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What would you post if you knew players were reading?


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You are Auburn Tigers as long as you play hard, study hard and stay out of trouble off of the field.   Be mindful of the wonderful opportunity you have received from Auburn University that aren't afforded to over 90 percent of the other students at AU simply because you play football  and always treat AU with respect.  It is not your fault that you are playing under a HC who has proven to be not a good coach for AU.



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8 minutes ago, jared52 said:

Title is my question. Go.

If the offensive coaches were reading, I'd tell them to run stadium steps until their breakfast came up.

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Win or Lose, we are behind you guy's.

Play hard, play for each other, never give up.

War Eagle!


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Love the players. I see excitement and drive. The really put in a great off season.  


If the coaches were reading this or I were able to sit down with them. I wouldn't change a thing I have said this season. 

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i love my auburn tigers with all my heart and NOTHING will ever change me. win or lose, pretty or ugly, wins or losses, you guys rock and i will always be in your corner.

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This season is all about heart and the will to win.  The talent is there, we just need to go out there and refuse to let the other team push us around. Everyone needs to decide that they are going to be the best player out on the field and not let anyone take that away from them. Be your own worst critic and strive for perfection.  Then, when you fail, look at the next play as the opportunity to succeed and erase the previous failure. But most of all, fight as a team, fight for the man next to you, and win or lose, be the best man you can be.

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I'd say it is not your fault, you've been put in a position to fail by those who should know better. We the fans will always have your back. 

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I don't think anyone's insulted any players' performance in quite a while. If you made this thread this time last year, it'd be a different story. If you made this thread at any point with Jeremy on the field, it'd be a different story. I'll just end it there

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I'd tell them I don't question their abilities, talent, or effort. I question the decisions being made on the coach level regarding the offense. But I'm fairly certain behind closed doors they might be too.

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3 hours ago, WarDamnEagleWDE said:


I guess we have to see break-dancing Malzahn a little longer than we had hoped. :)

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We support you 100%. You guys are playing your hearts out and giving it your all. We have a very talented team. Keeps pushing through. 


PS. I've seen some of these same statements on FB and our players appreciate it. Statements such as: Keep working hard...you guys deserve better. We're behind you 100%. I have not seen many people bash any players. I think our guys understand and appreciate that as a fan base we have a lot of fans that have a great understanding of the game and know it's not due to lack of performance or talent. Several "liked" the comments so they understand the frustration is not towards them. 

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19 hours ago, jared52 said:

Title is my question. Go.

Keep working just as hard in the classroom as you work on football field.  Because at the end of the day, you'll have an Auburn University degree.  That AU degree will have prepared you for success in a profession more so than any of these coaches will prepare you for a career in football. 


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51 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

I find it fascinating that so many of you think that players reading posts where you are trashing the coaches would in any way be beneficial to the team.

Well it's a bad situation all around to be sure. I would say though that one could be anti-staff mediocrity and still be pro-player if that makes any sense. I may not be phrasing correctly what I'm thinking though. :)

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12 minutes ago, NoALtiger said:

Well it's a bad situation all around to be sure. I would say though that one could be anti-staff mediocrity and still be pro-player if that makes any sense. I may not be phrasing correctly what I'm thinking though. :)

I'm not questioning that.  I'm just wondering why people think it would be beneficial to dog the staff in a message to the players.  That's what this thread is about, sending a message to the players.  I don't know about you, but I've never seen an organization that functions when there is a divide between leadership and the rest of the organization. Encouraging a divide like that is only asking for a season that ends like 2012 did.

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21 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

If the offensive coaches were reading, I'd tell them to run stadium steps until their breakfast came up.

Or,  " the key to being successful at anything is to be willing to evolve if what your doing is not working" . 

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They already do read it, maybe not all of them this specific forum, but they all grew up with technology so they know what's being said. They aren't dumb.

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The players deserve better. I feel bad for them trusting the coaches enough to get them to AU. What are SW's parents thinking? What about our freshman WRs and their families? Or how about all of our defensive players with the revolving door of defensive staff over the years? I feel so bad for these guys because they have such a limited amount of time to make a splash at a big time program and they just aren't being put in a position to succeed.


The fact that we had the most players that ended up on NFL teams from the 2014 season is just infuriating. You aren't supposed to go 8-5 if your roster is littered with next level talent. Inexcusable. Oh and Brandon King was good enough to land a spot on the New England Patriots but couldn't see the field at AU when we have had nothing but awful secondary play over the last 8 years. Not only can we not seem to evaluate prospects properly, but we might have some problems even doing that while they are on campus. SMH.

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