moslem Arabs), is that Uncle Joe Biden was right.

Biden wanted to break Iraq up into three countries or really 3 autonomous regions. The problem is with the oil. The Shia region has the oil fields, the Kurds have their area with some oil and just want to be left alone by the other 2 groups, but the Sunnis want the oil fields. The Sunnis are not happy herding goats or whatever they do there.

There is a problem with the Kurds. They are not Arabs and there are Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. They want to have their own country, but Iraq Iran Syria and Turkey will not agree to that.

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There is a reason it is called Bakanization. The Balkans are divided into little countries, yet they go to war as much if not more than anyone else.

Sometimes, having a Bastard in charge makes sense depending on the people.

Maybe the Islamists will get a clue and move into the 21st Century. I dont have high hopes for that, but i prefer waiting on them more than working with them.

The ME is a quagmire and we need to stay away. I am tempted to say we own Iraq, but i wont any longer. It is time to cut the losses and move on. If their men wont defend their own land and people, we are just wasting our time.

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George H.W. Bush was correct before anyone. He knew the "can of worms" he would open by "going all the way to Baghdad".

Back in the days where the differences between parties still allowed for an overlap of common sense between them.

There was still some genuine belief that effective government was more important than politics and power. I worry less about potential repercussions of the War on Terror, or War in Iraq, than I do over the war on ourselves, the war of left vs. right ideology. How long can the rhetoric sound like the basis for civil war, without actually having civil war? The people who profit from spreading the rhetoric/propaganda should be ashamed. The people who cannot tell the difference between information and propaganda, are fools.

I agree itch, I am watching MSNBC and you are dead on target. These people are absolute fools. How could anyone possibly believe this garbage? Fools truly do follow fools. Unbelievable.
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Interesting that Beck also said he felt facts now indicated he was right in his criticism of AGW extremists in 2011. He as lamblasted by liberals after those remarks

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Said it before, I'll say it again.

We knew, everyone did, that leaving Saddam in power , as we did after the first Gulf War, that we'd be back there, in 10 years or so. It was inevitable.

And sure enough , we went back.

I didn't nor do I have any problem w/ that decision.

What I DO have a huge problem with is how we tried to rebuild and spend them into the 21st century, sending insane amounts of materials and BRAND NEW equipment over there. The biggest , most expensive embassy in the world sits over there.

W H Y ??? >:(:brickwall:

Exactly like with 'nam, we won the war, but lost the peace. Completely foreseeable, and entirely unnecessary.

Why did we go back? He was not threatening, harassing anyone outside his borders. If he had WMDs he dumped them. So why did we need to spend trillions, kill 4000+ of ours and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and physically destroy most of the infrastructure in that country. You didnt and dont have a problem with it? What did we accomplish that satisfied you? I will admit for a long time i thought we should "finish the job" and liberate those people. several years ago i realized that is not going to happen. That country, region and the world was better of with Saddam in charge of that country. He was an evil piece of sh-- but that is what they need. Nothing good was accomplished.
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In my opinion, Glenn Beck could be declared legally insane. I have never seen a man more inclined to switch sides, positions, and opinions about all things, more than Glenn Beck, and I really mean that. Yes, its true, I DO NOT like Barack Hussein Obama, but atleast he stays true to destroying America and doesn't hide it. Beck is all over the place. Iraq would crap itself when Saddam died anyway, Bush just got a head start.

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