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The Cross and the Confederate Flag


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In Panama City Beach there were a lot of flags flying....and several trucks had black drivers.

The flag had slowly left the limelight over the last decade as a generation was replaced with another. This new "debate" has reignited something that was about to fade away into the history books on its own.

Political agenda fuels the fire of voters....that is what this is all about.

Last I checked, it's still flying on the SC statehouse grounds.

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lots of CBF flying at 4th of July.

Though usually accompanied by an American flag, and sometimes by a state flag... And out of the thousands there I saw no fights break out over any of them.

That's because blacks are merely telling how they feel, I don't see why everybody is so confused. Blacks said this makes us feel this way, reply pretty much is so what? What did people expect?

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lots of CBF flying at 4th of July.

Though usually accompanied by an American flag, and sometimes by a state flag... And out of the thousands there I saw no fights break out over any of them.

That's because blacks are merely telling how they feel, I don't see why everybody is so confused. Blacks said this makes us feel this way, reply pretty much is so what? What did people expect?

Mine was not a skin color comment. Just pointing the difference between media warning about mass violence and showing short clips of people fighting and waving flags... to the reality of everybody pretty much saying "Whatever" and each person minding their own business and enjoying the holiday.

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

It's not uncommon for people to cherish their "rights" over the feelings of others. And Southerners are probably the first in line to purposely do something just because someone suggests that they shouldn't. Nothing says "heritage" like being an insensitive jerk.

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

It's not uncommon for people to cherish their "rights" over the feelings of others. And Southerners are probably the first in line to purposely do something just because someone suggests that they shouldn't. Nothing says "heritage" like being an insensitive jerk.

Really? Jerks? Mostly kids who like waving flags to draw attention.

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In Panama City Beach there were a lot of flags flying....and several trucks had black drivers.

The flag had slowly left the limelight over the last decade as a generation was replaced with another. This new "debate" has reignited something that was about to fade away into the history books on its own.

Political agenda fuels the fire of voters....that is what this is all about.

Last I checked, it's still flying on the SC statehouse grounds.

As it should until the law is passed to take it down.

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

It's not uncommon for people to cherish their "rights" over the feelings of others. And Southerners are probably the first in line to purposely do something just because someone suggests that they shouldn't. Nothing says "heritage" like being an insensitive jerk.

Really? Jerks? Mostly kids who like waving flags to draw attention.

Those who purposely decided to fly their flags because of the controversy - mostly jerks. They have been made more aware of how that symbol is viewed by the vast majority of their black friends and neighbors and decided they don't care. "Crank up some Hank, Jr., toss me another Natty Light and watch me fly the biggest durn Confederate flag I could get my hands on."

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

It's not uncommon for people to cherish their "rights" over the feelings of others. And Southerners are probably the first in line to purposely do something just because someone suggests that they shouldn't. Nothing says "heritage" like being an insensitive jerk.

Really? Jerks? Mostly kids who like waving flags to draw attention.

Those who purposely decided to fly their flags because of the controversy - mostly jerks. They have been made more aware of how that symbol is viewed by the vast majority of their black friends and neighbors and decided they don't care. "Crank up some Hank, Jr., toss me another Natty Light and watch me fly the biggest durn Confederate flag I could get my hands on."

that is how i came to my feelings on the CF. In early '90s Athens square cruising. An occasional fight would spark racial tension then the next night or weekend all the rednecks would fly newly purchased rebel flags. Some of the EXACT same people are screaming "heritage not hate" on facebook every day. If it was truly pride or heritage you wouldn't need to cram it in the face of others.
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In Panama City Beach there were a lot of flags flying....and several trucks had black drivers.

The flag had slowly left the limelight over the last decade as a generation was replaced with another. This new "debate" has reignited something that was about to fade away into the history books on its own.

Political agenda fuels the fire of voters....that is what this is all about.

Last I checked, it's still flying on the SC statehouse grounds.

As it should until the law is passed to take it down.

My point is that it wasn't about to "fade away into the history books on its own"

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As I predicted, the whole flap over the CF has backfired to some extent. I saw more CFs on people's flagpoles in places I had never seen them before. I'm talking about homes of professional people in upper income neighborhoods.

I know a couple of these homes were people who moved from Chicago and Logan, Utah

FWIW, I didn't fly mine. The 4th is about all of America, not just Southerners still proud to be Southerners.

It's not uncommon for people to cherish their "rights" over the feelings of others. And Southerners are probably the first in line to purposely do something just because someone suggests that they shouldn't. Nothing says "heritage" like being an insensitive jerk.

Really? Jerks? Mostly kids who like waving flags to draw attention.

Those who purposely decided to fly their flags because of the controversy - mostly jerks. They have been made more aware of how that symbol is viewed by the vast majority of their black friends and neighbors and decided they don't care. "Crank up some Hank, Jr., toss me another Natty Light and watch me fly the biggest durn Confederate flag I could get my hands on."

that is how i came to my feelings on the CF. In early '90s Athens square cruising. An occasional fight would spark racial tension then the next night or weekend all the rednecks would fly newly purchased rebel flags. Some of the EXACT same people are screaming "heritage not hate" on facebook every day. If it was truly pride or heritage you wouldn't need to cram it in the face of others.

LOL! I passed a house yesterday with a large CBF displayed and you could still see the fold creases in it.

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Titan......so you are calling me an insensitive jerk? Interesting because the community I spoke of was.......Auburn. A community of normally liberals like professors are prone to be. So I guess you think there are a lot of insensitive jerks in the Auburn family.

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Titan......so you are calling me an insensitive jerk? Interesting because the community I spoke of was.......Auburn. A community of normally liberals like professors are prone to be. So I guess you think there are a lot of insensitive jerks in the Auburn family.

If you purposely decided to fly your flag or to fly it more in response to this controversy - then yes, you're an insensitive jerk.

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Titan......so you are calling me an insensitive jerk? Interesting because the community I spoke of was.......Auburn. A community of normally liberals like professors are prone to be. So I guess you think there are a lot of insensitive jerks in the Auburn family.

There goes my irony alarm again. :rolleyes:

If this forum is any measure, there are plenty of insensitive jerks in the Auburn family.

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Titan...if you would read my post instead of calling names you would see I said I didn't fly mine on the 4tn. But I will fly it when I damn well please in recognition of my Southern heritage and if others can't respect my doing so and want to make something out of it I don't intend then screw 'em. I'm tired of all the pandering crap.

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Titan...if you would read my post instead of calling names you would see I said I didn't fly mine on the 4tn. But I will fly it when I damn well please in recognition of my Southern heritage and if others can't respect my doing so and want to make something out of it I don't intend then screw 'em. I'm tired of all the pandering crap.

And you would read my post before getting bent out of whack, you'd realize that if you didn't decide to fly it on the 4th or fly it more to be defiant over this issue, then I wasn't talking about you at all. So your "are you calling me an insensitive jerk" post could have been avoided altogether.

BUT, if you choose to continue flying the flag and care more about your Southern heritage than you do about others, then the shoe might fit after all.

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Does the shoe not work both ways? Certain groups are outspoken about other people's interests when there is no harm intended. So are they oversensitive jerks?

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Listen to this guy. Wonder if the media will put him on the news.

Posted by Jimmy Niles on Friday, July 3, 2015
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State Sen. Lee Bright, who suggested the popular vote, said the Confederate flag has been misused by people like Dylann Roof, who is charged with nine counts of murder in the church shootings and posed in pictures with the rebel banner.

"I'm more against taking it down in this environment than any other time just because I believe we're placing the blame of what one deranged lunatic did on the people that hold their Southern heritage high," said Bright, a Republican."

Riiiiight.... The flag was created to celebrate "Southern heritage". (That "heritage" being an armed rebellion to protect the institution of slavery.)

And it's totally shocking a racist who murdered black churchgoers associated himself with the flag. After all, that flag has never been used to represent racist beliefs, right? :-\

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State Sen. Lee Bright, who suggested the popular vote, said the Confederate flag has been misused by people like Dylann Roof, who is charged with nine counts of murder in the church shootings and posed in pictures with the rebel banner.

"I'm more against taking it down in this environment than any other time just because I believe we're placing the blame of what one deranged lunatic did on the people that hold their Southern heritage high," said Bright, a Republican."

Riiiiight.... The flag was created to celebrate "Southern heritage". That "heritage" being an armed rebellion to protect the institution of slavery.

And it's totally shocking that the racist who murdered black churchgoers associated himself with the flag. After all, racists have never used the flag to represent their racist beliefs before.

Senator Bright is right. This is an unfair over-reaction. :-\

In reality it is an over-reaction by a mile....but I'm glad it's in the process of being removed from the statehouse grounds. General Lee was correct that the flag be furled because now we see why.

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State Sen. Lee Bright, who suggested the popular vote, said the Confederate flag has been misused by people like Dylann Roof, who is charged with nine counts of murder in the church shootings and posed in pictures with the rebel banner.

"I'm more against taking it down in this environment than any other time just because I believe we're placing the blame of what one deranged lunatic did on the people that hold their Southern heritage high," said Bright, a Republican."

Riiiiight.... The flag was created to celebrate "Southern heritage". (That "heritage" being an armed rebellion to protect the institution of slavery.)

And it's totally shocking a racist who murdered black churchgoers associated himself with the flag. After all, racists have never used the flag to represent their racist beliefs, right? :-\

Again you are missing the larger point. The Golds Gym Murderer AKA: Dylann Roof clearly wears his Golds Gym Killer in Training outfit in multiple pictures, yet no one has realized the conspiracy yet.

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