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Malzahn on the two losses


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Credit where credit is due.... "Malzahn said the last two losses have 'hurt him worse than any others' he’s had at Auburn. He says he understands the fan base’s frustrations and says Auburn has to do a better job of coaching."


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  • Malzahn on using John Franklin III more after his fourth-quarter surge vs. A&M: “Each game unfolds a little bit different. But, at the same time, your offensive personnel, you’ve got to play to your strengths. Three weeks into the season, we know what our strengths are.”

OK, now I'm expecting to see our strengths on display Saturday.  Can't wait.

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A quote from that article,

  • Malzahn on using John Franklin III more after his fourth-quarter surge vs. A&M: “Each game unfolds a little bit different. But, at the same time, your offensive personnel, you’ve got to play to your strengths. Three weeks into the season, we know what our strengths are.”

Anyone have a clue WTH that means?


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At least he's taking blame for it.  Now the question is, can he step back far enough to see how to fix it and then execute that fix?  I sure hope Carl, Monty and the boys are ready to carry this one on their shoulders.

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  • Sean White remains Auburn’s starting quarterback. “We feel like he gives us the best chance to win.”
  • Malzahn is asked about making changes on the offensive line. He said Texas A&M made good adjustments — specifically at the defensive ends — that the offensive line didn’t change with in time.'
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25 minutes ago, DyeCampAlum said:

Credit where credit is due.... "Malzahn said the last two losses have 'hurt him worse than any others' he’s had at Auburn. He says he understands the fan base’s frustrations and says Auburn has to do a better job of coaching."


Hell Gus, tell us something we don't know.

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7 minutes ago, The Freak said:

Note to Gus: Whirlybird: Not a strength.

You read my mind. Right when I read "it's week 3, we know our strengths" the first thing that popped into my head was me counting how many times we ran the whirlybird last week.

 if that play is in the gameplan against LSU and it's not some sort of trick play...

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I agree with White starting.  It wasn't his fault last Saturday.  The offensive line did not help one bit in protecting him.  

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3 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

I agree with White starting.  It wasn't his fault last Saturday.  The offensive line did not help one bit in protecting him.  

He was the captain of a ship that visited the red zone once...the 2nd drive of the game.  Yeah, the OL whiffed some, but he didn't do anything to help the cause.  He looked lost, never moved the pocket, and was waaaaaaaay off target on several drive changing, simple throws.

I'm not necessarily clamoring for the backup...but if he's our QB1, he has to be MUCH better going forward.  For me, he looked none of the part Saturday...

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1 hour ago, DyeCampAlum said:

Credit where credit is due.... "Malzahn said the last two losses have 'hurt him worse than any others' he’s had at Auburn. He says he understands the fan base’s frustrations and says Auburn has to do a better job of coaching."


What is this, an automatic deflection ?  "Auburn has to do a better job of coaching."   It's MALZAHN that has to do a better job of coaching.  smh

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28 minutes ago, muxi87 said:

He was the captain of a ship that visited the red zone once...the 2nd drive of the game.  Yeah, the OL whiffed some, but he didn't do anything to help the cause.  He looked lost, never moved the pocket, and was waaaaaaaay off target on several drive changing, simple throws.

I'm not necessarily clamoring for the backup...but if he's our QB1, he has to be MUCH better going forward.  For me, he looked none of the part Saturday...

He connected on 66% of his passes while under tremendous pressure. I only recall him being significantly off-target on one throw, and there is no such thing as a simple throw when you know you have 3 seconds before you get hit.

The captain of the ship is standing on the sideline. All the QB can do is run the plays that are given to him, even if he knows that he's going to end up on his back because of it.

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1 hour ago, AUatHeart said:

Yeah, he's great at coach speak.  I'm tired of hearing the same crap week after week from CGM. 

We're probably ranked in the top 3 in the country if not higher in "coachspeak"

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DId the Whirlybird gain a even a yard so far in 3 games? ))

I think SW did some good things with his legs when things broke down, and he did make some nice throws. 

The only thing i can't tell by watching film is if the fact they did not throw 20+ yard passes, was it more because SW didnt think they were open, or the OL did not give him enough time to make that throw, or the plays coming in to him simply lacked those pass plays. 

To have that many 3 and outs in a game and all our TFLs simply put us so far into a hole, and gives us no momentum on offense..

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16 minutes ago, steeleagle said:

DId the Whirlybird gain a even a yard so far in 3 games?

As I recall, it had a modest gain the very first time they ran it against Clemson.  It's been stuffed ever since.

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25 minutes ago, steeleagle said:

To have that many 3 and outs in a game and all our TFLs simply put us so far into a hole, and gives us no momentum on offense..

If the same lack of execution continues down this ^^^ path, our defense will be worn down in another month when we hit the meat of the schedule.  We've seen what defensive depth can do for us, but when the offense can't pull their share of the load it will have a negative impact on the D both physically and mentally.

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1 hour ago, oracle79 said:

A quote from that article,

  • Malzahn on using John Franklin III more after his fourth-quarter surge vs. A&M: “Each game unfolds a little bit different. But, at the same time, your offensive personnel, you’ve got to play to your strengths. Three weeks into the season, we know what our strengths are.”

Anyone have a clue WTH that means?


It means I will start JWhite but bench him earlier for JFIII

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6 minutes ago, keesler said:

Who came up with this play?  

Heard it on a pod cast that Chandler did this play at Apoka HS and they thought he would be good at it....

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31 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

As I recall, it had a modest gain the very first time they ran it against Clemson.  It's been stuffed ever since.

I will say the 1st play in the formation vs a&m the option to the left was WIDE open on the play

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  • Auburn has the most negative plays of any team in college football this season. “We’ve got to do a better job of adjusting quicker. But our offensive line, just looking at it from Saturday, we’re improving. I’m not going to blame all that on the offensive line.”

Boy. This is discouraging. I'll concede that we may have had faced two of the best defenses we faced all season thus far in our past three games, but this isn't something that you would like to see any day. Improvements need to be EVIDENT on field, not just moral experiences and victories. I still think we'll gel somewhat somehow, but here's to hoping they figure something out this Saturday. 

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Not a damn thing he can say right now. Nothing will make anyone feel better about this team or the direction of this team. He honestly doesn't need to hold a press conference anymore.

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