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Memphis player steals ball


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At this point, I wouldn't give him a used gatorade cup if he asked for it. That's what you get for being a douche.

You can take the boy out of Memphis, but you can't take the Memphis out of the boy.

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You can't make this stuff up. Priceless.


Runs away while flicking off the auburn staff who wanted to get it back. Can't say I'm surprised since they fought BYU in their bowl last year. Beamer always had great success building VT into a football team that now has a national presence, and he did it with absolute class. I hope Fuente doesn't crap on what beamer left by bringing in guys like these and letting them get away with it.
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Was wondering why he hasn't been taken by CWM. Thinking maybe he's holding out in case we are unable to locate the DC we want. If so is he qualified for that next step.

I hate Memphis. Have for more than 2 decades now going on my third. Very happy we beat the piss out of those turkeys.

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now the whole country knows about this idiot

File charges against him for the theft of the $120 football and felony strong arm robbery for physically attacking the equipment manager to steal the ball.

He'll have to get an attorney and drive to Birmingham to post bail and appear in court at the least.

If Memphis had any class their AD would call JJ and return the football.

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Guess he wanted the ball more than he wanted the W. Wasn't man enough to take that from anyone.

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now the whole country knows about this idiot

File charges against him for the theft of the $120 football and felony strong arm robbery for physically attacking the equipment manager to steal the ball.

He'll have to get an attorney and drive to Birmingham to post bail and appear in court at the least.

If Memphis had any class their AD would call JJ and return the football.

It would be just as idiotic to go through all of that over a hundred dollar football.
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now the whole country knows about this idiot

File charges against him for the theft of the $120 football and felony strong arm robbery for physically attacking the equipment manager to steal the ball.

He'll have to get an attorney and drive to Birmingham to post bail and appear in court at the least.

If Memphis had any class their AD would call JJ and return the football.

It would be just as idiotic to go through all of that over a hundred dollar football.

He knocked down a person and stole from them. In most cases, that's assault and robbery.

You saying let bygones be bygones, and just let him keep the ball, no questions asked ? :gofig:

Really ?

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this is so indicative of how far things have digressed in our society. Not enough of good role models these days.

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WarEagleExtra@wareagleextra now3 seconds ago

Memphis removes Reggis Ball from team, issues apology for ‘highly-inappropriate actions’ following Birmingham Bowl http://bit.ly/1ZCBh2A

Good. Glad it didn't take long for them to react.

Video has a way of telling the story, it seems.

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now the whole country knows about this idiot

File charges against him for the theft of the $120 football and felony strong arm robbery for physically attacking the equipment manager to steal the ball.

He'll have to get an attorney and drive to Birmingham to post bail and appear in court at the least.

If Memphis had any class their AD would call JJ and return the football.

It would be just as idiotic to go through all of that over a hundred dollar football.

He knocked down a person and stole from them. In most cases, that's assault and robbery.

You saying let bygones be bygones, and just let him keep the ball, no questions asked ? :gofig:/>

Really ?

Umm yeah. The kid is already symbolically kicked off the team as a senior and his draft grade( if there was one) is already tarnished as is his reputation.
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WarEagleExtra@wareagleextra now3 seconds ago

Memphis removes Reggis Ball from team, issues apology for ‘highly-inappropriate actions’ following Birmingham Bowl http://bit.ly/1ZCBh2A

Good. Glad it didn't take long for them to react.

Video has a way of telling the story, it seems.

Glad they have some character. Also glad we had video of it. Can't worm your way out of that.
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