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Folks here and elsewhere keep saying HRC is extremely corrupt


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Anyone have any actual concrete evidence supporting that claim?

Here's the working definition:

Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence.

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That's what the e-mails between State and The Clinton Foundation are all about. 

I see  you've not been paying attention - at all.


Which is why you're the perfect voter for Hillary. 

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34 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

That's what the e-mails between State and The Clinton Foundation are all about. 

I see  you've not been paying attention - at all.


Which is why you're the perfect voter for Hillary. 

So you have speculation. What I thought. You make wild claims without facts and claim to be a man of science. In the political world you're the equivalent of someone who believes the earth is flat and the center of the universe.

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48 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

So you have speculation. What I thought. You make wild claims without facts and claim to be a man of science. In the political world you're the equivalent of someone who believes the earth is flat and the center of the universe.


Not just me who has " speculation "


She's corrupt. Has been here entire life. Others are finding it's too much to passively ignore, and are taking off their partisan glasses. 

She's also sorta smart, and knows what she's doing is corrupt. Concerns her enough that she  got a private e-mail server so she could delete things she didn't want anyone to know about. Illegal things. 

I have to ask, TexasTiger, why are you so vested in the idea that she's not corrupt  ? In face of all the lies which are KNOWN, so far ?  


In the political world, I'm more like Alfred Wegener, Galileo or those who argued that dinosaurs weren't just 'big lizards', but were in fact warm blooded. 

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5 minutes ago, AURaptor said:


Not just me who has " speculation "


She's corrupt. Has been here entire life. Others are finding it's too much to passively ignore, and are taking off their partisan glasses. 

She's also sorta smart, and knows what she's doing is corrupt. Concerns her enough that she  got a private e-mail server so she could delete things she didn't want anyone to know about. Illegal things. 

I have to ask, TexasTiger, why are you so vested in the idea that she's not corrupt  ? In face of all the lies which are KNOWN, so far ?  

I hear folks like you claiming she's one of the most corrupt politicians ever, but never marshal actual evidence to support it. Just claim it and challenge anyone that asks why. It's the opposite of a scientific approach. You're a flat earth kinda guy.

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8 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

I hear folks like you claiming she's one of the most corrupt politicians ever, but never marshal actual evidence to support it. Just claim it and challenge anyone that asks why. It's the opposite of a scientific approach. You're a flat earth kinda guy.

She lied about Benghazi. She lied about sniper fire at the airport in Bosnia. She lied about the " vast Right-wing conspiracy ", she lied about the WH travel office, ... these aren't small things, or misstatements. She's a congenital liar, and is so because she's corrupt.

  She lies about lying



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10 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Anyone have any actual concrete evidence supporting that claim?

Here's the working definition:

Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence.

Lets just leave it at this 68% of the electorate think Hilary Clinton cannot be trusted. Thats 68%. You'll need to expand your efforts and cast a much wider net than the half a dozen people who read this forum to convince 68% of the electorate there is no access and influence peddling and no pay for play going on with them. Here's food for thought. and its not speculation..it all fact. In 2001 Hillary said they were no only flat broke but deeply in debt because Bubba couldn't keep his you know what in his pants. Fifteen years later they have a net worth of $238 million $140 mullion of which was accrued while Hillary was SoS. I realize govt jobs pay better than private sector jobs but, dude, they dont pay that good. The appearance of impropriety here is overwhelming. Along with the sky being blue, water being wet and grass being green is, politicians ALL lie but the Clintons have out lied EVERYBODY in their monetizing their public service by commingling activities between their slush fund which spends less than 15% of its revenue on actual charity and their positions of influence in the govt. Just ask the Haitian people if they believe the Clintons are honest. You might be shocked by their response.

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2 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

Lets just leave it at this 68% of the electorate think Hilary Clinton cannot be trusted. Thats 68%. You'll need to expand your efforts and cast a much wider net than the half a dozen people who read this forum to convince 68% of the electorate there is no access and influence peddling and no pay for play going on with them. Here's food for thought. and its not speculation..it all fact. In 2001 Hillary said they were no only flat broke but deeply in debt because Bubba couldn't keep his you know what in his pants. Fifteen years later they have a net worth of $238 million $140 mullion of which was accrued while Hillary was SoS. I realize govt jobs pay better than private sector jobs but, dude, they dont pay that good. The appearance of impropriety here is overwhelming. Along with the sky being blue, water being wet and grass being green is, politicians ALL lie but the Clintons have out lied EVERYBODY in their monetizing their public service by commingling activities between their slush fund which spends less than 15% of its revenue on actual charity and their positions of influence in the govt. Just ask the Haitian people if they believe the Clintons are honest. You might be shocked by their response.

More rock solid evidence.  After all, you can not argue with:

68% of the electorate

Grass not being green

Sky not being blue

Water not being wet

The Haitian people

Blue, are you an attorney?   Amazing what you have done.  You have painted a vivid and compelling picture of her guilt.  Surely no one questions her guilt after reading. 

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Actually, O.J. was found not guilty, in a criminal court. Which doesn't mean he's innocent. 

Same w/ Hillary. Who was found to have sent / received classified e-mails on an unsecured private server, but because Comey weirdly concocted this empty nonsense about her not having the INTENT to do anything wrong, she wasn't prosecuted. 

Doesn't matter if she had intent or not ( she did ) , she broke the law and lied. 

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15 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

More rock solid evidence.  After all, you can not argue with:

68% of the electorate

Grass not being green

Sky not being blue

Water not being wet

The Haitian people

Blue, are you an attorney?   Amazing what you have done.  You have painted a vivid and compelling picture of her guilt.  Surely no one questions her guilt after reading. 

Thanks, seems quite obvious to me. Funny the kid who always whines about partisanship would be so partisan in his reply. I simply pointed out that the Clintons are world class liars. Are you prepared to refute that? I see you conveniently overlooked the fantastical acceleration of their net worth amazingly coinciding with Hillary's tenure as SoS. I wont quibble with you though,  since you've never, ever made a point worth arguing.

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1 minute ago, TheBlueVue said:

Thanks, seems quite obvious to me. Funny the kid who always whines about partisanship would be so partisan in his reply. I simply pointed out that the Clintons are world class liars. Are you prepared to refute that? I see you conveniently overlooked the fantastical acceleration of their net worth amazingly coinciding with Hillary's tenure as SOS. I wont quibble with you though,  since you've never, ever made a point worth arguing.

I believe you misunderstood my point.  It has nothing to do with Clinton.  

The point is, your post was moronic.  Your opinion and rhetoric are meaningless.  Your post was meaningless.  In fact, if that is the best you can do when considering the challenge of the OP, I have to conclude that, HRC is innocent or, and more likely, you are a moron.  Yes, final answer, Blue is a moron.

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1 minute ago, icanthearyou said:

I believe you misunderstood my point.  It has nothing to do with Clinton.  

The point is, your post was moronic.  Your opinion and rhetoric are meaningless.  Your post was meaningless.  In fact, if that is the best you can do when considering the challenge of the OP, I have to conclude that, HRC is innocent or, and more likely, you are a moron.  Yes, final answer, Blue is a moron.

Like I said and I repeat..you've never made a point worth arguing and I wont waste my time. Your opinion is noted, I happen to disagree and the $140 million in net worth Bubba and Hillary accrued in the 4 years Hilllary served as SoS looks completely legit to you...also noted!

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21 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

One of the most stupid comparisons ever. Congrats. It's hard to top some of the folks here.

How so? Can you prove either are guilty or are innocent? Look, I get that a murder charge and political corruptness are extremes, but their situations are not that far apart. Like OJ, millions know Hillary is guilty of political corruption and like OJ, neither will be found guilty of it.  You might find the example stupid and that's fine, but you can't say the logic behind it is.

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11 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

Anyone have any actual concrete evidence supporting that claim?

Here's the working definition:

Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials for illegitimate private gain. An illegal act by an officeholder constitutes political corruption only if the act is directly related to their official duties, is done under color of law or involves trading in influence.

So, you are one to believe HRC's assertion that her serverssssssssssssss were set up for convenience of communication rather than circumvention of governmental oversight as is being demonstrated ?

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6 minutes ago, TheBlueVue said:

Like I said and I repeat..you've never made a point worth arguing and I wont waste my time. Your opinion is noted, I happen to disagree and the $140 million in net worth Bubba and Hillary accrued in the 4 years Hilllary served as SoS looks completely legit to you...also noted!

Your inability to understand that my post has nothing to do with HRC, further leads me to believe that my opinion is correct.  Yes, Blue is a moron.

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5 minutes ago, bigbird said:

How so? Can you prove either are guilty or are innocent? Look, I get that a murder charge and political corruptness are extremes, but their situations are not that far apart. Like OJ, millions know Hillary is guilty of political corruption and like OJ, neither will be found guilty of it.  You might find the example stupid and that's fine, but you can't say the logic behind it is.

There is no logic behind it. That's the point. You don't seem to know what logic means. You can point to some lies. Fine. Call her a liar. There's at least some logic to that. Political corruption is something else. Where's the evidence for that accusation? You'd have been right there with the mobs at the Salem witch trials with that "logic." 

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2 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

Your inability to understand that my post has nothing to do with HRC, further leads me to believe that my opinion is correct.  Yes, Blue is a moron.

Bud just stop. I understand you better than you even know yourself. You're here to argue but without ever taking a position unless, of course, you're arguing that Hillary is indeed innocent and is just a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy but we both know that's not the case. Your game is easy to diagnose...and it boils down to trying to assert your imagined intellectual superiority without ever actually taking a position. You're a spineless wimp and hardly worth the time I've wasted.

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7 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:

So, you are one to believe HRC's assertion that her serverssssssssssssss were set up for convenience of communication rather than circumvention of governmental oversight as is being demonstrated ?

So you have no actual evidence of political corruption then. Thank you. If you do, please share.

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2 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

So you have no actual evidence of political corruption then. Thank you. If you do, please share.


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