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Obama the Messiah of Generation Narcissism


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His positives in my eyes? I appreciate the fact that he was against the Iraq quagmire when it was the unpopular stance to take.


Just a word of advice -- I would leave the "how will we pay for this?!??!?!" Republican talking point alone...

Ok, you seem to have good reasons why you like Obama (whether I agree or not) and you appear to have thought it through some rather than just voting for the Dem with the best chance. But it's hard to take you too serious when you refer to Iraq as a "quagmire," which is well established as a Democratic talking points keyword, and then call out someone on the right for using a Republican talking point. Pot and Kettle...

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TT - dont' waste your time with this guy. He's the one who seriously thought Rudy was the most qualified person to be President. Of course, history proved he was not capable of running a campaign, much less the country.

Rudy was infinitely more qualified to run the country, the state, the county, the city, the province, the business or the popsicle stand than Obama.

It shows the depth of your inabilty to differentiate between the characteristics of a true leader (Rudy) and an empty promise sycophant (Obama). Don't feel too bad, though, you're not alone. There are a lot of folks like you out there. I'll be the first to admit that Rudy's campaign strategy was flawed. But that's part of the problem with this god-awful system we're subjected to. The better candidates (both democrat and republican) are often obscured by media-fueled and idiot-based campaigns of hype. We've seen Rudy, Fred and Romney chewed up by the process on the Republican side. Any of the three is a prefereable option to McCain. And we've seen the democrats lose Edwards, who (despite his effiminate hair issues) was a much better candidate than either of the two pathetic contenders who remain.

Say, Tex, WC was at least willing to try to justify his support and give me reasons to back Obama. I found them lacking. I'm still waiting on you to do anything other than duck, dodge, divert and obfuscate.

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TT - dont' waste your time with this guy. He's the one who seriously thought Rudy was the most qualified person to be President. Of course, history proved he was not capable of running a campaign, much less the country.

I'll be the first to admit that Rudy's campaign strategy was flawed. But that's part of the problem with this god-awful system we're subjected to. The better candidates (both democrat and republican) are often obscured by media-fueled and idiot-based campaigns of hype.

Agh...all the system's fault. Knew there was a reason...

Good thing he never made it to D.C. - I heard the "system" is even worse there.

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TT - dont' waste your time with this guy. He's the one who seriously thought Rudy was the most qualified person to be President. Of course, history proved he was not capable of running a campaign, much less the country.

I'll be the first to admit that Rudy's campaign strategy was flawed. But that's part of the problem with this god-awful system we're subjected to. The better candidates (both democrat and republican) are often obscured by media-fueled and idiot-based campaigns of hype.

Agh...all the system's fault. Knew there was a reason...

Good thing he never made it to D.C. - I heard the "system" is even worse there.

Are you deaf or merely blind? Oh, I get it. Another diversion. Another obfuscation. Okay, I'll play but only briefly. Then I'm going to ask you YET AGAIN to offer something of substance regarding Obama (knowing that you can't and will try another dodge).

I said Rudy failed to capitalize on his record of leadership and ability. Rudy misjudged the intelligence and discernment of the American people. It was his fault.

The system SUCKS because you sometimes end up with the debacle we have now while better candidates fall by the wayside and true visionaries and potentially great leaders never make the field. Which of the following would ever have survived the current presidential primary system?

Abraham Lincoln

Harry Truman

Andrew Jackson

Theodore Roosevelt

Woodrow Wilson

John Q Adams....

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I have much more proof that Obama is a visionary (Iraq 2002 judgement is a great place to start this convo) and has the potential to be a great leader (basically took down the clinton democratic machine and destroyed the washington status quo in one grass roots campaign is another example) than you ever could come up with for him not being a great leader. The bottom line is no one knows exactly what we will get with any future President but I'll put the tangibles and intangibles I've seen from Obama up against any candidates left standing.

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I have much more proof that Obama is a visionary (Iraq 2002 judgement is a great place to start this convo) and has the potential to be a great leader (basically took down the clinton democratic machine and destroyed the washington status quo in one grass roots campaign is another example) than you ever could come up with for him not being a great leader. The bottom line is no one knows exactly what we will get with any future President but I'll put the tangibles and intangibles I've seen from Obama up against any candidates left standing.

Yet again you make nebulous claims without any proof whatsoever and declare him a "visionary".

He was WRONG on Iraq in 2002 and remains WRONG today. His position is based on unrealistic and almost childish ideas. Zero depth.

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I don't have vitriolic dislike for Obama. Frankly, I don't think his election will be a catastrophe for the country the way that some other candidates would have been. Huckabee, in my opinion, would have been a total disaster for economics.

At the same time, I am really beginning to wonder if a lot of people like Obama for symbolic reasons rather than concrete ones. That would explain his rock star popularity, that and the fact that he is exposing Hillary Clinton for what she really is.

Personally, I'm not a raving fan of any candidate this election year. Ron Paul appealed most to my growing Libertarian views. I believe that personal liberty are under assault from the right and the left. If you are a hard-core Democrat or a Republican these days, you're deluding yourself if you think your party actually is standing for anything besides getting elected. However, if I had to choose between McCain and Obama at this point, I'd pull the lever for McCain.

I don't feel that Obama's economics withstand much scrutiny. What's more, while the economy is enduring a speed bump at the moment, it certainly does not need a radical shift in government fiscal policy. What is desperately needed right now is restraint in spending, not an overhaul. Of course, it would probably be moot point, because Republicans and moderate Democrats would torpedo any radical spending plans before they reached the Oval Office.

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I have much more proof that Obama is a visionary (Iraq 2002 judgement is a great place to start this convo) and has the potential to be a great leader (basically took down the clinton democratic machine and destroyed the washington status quo in one grass roots campaign is another example) than you ever could come up with for him not being a great leader. The bottom line is no one knows exactly what we will get with any future President but I'll put the tangibles and intangibles I've seen from Obama up against any candidates left standing.

Yet again you make nebulous claims without any proof whatsoever and declare him a "visionary".

He was WRONG on Iraq in 2002 and remains WRONG today. His position is based on unrealistic and almost childish ideas. Zero depth.

If any thing, Obama was the only one who was RIGHT about Iraq in 2002:

"I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history."

"I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda."

"I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars."

"So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let’s finish the fight with Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings."

Obama's analysis and judgement was spot on then and is spot on now. That my friend, is vision.


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I have much more proof that Obama is a visionary (Iraq 2002 judgement is a great place to start this convo) and has the potential to be a great leader (basically took down the clinton democratic machine and destroyed the washington status quo in one grass roots campaign is another example) than you ever could come up with for him not being a great leader. The bottom line is no one knows exactly what we will get with any future President but I'll put the tangibles and intangibles I've seen from Obama up against any candidates left standing.

Yet again you make nebulous claims without any proof whatsoever and declare him a "visionary".

He was WRONG on Iraq in 2002 and remains WRONG today. His position is based on unrealistic and almost childish ideas. Zero depth.

If any thing, Obama was the only one who was RIGHT about Iraq in 2002:

"I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States, or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history."

"I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. I know that an invasion of Iraq without a clear rationale and without strong international support will only fan the flames of the Middle East, and encourage the worst, rather than best, impulses of the Arab world, and strengthen the recruitment arm of al-Qaeda."

"I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars."

"So for those of us who seek a more just and secure world for our children, let us send a clear message to the president today. You want a fight, President Bush? Let’s finish the fight with Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, through effective, coordinated intelligence, and a shutting down of the financial networks that support terrorism, and a homeland security program that involves more than color-coded warnings."

Obama's analysis and judgement was spot on then and is spot on now. That my friend, is vision.


You make me laugh.

He was wrong then. He remains wrong.

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TT - dont' waste your time with this guy. He's the one who seriously thought Rudy was the most qualified person to be President. Of course, history proved he was not capable of running a campaign, much less the country.

Rudy was infinitely more qualified to run the country, the state, the county, the city, the province, the business or the popsicle stand than Obama.

It shows the depth of your inabilty to differentiate between the characteristics of a true leader (Rudy) and an empty promise sycophant (Obama). Don't feel too bad, though, you're not alone. There are a lot of folks like you out there. I'll be the first to admit that Rudy's campaign strategy was flawed. But that's part of the problem with this god-awful system we're subjected to. The better candidates (both democrat and republican) are often obscured by media-fueled and idiot-based campaigns of hype. We've seen Rudy, Fred and Romney chewed up by the process on the Republican side. Any of the three is a prefereable option to McCain. And we've seen the democrats lose Edwards, who (despite his effiminate hair issues) was a much better candidate than either of the two pathetic contenders who remain.

Say, Tex, WC was at least willing to try to justify his support and give me reasons to back Obama. I found them lacking. I'm still waiting on you to do anything other than duck, dodge, divert and obfuscate.

Every major,credible scientist says we are suffering from global warming.But what do they know Galen knows best.

As far as political figures in outfits,those pictures of Rhudy cross dressing were a hoot.

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Every major,credible scientist says we are suffering from global warming.But what do they know Galen knows best.

Hell no they don't either. That's an outright lie. There is a very distinguished and knowledgable segment of the scientific community that thinks "global warming" is a bunch of ridiculous hooey. It's a farce. "Global Warming" DOES NOT EXIST. it is a FANTASY. But idiots like Al Gore and his flunkies (Obama included) opt to ignore the mountains of scientific and historic evidence that knocks holes in the ridiculous theory.

Don't you find it quite odd that the earth endured a period of "warming" very similar to what is allegedly happening now 30,000 years ago or more? I guess it was those damn dinosaurs riding around in their SUV's. Was reading an article today that noted a decrease in sunspot activity. It predicted significantly COLDER temperatures over the next few decades unless sunspot activity increased. Boy, wouldn't THAT stick a sharpened fork in the lunatic theories of Gore and his minions?

The earth undergoes cyclical climate changes. It's called NATURE. Most scientists understand that. The few that embrace the stupidity of "global warming" are just more vocal and those who offer differing views are shouted down by the extremists and alarmists. Just like the political arena.

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Every major,credible scientist says we are suffering from global warming.But what do they know Galen knows best.

As far as political figures in outfits,those pictures of Rhudy cross dressing were a hoot.

Damn have I got a surprise for you. Check this out.

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Every major,credible scientist says we are suffering from global warming.

You couldn't be more wrong. There are scientists that were sourced in the IPCC report that have recanted or stated they never supported the conclusion the UN came to regarding the IPCC report. There are a large number of scientists and climatologists that disagree with Gore and his ilk and the numbers are growing. And rather than just disagreeing, they have data to support their reasons.

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You gays maybe right.... I guess the EPA,NOAA,NASA, IPCC, over 30 major acadamies of science, and all national academies of science of the major industrialized nations are wrong.

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You gays maybe right.... I guess the EPA,NOAA,NASA, IPCC, over 30 major acadamies of science, and all national academies of science of the major industrialized nations are wrong.

And those folks would/could never be influenced by politics could they?

The reason for the info was this: "Every major,credible scientist says we are suffering from global warming.But what do they know Galen knows best."

Did you say that? I suppose what you are getting at is that anyone and everyone that does not agree with and toe the line of the leftist doctrine and brain washing of Algore and his buds are not credible scientist. They are not to be listened to nor are they to be acknowledged. Close minded liberals are nothing new.

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I don't get this global warming conspricay.Is this like one of these U.N. plots to take our guns,invade our country,sleep with our women.

The worst that could happen if I am wrong is...........the atmosphere gets a little more cleaner.

The worst that could happen if you are wrong ..........................?

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I don't get this global warming conspricay.Is this like one of these U.N. plots to take our guns,invade our country,sleep with our women.

The worst that could happen if I am wrong is...........the atmosphere gets a little more cleaner.

The worst that could happen if you are wrong ..........................?

That's rather siplistic don't you think. The left seems to have that as a talking point. It's showing up everywhere now.

The problems with this are:

The religious ferver by which it seems to be forced on people from the likes of Al Gore and Co. You know, the same kind of attitude that is called out and disdained by the left when those on the far right do it with, well...RELIGION.

It's the push for the US to create taxes on people that don't buy in. The push for the US to sign on to absurd treaties such Kyoto that lets some of the most offending nations skate by while the US, better yet, the US Citizen picks up the tab. It's the idea that you can buy your way out of polluting with "Carbon Credits."

It's the fact that so many claim that there is no debate or that anyone disagreeing isn't credible regardless of the data they have to back up their stance. There's no debate because the biggest, loudest supporters (Al Gore) of the theory won't step up to debate it. I could go on for hours.

I have no problem doing what I can to clean the air. I think it is important that we make the right decisions now for children's sake. But don't try to scare me into it with "GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! THE ICE CAPS WILL MELT... THEN THE OCEANS WILL EVAPORATE IN THE INTENSE HEAT THAT WILL EVENTUALLY CAUSE THE SKY TO FALL ON ALL OF THOSE THAT DIDN"T INITIALLY DROWN WHEN THE ICE CAPS MELTED AND WASHED OVER ALL THE LAND ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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I don't get this global warming conspricay.Is this like one of these U.N. plots to take our guns,invade our country,sleep with our women.

The worst that could happen if I am wrong is...........the atmosphere gets a little more cleaner.

The worst that could happen if you are wrong ..........................?

That's rather siplistic don't you think. The left seems to have that as a talking point. It's showing up everywhere now.

The problems with this are:

The religious ferver by which it seems to be forced on people from the likes of Al Gore and Co. You know, the same kind of attitude that is called out and disdained by the left when those on the far right do it with, well...RELIGION.

It's the push for the US to create taxes on people that don't buy in. The push for the US to sign on to absurd treaties such Kyoto that lets some of the most offending nations skate by while the US, better yet, the US Citizen picks up the tab. It's the idea that you can buy your way out of polluting with "Carbon Credits."

It's the fact that so many claim that there is no debate or that anyone disagreeing isn't credible regardless of the data they have to back up their stance. There's no debate because the biggest, loudest supporters (Al Gore) of the theory won't step up to debate it. I could go on for hours.

I have no problem doing what I can to clean the air. I think it is important that we make the right decisions now for children's sake. But don't try to scare me into it with "GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! THE ICE CAPS WILL MELT... THEN THE OCEANS WILL EVAPORATE IN THE INTENSE HEAT THAT WILL EVENTUALLY CAUSE THE SKY TO FALL ON ALL OF THOSE THAT DIDN"T INITIALLY DROWN WHEN THE ICE CAPS MELTED AND WASHED OVER ALL THE LAND ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What is siplistic

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Arnie, we get your point.

We also find it funny that:

1) While we are enduring "Global Warming" we have more snow cover in the US than since 1966.

2) That the policy wonks are now running from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change." Hell, that is what climates do IS change.

3) Those that supose to dictate to us about OUR use of fossil fuels are themselves the biggest wasters of the same fossil fuels. Hollyweird types in V-12 mercedes, driving Hummers, using helicopters and Lear Jeats that waste more fuel than wholoe subdivision of folks living for a year.

4) Global Warming here on Earth is so bad it is melting the ice cap on Mars too? Maybe it is ole Mr. Sun's fault?

5) Never too early to fear monger...[

Hope dims that Earth will survive Sun's death

19:09 22 February 2008

NewScientist.com news service Jason Palmer

When the Sun expands into a red giant several billion years from now, the Earth will be dragged into its atmosphere to a fiery demise, a new study argues.

The future looks bright for the Earth – but not in the way we’d hoped. The slim chance our planet will survive when the Sun begins its death throes has been ruled out.

In a few billion years, the Sun will fuse the last of its hydrogen into helium, turn into a red giant and expand to 250 times its current size.

Look driving up to the Oscars in a Prius looks stupid to even the least jaded out here in the fly over country. We are just not that stupid. We have all seen Gore break his plane promise. We have all seen the stories where Al Gore owns one of the worst carbon foontprint homes in TN. We are not lemmings.

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I don't get this global warming conspricay.Is this like one of these U.N. plots to take our guns,invade our country,sleep with our women.

The worst that could happen if I am wrong is...........the atmosphere gets a little more cleaner.

The worst that could happen if you are wrong ..........................?

That's rather siplistic don't you think. The left seems to have that as a talking point. It's showing up everywhere now.

The problems with this are:

The religious ferver by which it seems to be forced on people from the likes of Al Gore and Co. You know, the same kind of attitude that is called out and disdained by the left when those on the far right do it with, well...RELIGION.

It's the push for the US to create taxes on people that don't buy in. The push for the US to sign on to absurd treaties such Kyoto that lets some of the most offending nations skate by while the US, better yet, the US Citizen picks up the tab. It's the idea that you can buy your way out of polluting with "Carbon Credits."

It's the fact that so many claim that there is no debate or that anyone disagreeing isn't credible regardless of the data they have to back up their stance. There's no debate because the biggest, loudest supporters (Al Gore) of the theory won't step up to debate it. I could go on for hours.

I have no problem doing what I can to clean the air. I think it is important that we make the right decisions now for children's sake. But don't try to scare me into it with "GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! THE ICE CAPS WILL MELT... THEN THE OCEANS WILL EVAPORATE IN THE INTENSE HEAT THAT WILL EVENTUALLY CAUSE THE SKY TO FALL ON ALL OF THOSE THAT DIDN"T INITIALLY DROWN WHEN THE ICE CAPS MELTED AND WASHED OVER ALL THE LAND ON THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

What is siplistic


The guy who was scared of his space bar in his talking points memo wants to point out a typo. :rolleyes:

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