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It's Official


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Earlier this year I swore off O'Bama for several reasons. Now, because both camps are acting like grammar school bullies in their point counter-point attacks and spin doctoring, I'm putting my vote back on the fence. I'll wait until after the debates to decide. I am totally sick of the current "politics." When I hit a news channel that is covering the election, I switch immediately. Hell, I'd almost watch Oprah over that.

I don't know how you guys continue to fight and bicker here. If I felt as strongly about this as you apparently do, I have a blood pressure reading off the charts. After listening to what I have heard so far, I am convinced that if either major candidate is elected, the world as we know it will end - just in different ways. I take great comfort in knowing that either candidate is much better than G. W. Bush, and if he didn't end the world, these guys won't either.

I'll wait and watch the debates. Until then, I've had my fill.

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Your taxes are going up no matter who gets elected.

Thanks to the mess that the current President will leave us.

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