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30th Anniversary of Challenger

Proud Tiger

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Today is the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger accident. It is a day I will never forget since I was at work at NASA that day. Some bad decisions were made and politics got involved resulting in the loss of the astronauts.

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In my room while at Auburn, and heard something about it on the radio that morning. Didn't think much of it , at first, but then went up and saw the coverage on t.v.

Terrible day.

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I'll never forget that moment. I was having a cup of coffee with a customer in a coffee shop and we both sat there in silence watching a small TV. It was one of those things that leaves a permanent mark on the memory banks. Sad day for America.

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I'll never forget that moment. I was having a cup of coffee with a customer in a coffee shop and we both sat there in silence watching a small TV. It was one of those things that leaves a permanent mark on the memory banks. Sad day for America.

Yep, before that, it was the Kennedy assassination. After, of course, it was 9-11.

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