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Latest sex ed teacher busted in Australia

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Woman who had sex with boy 'flattered' by attention

A WOMAN'S crime in having sex once with a 15-year-old boy was different from the six-week affair Melbourne school teacher Karen Ellis had with a boy of similar age, a court heard.

Diana Nicole Bennett's lawyer said that unlike Ellis, the boy with whom she had intercourse was not under her care, supervision or authority.

The County Court heard yesterday that in January 2005, Bennett, a voluntary worker, then 28, had sex with the boy who had telephoned her at home one morning and invited her to his house. Judge Lance Pilgrim was told they had been friends for about six months and that the boy had earlier promised to give her a kiss for Christmas.

After the Department of Human Resources notified police from a sexual offences and child abuse unit in February, 2005, the boy declined to make a statement, as did his parents.

Prosecutor Bill Dwyer said in his summary that Bennett later admitted she had a problem with binge drinking and on that morning she was drunk from the night before. Mr Dwyer said Bennett, who usually drank three bottles of vodka neat a week, told police she only took up the boy's invitation because she was drunk.

The pair began fondling each other and undressed before having sex, which was interrupted when a friend of the boy — who later approached police — entered the room. Bennett said in a record of interview with police that she saw herself as being like an older sister to the boy and was "flattered someone of his age found her sexually attractive".

Defence lawyer Richard Backwell said at the time Bennett was a depressed, lonely and vulnerable alcoholic who had sought "attention, adoration and admiration". He said three weeks after the incident, she voluntarily contacted police to make full admissions without which a case could not have been mounted.

Mr Backwell submitted that while there were similarities in the cases of Bennett and Ellis — the boys were similarly aged and each woman was previously of good character and remorseful — his client's offence was not premeditated.

Bennett, now 30, pleaded guilty to one charge of taking part in an act of sexual penetration with a child under 16.

Judge Pilgrim said it was in her interests to adjourn sentencing for a further medical report and to prepare a report for a community based order.

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I just don't even know where to begin??????

First off, where were these binge drinking hot teachers when I was trying to make my way through school?

Secondly, The guy's buddy throws them under the bus cause he didn't get invited to the "party". He's no friend!

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I just don't even know where to begin??????

First off, where were these binge drinking hot teachers when I was trying to make my way through school?

Secondly, The guy's buddy throws them under the bus cause he didn't get invited to the "party". He's no friend!

No kidding...how many fourteen or fifteen year olds would give their right youknowwhat to put the wood to somebody like that? If one of my buddies blew the whistle on my gravy train, I think I would have decked him.

My way-hot high school German teacher was like that. She ended up nailing one guy in our class. Three of us knew about it, but we sure didn't want to blow it for him. And, in retrospect, I think she dangled it in front of me on graduation night, but I was too clueless at the time.

Of course, now that I'm 44 with kids, I totally disapprove of it.

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The kid might as well not even date anymore. When you are 15 and have already figured out the drunken, lonely woman booty call thing you can just hang it up, you have nothing more to learn.

The force is strong with this one.

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The kid might as well not even date anymore. When you are 15 and have already figured out the drunken, lonely woman booty call thing you can just hang it up, you have nothing more to learn.

The force is strong with this one.


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Yep. He'll start hanging out at the grocery store, offering to carry bags to cars of likely looking woman. All he has to do is find women whose carts contain nothing more than wine, Lean Cuisine, and cat food.

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Yep. He'll start hanging out at the grocery store, offering to carry bags to cars of likely looking woman. All he has to do is find women whose carts contain nothing more than wine, Lean Cuisine, and cat food.

Damn otter, you are giving the whole darn book away to the kid now!

All you have to tell him is get an aol account and he will be a one man sex machine from now on.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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Yep. He'll start hanging out at the grocery store, offering to carry bags to cars of likely looking woman. All he has to do is find women whose carts contain nothing more than wine, Lean Cuisine, and cat food.

Damn otter, you are giving the whole darn book away to the kid now!

All you have to tell him is get an aol account and he will be a one man sex machine from now on.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Well, now that I look back, I can remember several times when some MILF dropped major hints with me. Some were pretty great looking. But when you're 17, 18, or 19, I just didn't have fine-tuned antenna with any woman outside of my age range. I was intent on nailing girls my age. It never occured to me that a 25- or 30-year old would be interested. My loss.

*cough* That being said, now that I'm 44 with kids, I disapprove.java script:emoticon(' B) ',%20'smid_36')

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I worked at a Mall, years ago. You guys laugh, but the guys getting more than their fair share were the young guys working in ladies shoe stores. :blink:

Seems the lonely ladies, even middle aged ones, like to go shopping for shoes in short skirts sans panties. :o

I kid you not... One guy in south alabama finally gave the idea of ever marrying. He worked for his mom and dad in their shoe store and had screwed half the town. That meant he had slept with at least one member of every family in town. He didnt seem to mind however. :big:

I ran the jewelry store next to him. He left with, or to meet, one almost every 3-4 days of work. He was scoring about 1-2 a week with meet up, no strings, sex. So drop the Al Bundyisms, the real sex stars in the mall, at least the hetero-ones work in ladies shoes. BTW, the most hardcore freek queers almost all worked for Footlocker. KID YOU NOT! Cant tell you the number of stories I got from the Footlocker boys.

I really kind of got a small sex ed class out of working in a Mall for about 18 months. Want to know where the hot women are ready for a fling guys? They almost always work at the cosmetics and perfume counters at the bigger retail stores. The true freek of my time at Auburn worked at Merle Norman. She was a true freek!!!! Left me because one of the physical plant guys at AU slapped her around. If I only knew that then. I was studying durng the week, she went on out at the Hungry Hunter. She cheated on me with him. The next morning, he slapped the hell out of her and the next thing I know is she dumps me and married him. I should have guessed that tho. It was the next logical step from where we were in the bedroom.

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The kid might as well not even date anymore. When you are 15 and have already figured out the drunken, lonely woman booty call thing you can just hang it up, you have nothing more to learn.

The force is strong with this one.

You forget he still needs to learn of the "broke up booty call". Usually good for three times post break-up.

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I especially liked this part "who usually drank three bottles of vodka neat a week". Dam, that is putting some vodka back, but straight, warm vodka is nasty. What an alchy-ho! By the way, am i the only one that thought she was ugly from that side picture? She certainly is no Debra LaFave.

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By the way, am i the only one that thought she was ugly from that side picture?

Quite possibly. Granted, she's no Kate Beckinsale but I'd....well....I wish I were a 15 year old Australian schoolboy in her class.

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By the way, am i the only one that thought she was ugly from that side picture?

Quite possibly. Granted, she's no Kate Beckinsale but I'd....well....I wish I were a 15 year old Australian schoolboy in her class.

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I don't know. If I were 15, I'd do her. She's spanky in a trashy sort of way.

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Well, I did not get a chance to see the full alottment of pictures, but I still put her at 5, maaaaybe a 6 on a 10 scale (FYI, Kate is a solid 9 on my scale, for reference factor). Odd, puffy brow, (kind of cro-magnon-ish), penciled in eyebrows, looks kind of big (hard to tell from the head shots only), big nose and chin. But I am being real critical there!

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By the way, am i the only one that thought she was ugly from that side picture?

Quite possibly. Granted, she's no Kate Beckinsale but I'd....well....I wish I were a 15 year old Australian schoolboy in her class.

More pics:



I don't know. If I were 15, I'd do her. She's spanky in a trashy sort of way.

Agreed. Hell, I'd do her if I were 44 too! And I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think she could...uh.....um....."take" the chrome off a trailer hitch.

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Well, I did not get a chance to see the full alottment of pictures, but I still put her at 5, maaaaybe a 6 on a 10 scale (FYI, Kate is a solid 9 on my scale, for reference factor). Odd, puffy brow, (kind of cro-magnon-ish), penciled in eyebrows, looks kind of big (hard to tell from the head shots only), big nose and chin. But I am being real critical there!

Hey, when you're 15, how selective can you really get? And plus the taboo of doing the teacher automatically adds 2 to her hotness scale.

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Well, I did not get a chance to see the full alottment of pictures, but I still put her at 5, maaaaybe a 6 on a 10 scale (FYI, Kate is a solid 9 on my scale, for reference factor). Odd, puffy brow, (kind of cro-magnon-ish), penciled in eyebrows, looks kind of big (hard to tell from the head shots only), big nose and chin. But I am being real critical there!

Hey, when you're 15, how selective can you really get? And plus the taboo of doing the teacher automatically adds 2 to her hotness scale.

Hell get her in a tank top driving a jeep and she is a 10 :thumbsup:

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Well, I did not get a chance to see the full alottment of pictures, but I still put her at 5, maaaaybe a 6 on a 10 scale (FYI, Kate is a solid 9 on my scale, for reference factor). Odd, puffy brow, (kind of cro-magnon-ish), penciled in eyebrows, looks kind of big (hard to tell from the head shots only), big nose and chin. But I am being real critical there!

Hey, when you're 15, how selective can you really get? And plus the taboo of doing the teacher automatically adds 2 to her hotness scale.

Hell get her in a tank top driving a jeep and she is a 10 :thumbsup:


What was that old Confederate Railroad song: "I like my women just a little on the trashy side."

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Well, I did not get a chance to see the full alottment of pictures, but I still put her at 5, maaaaybe a 6 on a 10 scale (FYI, Kate is a solid 9 on my scale, for reference factor). Odd, puffy brow, (kind of cro-magnon-ish), penciled in eyebrows, looks kind of big (hard to tell from the head shots only), big nose and chin. But I am being real critical there!

Hey, when you're 15, how selective can you really get? And plus the taboo of doing the teacher automatically adds 2 to her hotness scale.

Hell get her in a tank top driving a jeep and she is a 10 :thumbsup:


What was that old Confederate Railroad song: "I like my women just a little on the trashy side."

"When they wear there clothes to tight and there hair is dyed, too much lipstick...."

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