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A warning about recruits seeing stuff on message boards


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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

That is an epic quote. :bow:
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Yes, I've always thought it odd that many posters dismiss the notion that kids READ the internet, including what we write here. They may put little stock in our opinions, but they're still kids and reading the same blather typed dozens of times by different posters may make an impression.

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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

where was the question when he tweeted,

That's just creepy..


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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

1) There was no question, it was just "That's just creepy."

2)Regardless, it's a real-time reminder that recruits read message boards. Was this over the top? no. But if it is, it gets seen.

In this case, the real lesson is: it may not flip a recruit, but it sure as hell looks bad on Auburn fans for something to get picked up by media and blasted across the country.

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I still don't get the big deal about someone posting a picture of a kid and his mom together. Was there some kind of wierd context? Otherwise, it sounds like a whole lot of BS.

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I think that the real lesson here is that Kai is right. That's just creepy. This recruiting stuff is all fun and whatnot, but c'mon, stalking a 16 year old kid's Facebook page and real-time copying images from there to twitter?

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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

1) There was no question, it was just "That's just creepy."

2)Regardless, it's a real-time reminder that recruits read message boards. Was this over the top? no. But if it is, it gets seen.

In this case, the real lesson is: it may not flip a recruit, but it sure as hell looks bad on Auburn fans for something to get picked up by media and blasted across the country.

There will never be a day that the media does not take unwarranted pot shots at Auburn. If that mattered very much we'd always be in the bottom 1/4 of every sport.

I have seen any number of posts here that included pictures of recruits with their parents. Are the posters all stalkers?

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I think that the real lesson here is that Kai is right. That's just creepy. This recruiting stuff is all fun and whatnot, but c'mon, stalking a 16 year old kid's Facebook page and real-time copying images from there to twitter?

That same picture is on his public twitter page. Its not stalking if it is public. Why Ron Sanders used that picture for AUC, only he can answer that. We seen a picture of Trent Thompson and his mom on his AUF thread( the one where his mom looked really happy on the Auburn visit) so does that make us stalkers as well? We merely grabbed it off of Trent's public twitter page, the same way Ron Sanders grabbed Kai's picture off of his page. IMO if you put the information out to the public, you deal with it.
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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

1) There was no question, it was just "That's just creepy."

2)Regardless, it's a real-time reminder that recruits read message boards. Was this over the top? no. But if it is, it gets seen.

In this case, the real lesson is: it may not flip a recruit, but it sure as hell looks bad on Auburn fans for something to get picked up by media and blasted across the country.

There will never be a day that the media does not take unwarranted pot shots at Auburn. If that mattered very much we'd always be in the bottom 1/4 of every sport.

I have seen any number of posts here that included pictures of recruits with their parents. Are the posters all stalkers?

You beat me to the million dollar question <_<
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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

1) There was no question, it was just "That's just creepy."

2)Regardless, it's a real-time reminder that recruits read message boards. Was this over the top? no. But if it is, it gets seen.

In this case, the real lesson is: it may not flip a recruit, but it sure as hell looks bad on Auburn fans for something to get picked up by media and blasted across the country.

There will never be a day that the media does not take unwarranted pot shots at Auburn. If that mattered very much we'd always be in the bottom 1/4 of every sport.

I have seen any number of posts here that included pictures of recruits with their parents. Are the posters all stalkers?

You beat me to the million dollar question <_<

Yes, but you were more eloquent.

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I think that the real lesson here is that Kai is right. That's just creepy. This recruiting stuff is all fun and whatnot, but c'mon, stalking a 16 year old kid's Facebook page and real-time copying images from there to twitter?

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The real lesson is implied in the thread title. Be careful what you say about kids because they and or their families read these forums, especially ours being the largest public AU forum. We all should have had this drilled in our brains from the Evans fiasco where he retweeted another twitter account that quoted numerous AUF posts bashing him or his family. I'n not excusing Evan's or his dad's action through the recruiting process. I'm just saying be accountable to ourselves when we post. Dost just post on raw emotion just because a face can't be put to our words on a message board. I am speaking to myself here too.

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He didn't say he was creeped out, he asked if others thought it was creepy. My take was that the kid thought it was kinda' cool. All this did was give that AJC writer an opportunity to put up another negative headline with "Auburn" in it.

We message board freaks aren't nearly as important as we think we are. If message boards were that important bammer wouldn't be able to sign a single recruit.

Agree 110%
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That's is just way too creepy on the scary side ausburn, so much so I will not quote it and hope others don't also.

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That's is just way too creepy on the scary side ausburn, so much so I will not quote it and hope others don't also.

Now that is creepy...lol
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I don't think it was the picture as much as the thread title used on the 247 blog page. It was along the lines of, "check out KL's Mom" or something similar to that. That does tend to be a tad "creepy" for the owner of a recruiting website imo.

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Agreed, we should all remember that recruits read these message boards and remember that what we post here is likely to be seen by them.

With that said, R.Evan and TJ Yeldon are douche-bags.....

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Did the word "hot" in red letters have anything to do with added creepiness?

I could be wrong, but I think that just refers to a 'hot' topic. We have the same thing on this site.

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Did the word "hot" in red letters have anything to do with added creepiness?

I could be wrong, but I think that just refers to a 'hot' topic. We have the same thing on this site.

Ah, thanks. Makes a lot more sense. And also a lot less heebie-jeebie inspiring.

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I don't think it was the picture as much as the thread title used on the 247 blog page. It was along the lines of, "check out KL's Mom" or something similar to that. That does tend to be a tad "creepy" for the owner of a recruiting website imo.

The title read "Kai Locksley photo with mom" but I can see how the "hot" tag may have confused him like it did a few others on our board.

I personally don't think him posting that was out of bounds (Assuming no inappropriate comments were made inside the thread) but as others have stated it is a good reminder that recruits are watching a lot more than we think.

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I think that the real lesson here is that Kai is right. That's just creepy. This recruiting stuff is all fun and whatnot, but c'mon, stalking a 16 year old kid's Facebook page and real-time copying images from there to twitter?

That same picture is on his public twitter page. Its not stalking if it is public. Why Ron Sanders used that picture for AUC, only he can answer that. We seen a picture of Trent Thompson and his mom on his AUF thread( the one where his mom looked really happy on the Auburn visit) so does that make us stalkers as well? We merely grabbed it off of Trent's public twitter page, the same way Ron Sanders grabbed Kai's picture off of his page. IMO if you put the information out to the public, you deal with it.

Yeah, it is stalking. There is an accepted phrase for it: "Facebook stalking": http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=facebook+stalking

I don't know who Ron Sanders is, but if he's just some random Joe that doesn't know Kai from Adam, and he is out there tweeting pictures from said 16 year old's Facebook page, that's weird. I didn't even see anything that looked football related in that admittedly small thumbnail. Why do that?

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